《Naruto of the blue Sharingan》Individual/team training and mission
1 year has gone past in the training of one Senju Byakuya (Naruto). The boy himself was a perfectionist on his training as he aims to perfect everything being taught to him by his 4 senseis and to his senseis shocked which includes his kaa chan Naruto had already low kage control over his beyond kage level chakra reserves and was doing some of his taijutsu training with Kakashi and they both have their sharingan on to train him how to use the sharingan effectively.
Naruto is now 6 years old and is quite tall for his age and looks handsome too as Jiraiya said "it won't take long for him to have fan girls chasing him," his hair is now long and on a high pony tail with two strands of hair flowing down his face, the scars from the attack he suffered a year ago was gone, also his whisker like marks are also gone and he has a great attitude unlike the brooding Uchiha back in konoha who is arrogant,snobbish and doesn't care about everyone around him. Naruto is a complete 180 of Uchiha Sasuke. As he is kind,outgoing,caring and loving.
Naruto loves to train a lot and dreams to be the next shinobi no kami like his great grandfather the shodaime Hokage and his Jiji the sandaime hokage. He always push himself hard every training session and it was at one of those training session that Naruto met his first two friends and future teammates.
Naruto was doing one of his intense training when he senses 3 chakra signatures near by and he knows one of them but the other two are a mystery to him they are also the same age as him but something was odd about the two as they have higher than usual chakra reserves for their age he then stop what he was doing when his kyofu called him. "Naruto! Come here for a moment will ya?" the man called.
Naruto walk up and quickly notice a girl who has crimson eyes, fair skin, she has short red hair that reached her chin and wore a dark purple short sleeved shirt that had a brown collar, light brown pants, and brown sandals. he then greeted the girl "Hi there I'm Senju Byakuya what is your name?"
"I'm Uzumaki Karin, nice to meet you Byakuya san" the girl now known as Karin replied.
Then a boy with spiky silver hair, very pale skin, and blue eyes look at the two and then smiled at them. He wears a long-sleeved and dark-colored shirt. The boy wears long, baggy shorts and something in the boy's eyes says that this boy is dangerous and the kyubi knows it and warns Naruto "be careful of that boy kit he is dangerous his eyes shows that he is a killer."
"I know but my kyofu won't bring him here and introduce me to him if he thinks this boy will hurt or harm me." Was Naruto's reply.
"Fair point kit". The kyubi said
"I'm Kazuya just Kazuya, a pleasure to finally meet you Byakuya san." The boy now known as Kazuya told his Naruto.
There was a comfortable silence between the 3 kids until it was broken by Jiraiya he then said "Now that you have finally introduce yourselves to one another it's time to begin your training."
And so began the monstrous training session it was brutal as hell but the three didn't complain at all for they know that it is the only way to become strong.
Meanwhile in Konoha
There's a change in how the village is run as the civilian council was put in a tight leash and the elders were just advisers and not the decision makers. The hokage reminded them that Konoha is a Shinobi village and if they want to stay in Konoha you have to abide by the rules of a Shinobi village.
Then there's the academy which is now back to Shinobi control to increase the quality of the next generation of Ninja's graduating from the academy the men the hokage put in charge of the academy was the inoshikacho trio of Yamanaka Inoichi, Nara Shikaku, and Akimichi Chouza.
And then there's the last Uchiha in Konoha. After the massacre of his entire clan he developed both inferiority complex and superiority complex and keeps on failing the psychological evaluation exams which are now a requirment to be able to pass and become a genin much to the dismay of the Uchiha worshipers in the civilian council but there is nothing they can do anymore. As they don't have the influence they used to have. So if Sasuke wants to become a Shinobi he will have to passed the psychological evaluation exam.
The psychological evaluation exam is a must for Shinobi and Kunoichi to test their mental strength as a weak minded person is not cut to become a Shinobi or Kunoichi.
But Sasuke sees it in a different way which is 'why is Konoha holding me back? I need more power but what will I do if I'm being stuck here?' Was Sasuke's thoughts.
While Danzo on the other hand wasn't as lucky as the other 2 elders his chakra is now sealed and he is behind bars as he was found guilty of high treason and disobeying a direct order from the hokage himself. And even worst the hokage has truly disbanded the foundation and place some of Danzo's root anbu in to regular jonin and chunin while others are placed to the anbu black ops like Aburame Torune.
Danzo's dreams of becoming hokage was burning down and he was now waiting for his impending death. As he will be executed in four years time.
