《Percy Jackson: Hunter of Artemis》Put Two and Two Together


I blacked out when Artemis told me I had a new power. Again. This always happens. I suffer from shock, or something. I always pass out. I just can't seem to remain conscious when I learn about something that will change my life.

So you may be wondering why I didn't pass out when I learned I was a demigod. Simple. Monsters had been tracking me forever. Once, in third grade, a man in a trench coat had stalked me on the playground. When the teachers threatened to call the police, he went away growling. No one believed me when I told them that under his broad-brimmed hat, the man had only one eye, right in the middle of his head.

Also, being a demigod wasn't a major change in my life. Now, I just had one more thing to take care of. I still went to see my mom, I still went to school, I still made friends. I'm still a normal kid with an abnormal parentage and, as of now, an abnormal choice of life. I went to a summer camp to learn about swordfighting, Greek mythology, and other important things dealing with being a demigod. I never really changed when I learned I was a demigod. I just knew about more stuff dealing with my life.

Now that I'm a Hunter of Artemis, nothing dealing with Greek mythology scares me. Nothing scares me. Annabeth used to freak me out but she doesn't any more. There is no reason to fear her. She is just a girl with a dagger. Now you may be wondering why I don't fear girls with daggers. First, I know plenty of girls with daggers; all of Artemis's Hunters know how to wield them. Plus they wield them ten times better than Annabeth. Second, Annabeth doesn't do defence well with the little blade. This makes her go on offence a lot. Going on offence gets one incredibly tired. Third, Annabeth won't kill someone in a helpless state. Even when she had the chance to kill Arachne when she was trapped in her little spider prison, Annabeth hesitated. And fourth, I am better than Annabeth at wielding a dagger. I was taught by Artemis and her Hunters, so I, among them, am the best of the best.


I felt someone lift me up and, judging by the swinging motion I felt, was walking me to somewhere. I knew that Artemis was carrying me because I didn't have my coat on and she woudn't let anyone see my arms. I felt something soft and warm cover my arms and felt her lay me down on a bed. Meaning she carried me to my tent, right next to hers.

I felt Artemis leave, and I wanted to tell her not to go. But I couldn't move. I was bound to my unconsciousness and, after wanting to call Artemis back, I let it succumb me. I fell into a dream.

I walked through the fog, blindly wondering around.

Subconsciously, I knew I had my hood up. I walked around, not knowing where on Gaia I was. I walked around some more until the fog lifted. I was on a beach. Under my feet were softened shards of glass. The beach of glass, I thought.

I looked around. Why was I here?

"The male Hunter of Artemis," a somewhat similar voice said. "I'm surprised Artemis let a male into her little group. I thought she'd learn her lesson after the last time. My sister's son was the first male to join. I never thought it would ever happen again. What makes you so special, tourist?"

Wait, tourist? Did this voice just call me tourist. I thought back on all my adentures. My mind went to Tartarus where me and Annabeth escaped by pretending to be tourists on the Tartarus tour. I know who this is.

"What do you want?" I yell.

"I want to know if you would join me, Hunter, be my King. You are powerful and are worthy of much. You do not know your potential, Perseus Jackson. I could make you the strongest being in the universe," she said.


"Tempting," I said. "but I think I'll pass. I am a Hunter of Artemis, bound to my oath forever! I will not betray the trust of Artemis or her Huntresses!"

"Very well then. You shall die with the rest of them!" Nyx said and disappeared.

I woke up sweating. I saw Artemis at my bed. She handed me some meat and I ate it happily.

"Were you having another dream again?" Artemis asked. I nodded. "What about?"

I recounted my dream; how Nyx had offered for me to be her King, how I refused, how she told me I would die with the rest of them; who ever 'them' are.

"Do you think this has to do with the prophesy on my arm?" I asked Artemis.

She sighed. "I don't know, Percy. I wish I did but I don't. I know that that prophesy is about you, but I don't think that Nyx's offer has anything to do with it. If you ask me, I'd say that both prophesies are connected. This entire thing has something to do with you and that foolish daughter of Athena. I'm truly sorry Percy, but I think that you must go on a quest. You shall take two Hunters with you, as always, and make your voyage to the beach of glass."

"What is the beach of glass?" I ask.

Artemis looked at me like I was crazy. "You are a son of Poseidon, are you not? I thought that would be obvious. You are to go to Fort Bragg, California."

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