《Percy Jackson: Hunter of Artemis》Set Out on a Quest


"I choose Thalia and Phoebe to go on this quest with me,"I say.

Artemis nodded. She called for the two and they came rushing in.

"What is it, M'Lady?" Phoebe asked.

"You are going on a quest with your little brother here," Artemis replied.

"Where did you get a prophesy?" Thalia asked. I made eye contact with Artemis, silently asking if I could show just the two of them. She nodded.

"Swear on the River Styx that you will not freak out or tell anybody what I'm about to show you, unless me or Artemis says it's ok," I said. Thalia and Phoebe nodded. I took a deep breath before taking off my jacket and showing them the markings on my skin. They gasped, but didn't freak out. This was kind of usual for them, since I'm always discovering that I'm getting new powers.

"Which one is our prophesy?" Thalia asked.

I pointed to the one.

They read the prophesy and nodded. I think they knew we were going to Fort Bragg. They seemed to know every single place on Earth, so they probably got the 'glass shore' reference better than I had.

We ran to our tents and began packing for the trip. Meaning we got a backpack, put some ambrosia, nectar, water, lots of ziploc bags, and our now folded tent inside it. We never put a lot in our bags because we can basically compact everything into our tents. So everything was pretty much already packed.

We also didn't have to worry about traveling across the country. We did that every day. We could travel across about 4 states in one day. So we would have no problem getting from our camp to California. Also, it didn't appear that we had a time limit. Nothing had been stolen. No all powerful beings were rising. We could take our time, chill and hang out.

I didn't understand though. Why would we be issued a quest? Who was this traitor? Who would sink beneath the earth with a final breath and why? Who would I lose? What's worse than death? I didn't understand any of the prophesy. And I probably wouldn't until this quest was over with.


I knew that the second prophesy was for Annabeth. And she was to unveil me. I didn't want to be found. I liked life with the Huntresses. I found a home here. I knew that these guys would always have my back. They would not betray me like the rest of my so-called friends back at camp. Their betrayals had done it. I had ran away on their account. Did I mention that before? No? Well, my friends all betrayed me when Annabeth broke up with me. She turned them against me. You'd think that after I saved them twice, they wouldn't turn on me. Wrong. Annabeth turned them all against me.

I was more than happy that Artemis had let me join. It was such a pleasure to be able to be apart of this life. I was literally the only male on earth that the Huntresses accepted. And I would probably be the last. Most males grew up to be incompetent little heartbreakers. But I was different. My fatal flaw was loyalty. Unless someone that was close to me betrayed the greater good, or did something else that was unworthy, I would die for the ones I cared for. That was the biggest reason Artemis let me join. She knew that I would protect her Huntresses with my life, unless they did something that made them undeserving of my loyalty.

Never before had there been someone who had lost my loyalty and didn't try to win it back.

Luke Castellan had sided with Kronos in the second Titan war, but regained my trust when he died to banish Kronos from the mortal world.

Selena Beauregard was a spy for Kronos, but pretended to be Clarrise La Rue, head counselor of the Ares cabin, to bring the children of Ares to our rescue. She died fending off a drakon destined to be killed by a child of Ares. Selina was a daughter of Aphrodite and a great hero.

Another time - you know what. I'm not going to continue. You probably don't want to hear about the people who betrayed my trust and won it back. On with the story.


Thalia, Phoebe and I set out on our quest. We started walking west. Onward to Cali! California Girls, here I come! JK! I swore off dating, remember?

We came across civilization about 20 minutes after begining our travels. Just so you know, our little campsite was 30 miles from the nearest town. See how fast the Hunters of Artemis can walk? We can go faster if we're looking for a monster to kill. If we ran, we would've been about 200 miles from camp. Yeah. Us Hunters move incredibly quickly.

"So. What do you think the item that the traitor holds is?" I ask the girls.

"I don't know. As far as I know, nothing has been stolen lately," Thalia answered.

"That's not the part of the prophesy that bothers me," Phoebe said. "I'm scared that one of the Hunters is going to die. More specifically, I'm worried about you dying, little bro."

"Nah. Prophesies have tried to kill me before. I'm still here, aren't I?" I say.

The girls raised their eyebrows at me skeptically.

"Fine. I promise not to do anything so stupid that it may get me killed. Happy now?" I ask.

They nodded. I sigh. I'm known among the Hunters as the reckless one, the one who will throw themselves at any monster. Those who were close to me knew that it was my fatal flaw at work. I could not and would not leave my friends at risk of death. That was one of the reasons all of the Huntresses fear for me. They think that someday, I'll find a monster I can't face and will die protecting them. So I always had to promise not to do anything too stupid, like go after the biggest and baddest monster so that no one else will get hurt.

We continued on our walk. At this pace, we'd reach Cali in about 7 days. I know, I know. I said that we could walk across 4 states in one day. But there are going to be a lot of monsters to beat on our way. We had to defeat them. We also sent demigods on their way to camp, showing them which direction to go. I, of course, took care of the boys and the girls showed the girls were to go. Thalia and Phoebe looked at me first so I could tell them if the kid was Greek or Roman. Then they either sent the kid to New York, or the Wolf House, so that Lupa could train them her way.

"So. What are we going to do when we get to Cali?" Thalia asked.

"I have to make a choice," I say.

"What kind of choice?" Phoebe asked.

My face darkened. "I think I have to decide between love and the Hunt."

The girls gasped. They knew that it was my choice, but I knew that it would kill them if my decision was love. I couldn't hurt them. I knew I would choose Artemis. I wouldn't leave my sisters. I couldn't leave them. They litterally meant the world to me.

But fate was cruel. The fates could have weaved my life so that I'd live with the Huntresses for a little, only to ditch them and choose love in the end. I hated fate. It seemed to never go with what I wanted. For all I know, the Fates hate me and want to make me betray my newfound family. I growled inwardly at the thought. I wouldn't betray my sisters.

"What are you planning to chose?" Phoebe asked, her voice small, fearful of my decision.

"I'm thinking about choosing the Hunt." The girls let out sighs of relief. "But fate is cruel. You never know if the Fates are planning on me choosing love over you guys. But I swear on the River Styx that, if that is their plan, I will fight fate and choose Artemis. I will NOT betray my sisters like I was betrayed by my previous girlfriends."

BOOM. A loud clap of thunder rang out in the sky. The deed was done. I was destined to choose Artemis over Aphrodite. I was loyal to the moon.

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