The root base was also converted to a prison with seals on it and the Shimura clan compound was confiscated by the hokage due to the lack of members of the said clan and Danzo being the last member of the clan and has no apparent heir.
Hiruzen was now waiting for the much awaited return of the Senju clan to Konoha he was excited as he can finally enjoy retirement.
With the neo team Jiraiya
Naruto and his new friends become a team after a month of training together. Their bonds become stronger and they also become strong individually being trained by two of the Sannin and a former Anbu captain. Their individual determination is a plus for them, they train, study and have fun together and in just 2 months of being together the 3 now know exactly what the other do in a certain situation their situational awareness is second nature to them as Jiraiya put them in scenarios which test their teamwork and skills both mentally and physically.
As Jiraiya was now convinced that they are now ready for missions he gave the three missions ranging from hunting missing nins to escort missions and they return successful Everytime though given they always have him or Kakashi as guardians.
Kakashi was also sharpened even more as he is now a mid S rank Shinobi
While the trios individual training also went well. Kazuya and Naruto alternately train under Kakashi Kazuya due to his lightning affinity and Naruto due to his sharingan, while the three of them alternately train with the 2 Sannin.
Karin trains with Tsunade and Shizune on her medical ninjutsu and also taijutsu. Tsunade was glad that Karin took it by herself to learn medical ninjutsu.
Naruto also have a katana he named it Sembonzakura Kageyoshi due to when he activates his jiton the sword turns into small razor blades the blades then glow into a color similar to that of a thousand cherry blossoms which confuses enemies until it's too late for them.
Naruto and his team arrived just outside of Konoha the reason why they are near Konoha is to ambush a Kumo jonin who Jiraiya and Naruto's spy networks warned will try and kidnap a unbranded hyuga when Naruto saw the Kumo jonin making a run for Kumo the trio intercept him making the Kumo jonin halt as Naruto activated his jiton that break the katana into small pieces and glowed like a pink cherry blossoms which confused the jonin until it's too late for the jonin to react as thousands razor blades cut the kumo jonin's legs and arms dropping the package the kumo jonin was later captured by the Konoha Ninja's patrolling and was sent to T&I department to be interrogated then executed. The trio then hid in the shadows and returned to Nami no Kuni via hiraishin.
Flashback end
Naruto and Karin's first kill arrived after the mission to stop the kumo jonin as they were on a bandit extermination mission where they encounter the thief of the nidaime hokage's raijin no ken Rokusho Aoi Naruto killed him along with some bandits and recovered the raijin no ken from Aoi and decided to take the bounty when he and his team become Shinobis and kunoichi respectively.
Jiraiya, Tsunade, Shizune, Kakashi were there to console the two as well as Kazuya who has alot of experience in that.
They told the two that it wasn't easy but you have to stomach it and it was Tsunade words that Naruto take comfort in "imagine if those low life bandits live will they not hurt innocent people." "It never must be easy if it is easy then you are not human anymore." Was Kakashi's advise to the two.
Meanwhile in Konoha
As stricter rules are being implemented in the academy Haruno Sakura was struggling she was totally helpless and hopeless as she was only book smarts without the skill set of becoming a kunoichi and even worse her body is in horrible shape and her stamina is abysmal due to her dieting.
Also the ninjutsu portion of the genin exams are alot harder than it use to be when the civilian council are still in control of the academy. But everything change since the death of the kyubi jinchuriki.
Sakura who came from a civilian family has no chance in passing the physical test if she continues with the path she is in now. The path of a Uchiha fangirl.
Her family is also struggling due to the lack of influence her family used to have in the council.
Meanwhile in Nami no Kuni 1 year later
Naruto,Kazuya and Karin are being trained in elemental manipulation. It has been a year since they we're put together as a team and they progress faster than any of their age in Konoha according to the sandaime's words when he visited the Senju's in Nami no Kuni for the first time. A month after Naruto and Karin's first kill and it shock him how Naruto and the other two has progress. It even shock him more to hear that the team was the one responsible for preventing the hyuga incident from escalating and also now that Naruto and Karin has blood in their hands by killing some bandits and Aoi Rokusho who is an A rank missing nin.
Naruto then hand over the nidaime hokage's raijin no ken to his jiji but his jiji respectfully decline saying "it is a property of your family Naruto kun you should keep it." Hiruzen said .
Naruto begrudgingly keep it. For some reasons he didn't want to use it because of what he saw on Aoi who was so dependent on the sword's power and besides he already has a sword his sembonzakura kageyoshi.
