《The Thunderbirds and The Phoenix》Chapter Six
I'm awoken from my dreams by a knock on my door. It's Ali. "Hey Nix, sorry if I woke you, but you need to take your tea this morning. If you need me, I'll be down at the beach skimming stones. Bye!" Alan calls through the door. I hop out of bed and throw on some of my sports clothes. I drink my tea and head downstairs, where Onaha had made me a bagel for breakfast. I devour the bagel before heading out on a run around the island. It was a peaceful morning, the temperature was just right, the birds had a lovely tune to sing and there was a soft breeze that just rustled the leaves on the trees which combined together to create a harmonic symphony. I relax as I jog through the beautiful forest. Suddenly, as I'm halfway through my run, my watch vibrates. It's the Thunderbird alarm. I call Jeff immediately. "Jeff, I won't be able to make it, can you go without me?" I ask.
"Of course. When you get back, help Brains in the command and control centre, ok?" Jeff commands.
"F.A.B. See you soon," I reply, before ending the call. As I continue to jog back to the house, I see TB3 take off, which makes my heart sink. TB3 is only called out if there's an emergency in space, which could potentially be TB5. I run faster, determined to get back. I try to contact Ali to see what's going on, but he doesn't answer. That sets off alarm bells in my head. Alan always picks up unless there's a communication blackout, which shouldn't happen.
When I reach the house, I know something is up. Two men in black clothing quickly spot and capture me. I struggle, but it's no use. They lead me towards Jeff's office, where an ugly woman with bright red hair stands over Brains, who are sitting on the sofa. I'm roughly pushed down onto the sofa beside Brains, as the woman chats quietly with the guards who explain where they found me. Suddenly, a creepy voice comes over the woman's comm "Transom, fire up Thunderbird One. And set to boil."The woman, who I'm assuming is Transom, goes over to the controls and fires up TB1's boosters. She turns them off after a couple of minutes before checking the cameras. She then reports over her comm with glee "No sign of the children." That's when I realise what she just did. She just fried Alan, Kayo and Fermat.
"Of course not. The little brats went up like firecrackers. Pop, pop, pop." The creepy voice yells, the owner of the voice entering the room. He's as ugly as his voice portrays. Brains gets up to punch the man but the other creepy man wearing a kimono somehow stops him. "Don't give him the satisfaction professor.This is taking too long. Figure out the equipment you need to get into those banks and load it into Thunderbird Two. No more delays. Now, who is this?" He asks.
Transom answers "This is Phoenix Wren, pilot of TB6 and girlfriend of John Tracy. She's been out on a run all morning, sir."
"Ah. Very well, call TB5. Let's give them the 'good' news and show Miss Wren what she's been missing." The kimono man announces. I turn to face Brains, a look of shock on my face. "What's been going on?!" I hiss.
Brain's doesn't get the chance to answer, as TB5 comes on the screen. Or what's left of TB5. There's a couple of fires in the background, with pieces of scrap metal and debris scattered over the floor, and the lights are flickering. But that's not what catches my attention. It's the five men, their usual pristine white rescue suits covered in dust and dirt. John catches my attention the most. His arm is in a makeshift sling and he has to lean on Gordon to stand. This fuels my rage even more. First off, these mad people burn Alan to death, then injure and strand the rest of the Tracy's up in space and finally,hold me captive. "Ah, Jeff, I'd thought you'd like to receive some good news." The kimono man smirks.
"What is it, Hood?" Jeff snarls.
"We've gotten rid of those pests for you!" The man, now known as The Hood, declares.
"Wait, what pests?" Scott questions.
"Those three wee brats of course! Are you pleased?" The Hood grins.
"Not the kids! Not Alan!" John yells.
"Oh yes, and even better, we have a certain person here who had no clue what was going on until now. Mullion, bring her over here!" The Hood exclaims. The creepy man, now known as Mullion, drags me over so the viewers on TB5 can see me.
"NO! Phoenix!" John shouts. The Hood grins like a madman and starts to ramble to Jeff, but I don't focus on his words. I focus on John and his brothers, who look so helpless. I start to shake, my eyes seeing red. I let my head droop down to look at the floor. John notices this and cuts The Hood off, "Nix, calm down." I shake even more, hearing the pain in his voice. The Hood laughs, but no one is focusing on him, only on me. "Nix, please calm down, you might hurt someone." He begs. I lift my head and look into his eyes, flames dancing in my eyes. Now he knows I'm beyond reasoning. My skin starts to heat up. Soon it's so hot that Mullion can't keep his hands on my shoulders. "Argh! Sir, she's heating up like mad!" He exclaims. Everyone looks on in awe.
