《Percy Jackson: Hunter of Artemis》Telling Artemis


I put my jacket back on, covering my arms so no one would see if they were walking by. I knew that I'd find the newbies in the tent with Artemis. I ran over to the main tent and waited outside the entrance. I knew better than to interupt the oath ceremony. I listened as the three girls finished their oaths and were accepted into the Hunt.

I walked in as they walked out. "Lady Artemis," I say.


"Weird things have been going on. Tattoos have appeared on my arms. I fear they fortell the future. What does it mean?" I say.

"Show me," She said.

I removed my jacket as she placed a moon dome on us. This way, no one would see us. I showed her the words that ran up and down my arms. I showed her the ones I could read, the ones that glowed silver. I showed her the ones I couldn't read. "What do they mean?" I ask again.

"Percy. You have a new power. You have the gift of prophecy," Artemis said. And I blacked out.

"Percy. You have a new power. You have the gift of prophesy," I told him. And he passed out. I caught him before his head hit the ground. I had known that this would happen when I told him. I knew that this time would be like all the times before it. Percy would panic, come to me for help, I'd tell him what would happen, he'd faint. Same pattern every time.

I honestly didn't know if he would be ok. He'd passed out what, 5 times since he became a hunter. I didn't know how many more times this would happen.

Percy is like a son to me. He was everything I would ever want a child of mine to be. Kind, generous, caring. He never once tried to take advantage of one of my Hunters. He protected them from other men who tried to make them break their vows. Percy was the only decent man on Earth. The perfect man. The only man worthy to join the Hunt. And I knew he would not turn out like Orion.


Percy would live. He had to. He was the only male my Hunters accepted. I would not deprive them of their brother. They deserved to know what a good male is like. They all have had bad expiriences with males and I know Percy is the only one they trust. And I intended to keep it that way.

I carried Percy to his tent, right beside mine. I layed him down on his bed after putting his coat back on so no one who came in would see his arms. No one could know that Percy could see the future. That would be chaos.

I went to bed after dinner and tried to get some sleep. Dreams plagued my brain and I could never stop them. It's always been the same dream since Percy left; My childhood running with Luke and Thalia. Now both were gone and I'd probably never see them again.

I wanted to leave on my quest now, when no one was watching. Chiron would never allow it though. I'd be killed right away due to the lack off sleep. But I wouldn't of cared. I would be able to see Percy and Luke if I died.

Percy... When he ran away, we assumed he was dead because there was no way he was still alive. It had been 5 years since we last saw him. No demigod of the big three could survive that long without any protection.

I was blamed and shunned for him running away. Apparently, Percy put in his note to Chiron that I had cheated on him. Word spreads quickly at camp. Soon, I was being shunned and no one would dare be caught dead with me. Nico left to go to Camp Jupiter, just so he wouldn't have to see me. The Romans shut down access to their camp so I wouldn't be seen there either. So I was stuck here, about to go on a quest that would apparently tear me apart. How wonderful.


I was excited, yet nervous at the same time. I would find the one near to my heart. That meant Percy right? I would be finding Percy.

But the part about his vows tearing me apart? Yeah. Not as excited about that part. I wanted to find Percy, but if his vows would tear me apart, then I was not as eager to find him.

That must be my fate. I would find Percy and then have him torn from me by his vows. Why were the Fates so cruel?

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