As the hokage look at a possible neo Densetsu no Sannin it reminded him of the days he was the sensei of the two adults and the other one who's name he doesn't want to remember right now though this team is quite different from his previous team as there is no dead last in this team he can see that the three are all geniuses and prodigies in their own right.
Naruto has 5 high level elemental affinities including yin and yang release and on top of that he has a matured sharingan though he doesn't use it every time unlike the Uchiha's except Itachi and Shisui, he also has his adopted mother's super human strength and chakra control plus his biological father's intellect and he also has the kyubi though it is now undetectable because of the now Senju's blood flowing through his veins.
Karin is also strong and as smart as Naruto and is the medic of the team but she can also kicked ass by using the famed Uzumaki adamantine sealing chains plus she has the mind's eye of the kagura and like Naruto has a strong chance of gaining the shodaime hokage's famed mokuton due to her both high earth and water affinities.
Kazuya was the most experienced of the team when it comes to killing as he was trained to be an assassin since he was 3 years old coming from a clan of assassins that we're wiped out. He also has extensive knowledge of the different chakra and pressure points of the body and he can hit them even without using a dojutsu.
This team has a huge potential of surpaaing the feats of the original Sannin. As hiruzen now looks at how they train and how they interact with one another.
Meanwhile in Konoha
Sasuke and Sakura finally passed the requirements to be able to go back to the academy though the scores they produced were just 1 point above the passing grade they we're put back with their original batch the batch of the clan heirs who we're now on their 3rd year in the academy.
Sakura who was still a fangirl of the Uchiha sat beside him. As she look at a fair skin, light blue eyes, platinum blonde haired girl teasingly trying to rile up her former best friend turned rival but she was shocked when the girl seemed to not care if sakura was seated next to Sasuke.
What Sakura doesn't realized is that during her and Sasuke's absence the girl was taken out of her fangirlish path by her father telling the girl of her crush's constant failures in the psychological evaluation exam and that her crush is huge a flight risk.
Sakura on the other hand doesn't have such information and that the father forbid the girl from talking to her former best friend due to Sakura being a bad influence on her.
Sakura just sighed in relief that she has no rivals with her Sasuke kun now. But to her dismay Sasuke was now even worse than he was since the Uchiha clan massacre.
He was more uncaring if that was possible and also his inferiority and superiority complexes had worsen and was brooding even more if that was possible.
1 month later
Nami no Kuni
Naruto and his friends are having a tea as they look on the forest near their house. When Naruto sense a familiar chakra signature and a bunch of unknown chakra signatures converging on their location he then look at Karin who senses it too, she then used the mind's eye of the kagura and identified the chakra signatures of academy students from Konoha with their parents and guardians.
Naruto thought to himself "seems the Uchiha isn't interested in meeting a potential rival eh" He then told the two, "stand down they are from my village."
The two nodded and went inside and called Tsunade and told her they have visitors from Konoha. Tsunade nods as she knows that the village is anxious on knowing who the Senju's heir is. As she prepared for the visitors from her village. She then called Shizune, Kakashi and Jiraiya and told them to welcome the visitors.
The visitors from Konoha arrived at the senju house and was impressed by how big it was. They then look around and saw an army of blonde,crimson and silver hair kids their age doing training the adults with the exception of the hokage were shocked at the amount of kage bunshin being used in the training and asked themselves how the hell do this kids know the secret of the kage bunshin.
They we're broken from their shock when they heard Jiraiya called to them "Hello there how was your trip?" He asked.
"Well it wasn't troublesome." Said a man with two scars on the right side of his face which were probably his most noticeable feature. Like his son, he had dark hair tied up into a spiky ponytail, dark eyes as well as a goatee. He wears a meshed shirt underneath his flak jacket, a deer skin coat over that and hand guards.
"Typical Nara." Jiraiya thought then said. "Well come in then, Tsunade and her son are waiting for you."
They went in and there they saw Naruto along with his mother Tsunade and the adults didn't recognize Naruto as the old Naruto had whisker like marks and spiky blonde hair and they didn't know that the Sandaime had lied to them.
Tsunade then introduce her son to the Shinobi council as Senju Byakuya. Ino and Hinata blush when they saw Naruto he was handsome and has a friendly aura to him. "Shinobi council of Konoha and their respective heirs I introduce to you the heir of the Senju clan and my son Senju Byakuya."
Naruto then walks up next to his kaa chan and said "I am honored to meet you and your heirs." He then bowed and then look at the two girls who are blushing and smiled at them causing them to blush even more.