That's when I burst. It starts off a little flame in the palm of my hand. Then it spreads like wildfire over my entire body. I hear everyone gasp. The fire becomes so bright that no one can look at me. When the light dies down, I'm nowhere in sight, a fire phoenix in my place. It's me! I take off flying down the corridors before entering my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I detransform before rushing around my room, trying to find my flask of tea. I take a few sips from my flask before getting changed into my Thunderbirds suit. I open my balcony doors and slide down the palm tree that had been planted after the fire four years ago. I then run towards the rendezvous point. It took a while, as I had to take detours to avoid The Hood's minions who seemed to be chasing someone or something. When I reach the rendezvous point, I meet Lady Penelope and Parker, who had just arrived. "Ah, Phoenix, it's good to see you. Let's go." She greets me, as we head towards the house.
Gordon and Scott are sitting down beside the monitors while Virgil is standing by the other monitors. Dad wipes his forehead before announcing "Woo, somebody roll down a window, it's getting a little hot in here." Virgil reads off one of the monitors and declares "Re-entry into Earth's atmosphere in thirty-seven minutes." Scott retaliates with "Oxygen's out at thirty, so we won't feel a thing." "Stop it!" Dad yells. "Come on dad, the situation's hopeless." Gordon complains. "No it's not, there's still time. We've got people on the ground working for us." Dad declares. "Alan?" Gordon shrugs his shoulders. "He's just a kid." "He's a Tracy." Dad states. "And Phoenix is down there too." I add. "You're right. Sorry dad." Scott apologises. I sigh, before my eyes light up. I make my left hand, my good hand, reach towards my right pocket, but since the sling is in the way, I can't reach it. Virgil notices my struggle and comes over. "You ok there, John?" He asks. "Can you reach into my right pocket and bring out the box?" I inquire. This catches everyone's attention. Virgil nods and gets the small box out of my pocket. He gives it to my left hand. By this stage, everyone's gathered around to see what is in the box. "Is that what I think it is?" Scott asks. I nod, opening the box. Inside was a ring. Everyone gasps. "Is that why you wanted to come home early?" Dad asks. I nod again. "Well then, that gives us a good excuse to get home safe. Now, give me a status report Scott." Dad commands. Virgil helps me put the ring away in my pocket again.
Lady Penelope, Parker and I walk up the stairs by the pool. Penelope is carrying an umbrella. "This doesn't look good, Parker." Penelope states. "No, m'lady." Parker agrees. Lady Penelope points at some flowers with her umbrella. "That Bougainvillea is completely parched and someone should do something about that hideous hammock." She announces. I giggle and nod in agreement. She passes the umbrella to Parker who puts it over his arm. When we enter the house. Mullion, Transom and The Hood are walking down the stairs. They stop part way down. "Whom do we have here? Mullion." The Hood commands. Mullion jumps down from the stairs onto the table and kicks the vase off of it. "I should warn you I know Judo, Krai Magna and Taekwondo." He does some poses before jumping down from the table to stand in front of us. Lady Penelope sasses back with "And I know Parker." Parker looks at Penelope at the mention of his name "M'lady." He acknowledges her before handing her the umbrella and takes off his hat. He punches Mullion's face, directly hitting his nose. The Hood turns away in exasperation. "You've broken my nose." Mullion shouts. "Yes, that was very much the intention of the manoeuvre." Parker says. Transom runs towards Lady Penelope who spins out of the way, thus Transom falls on the floor. "One tries so hard in life to sort things out on an intellectual slash conversational basis, but sometimes it's just not possible." Penelope announces while Transom attempts to kick her, but Penelope deflects it with her arm.
I trip Transom up while Penelope flips over and brings her leg down onto Transom's ribs. I flip backwards, hitting Transom in the face with my foot before continuing to flip over. The Hood walks closer and watches us fight. Mullion and Parker are fighting by the kitchen counter. Mullion captures Parker's punch and throws him over the counter. Parker whacks his head against the desk and smashes some plates. Mullion turns around to face me, when I kick him in the face three times until he falls down. "Shall I bring the car around, m'lady?" Parker asks, dazed. "Parker, have a bit of a lie down." Penelope says. Mullion stands back up behind Penelope just as Parker gets to his feet. "Excuse me, m'lady." Parker smiles. Penelope moves to the left just as Parker punches Mullion. Parker then picks up a small pan before putting it down. I pick up the larger one next to it and hand it to Parker, who whacks Mullion with it. Mullion grabs him by the collar and pulls Parker over the counter. By this stage, Transom is back on her feet and attempts to whack Lady Penelope with a pole. She avoids it and kicks Transom's stomach, pushing her onto the sofa. Parker throws the set of coloured glasses at Mullion as Penelope flips up onto the back of the sofa while Transom rolls off of it. The Hood starts to clap while announcing, "Lady Penelope. Of course Jeff has his palace, why not his princess?"