"He is hot, hotter than even Sasuke or the new guy sai wait till the forehead sees him hahahaha" Ino thought to herself.
Hinata who is a slender girl of fair-complexion who, as a Hyūga, her most distinguishing trait is the Byakugan, giving her featureless white eyes. She has dark blue hair that she keeps in a hime-cut. She can't help but had a crush on Naruto. But was silent about it.
As the two girls fall for Naruto the boys started to become friends with Naruto and Kazuya as their parents told them. They were approachable and also their wisdom is a huge deal for them.
While the boys talk the two girls were approach by Karin and the two asked her for advice on how to get Byakuya's attention in which Karin replied "well in order to get his attention first you must be aware that he is the last male of the Senju clan and therefore has to marry many girls so if you're not a fan of sharing then you are out. Now about what he is interested in is those who take being a kunoichi seriously like his mother and I. As I am an apprentice of his mother.
And just like that the Shinobi council and their heirs have an idea of how the Senju jheir is like and the clan heirs and heiress's vowed to become strong and take their training seriously.
They then returned to Konoha after 2 days of staying in Nami no Kuni.
And those heirs who came to Nami are now determined to get stronger strangely even the Nara heir was surprisingly determined to become strong they then started to run laps around the village everyday early in the morning.
To the shocked of Sasuke. Kiba, Shikamaru and Choji we're beating him in spars in the academy which triggers the Uchiha's inferiority complex.
He then began to demand that they give him the scrolls they learned.
But the boys told him that they just simply use the katas for their clans taijutsu style and that was it. Hell even Ino now beats him in taijutsu spars.
And before you know it 3years has passed and it is time for Naruto to return to Konoha
End of chapter
Well that's chapter two
Naruto using the bankai version of Sembonzakura which is Sembonzakura Kageyoshi and he used his clones henged and reinforce with seals to infiltrate every village in the elemental nations and not only that I prevented the death of Hizashi Hyuga.
Also Naruto and Karin will have the famed mokuton later. Kazuya will be like Kakashi in terms of skill.
As for Sasuke well he will still struggle in the psychological evaluation exam while Sakura will struggle in both psychological evaluation exam and the ninjutsu portion of the genin exams as the ninjutsu portion of that exams are being changed also Kakashi won't be the sensei of team 7.
Now with that out of the way ja ne!
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Just Don't Shoot the Quartermaster
Aliens are real! And monsters! But that's racist, don't call them that. And there's magic too! The life of humble, hard-working Carioca*¹² Rafael Barro is thrown into disarray when the interstellar Multi-Unity Alliance comes knocking. During the negotiations to take Earth in as a Protected Member-Planet for the glory of our AI overlords, the aliens ‘accidentally’ break the Veil that keeps the mythics protected from humanity’s knowledge, revealing the creatures of legend and myth that were hiding among us for millennia — from the doorman to global leaders. After a series of mishaps in his ever chaotic Brazil, our intrepid hero decides to join the Unity's Army, where he ends up as a inglorious… quartermaster. The Unity takes all recruits to make matters worse, including the mythics! And the cherry on the damn pie is Rafael Barro’s extra assignment: writing this historical first-hand report on the wonders of Earth’s diversity, the seamless adaptation of all its members, and on his gallant units’ first stellar expedition ever to defend another precious*³ world! Are we talking about the same planet? (Reader discretion is advised; Contains Graphic Language and Potentially Excessive Swearing) *¹ Carioca = demonym of someone from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. *² humble and/or hardworking Cariocas = not necessarily mythics, ordinary ones actually exist. *³ precious = inasmuch every living planet is precious. Editor's Note: Someone disable his permission to edit the draft on UnityDocs, please! Hello, I'm McKing and I aim to write an original story with elements I've never seen put together before. Feel free to point out any mistakes you see — I'm not a native speaker, so I'm sure a few will pass me by. Sci-fi; Humor; (Brazilian) Urban Fantasy; faint shades of LitRPG. **Be warned it has a bit of an (absurd) slice-of-life beginning though the story is being subtly (I hope) worked on and eventually shifts gears (a bit). I planned to say that from the beginning, but I forgot to add it.** I hope that you enjoy it and that I can grow as a writer with your contributions. No Fixed Update Schedule. My inspiration comes in bursts and so will the Chapters. Sorry if that displeases you (I love regular updates too), but I'm afraid that's the best I can do for now. Keep in mind that it is a work in progress and things can eventually change a bit - I'll try to always note the changes. Sorry for the bad cover, it was the best my sorry skills could do! I hope you enjoy it,Mcking
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