"Flattery will get you nowhere." Penelope replies. Transom swings the pole at her again. Penelope jumps and lands back on the back of the sofa. Transom tries to get her again, but she flips over. The third time, she takes the pole from Transom, but breaks a nail. Penelope stops and checks her nails."Do you have any idea how much a manicure costs these days?" Penelope gasps. I kick Transom, who lets go of the pole and falls over. Parker and Mullion continue avoiding each other's punches. Lady Penelope flips off the sofa as Parker punches Mullion. Transom gets back up with a wooden, carved tiki face. Lady Penelope flicks the pole around before poking Transom in the stomach with it. Parker runs at Mullion and pushes him backwards, pausing to shout "Coming through, m'lady." He pushes Mullion onto the table before punching him, making Mullion fall onto the sofa. Lady Penelope kicks Transom in the face and she falls onto the sofa tipping the sofa over. The Hood walks around and focuses on the sofa as his eyes glow. "Duck!" I yell. We duck down as the sofa flies across the room and into the glass panel behind us, shattering it. The Hood bends over in exhaustion. I hear Alan nearby exclaim "He's weak. Using his power makes him weak." This raises my morals, Alan's alive! Unfortunately, I'm not the only one to hear him as The Hood looks towards him.
Lady Penelope flips out of the way as Mullion charges at Parker, pushing him into the small pool. Transom runs at Lady Penelope, who moves out of the way, causing Transom to stop precariously at the edge of the house. "You're a formidable opponent, Lady Penelope. More than a match for most men." The Hood declares. "That's not saying much then, is it." Penelope exclaims. I kick Transom over the edge and into the outdoor pool. Parker, who got out of the pool, goes to punch The Hood who stops Parker using his power. Lady Penelope flips over onto the lower ledge by the pool. "I suggest you let us pass." The Hood threatens. "Don't try your parlour games on me, you sad, little man. You committed a serious crime trespassing on this island and in about..." Penelope announces as Parker puts his watch in front of her. "Four seconds, I'm going to get quite cross with you." Penelope goes to kick him, but he stops her by using his power. Penelope holds on to Parker's shoulder and lowers her leg.
"How are you Alan?" The Hood asks. His eyes glow again, making my head throb in pain. It gets so bad that Penelope, Parker and I raise our hands to our heads. "I hope you don't think I'm going to chase you." The Hood announces as he increases his power, making me cry out in pain. "You can make it stop Alan." He declares, increasing his power again. "You have something that belongs to me." He holds his hand out. "Really, sir, don't mind me. This isn't the first time my head's been pulverised and it's never did any real harm before." Parker speaks up. "Stop, stop, I'll give it to you! " Alan yells, coming out from the bushes "Fetch!" He shouts, throwing the guidance processor towards the pool but The Hood uses his power to bring it to him. "You made a match of it Alan, I'll give you that. Put them with the others, but put the special cuffs on Phoenix and put her in TB2." The Hood commands, turning the Guidance Processor around, looking at it curiously. Mullion grabs my wrists and places cold, heavy metal cuffs on them, before grabbing Alan. "You're coming with me. " He growls. Transom takes Parker and I away while Mullion grabs Lady Penelope and throwing her over his shoulder. "Put me down, this outfit is couture." Penelope yells as she whacks his back.
Transom opens the freezer and pushes Alan in, sitting him next to Fermat. She smiles at Brains. Creepy much! "You need to cool off Lady." Mullion snarls. Mullion brings in Lady Penelope and Parker. Their hands are now tied behind their backs. Parker also has his feet tied together. Transom keeps a hand on my shoulder, to make sure that I don't run off. "Lady Penelope!" Kayo exclaims. Penelope walks towards the door and reaches it just as Mullion closes it. We can vaguely hear her yell "Big oaf!" through the thick door. Transom leads the way towards TB2 as Mullion walks behind me. When we reach TB2, The Hood is just sitting down. I'm roughly shoved into one of the passenger seats while Mullion sits beside The Hood. Transom puts the Guidance Processor in and TB2's systems come back online. The computer announces that the Guidance Processor has been installed and that the engine sequence was completed. Transom echos the computer and announces "TB2 is ready for take off." The computer begins launch system while the seats turn to face the main window. "What is our ETA?" The Hood inquires. "Under an hour. Bank of London, here we come." Mullion smirks as he sets the location on the monitor. Thunderbird Two's hidden runway opens and the alarms start to blare. TB2 continues it's launch system and in no time, we're in the air, flying towards London. I start to think, remembering that I could flame up. I focus on my intense rage and try to create a flame. Nothing happens, except for an unbearable shock from the cuffs. I scream out in pain, as The Hood laughs. "Don't try to 'flame up' Phoenix. Those cuffs were designed to contain any power and to give an electric shock to the wearer if they try to use their powers. You aren't escaping any time soon." The Hood cackles. I begin to doze off, quite tired by the events of today.
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