《Date A Live (the second flame spirit)》A weird day


(your POV)

It's been about 6 days since I've met Shido and started to live with him. Well with him is a bit of an over exaggeration I kind of live right next to him in this apartment that was built specifically for spirits thanks to his adopted little sister Kotori and her organization called Ratatoskr. It's weird cause, Kotori feels like a little sister to me...and I don't mean how she has feelings for Shido way... I guess it's cause she's a flame spirit just like me and our personalities kinda mix. I was just brushing my teeth, in my black shorts and red shirt, normal daily routine that was until I felt an explosion go off.

"The hell!?"- (y/n)

I ran out of my home to go down stairs and saw Shido running to the same place I was.

"You heard and felt that too right!?"- (y/n)

"Yeah do you know what happened!?"- Shido

"I was going to find out just like you!"- (y/n)

The 2 of us ran into one of the apartments in the building and opened another door. Upon doing that I saw a girl with very long, dark-purple hair usually tied back with a ribbon of sorts, and matching dark purple eyes with white irises. This is Tohka Yatogami the first spirit Shido ever managed to seal.

"Tohka what's wrong!?"- Shido

"Oh Shido...look."- Tohka

Tohka started to turn around showing us a notebook that looked to be all wet with juice. Wait isn't that Shido's notebook, yeah I remember she wanted to use his note cause he's behind in a class.

"I'm sorry, accidentally got the notes you let me borrow dirty."- Tohka

"What?"- Shido

'Wait a second.'- (y/n)

"I lost control when I thought you would hate me for it."- Tohka

Tohka tightened her grip on the notebook and started to cry a bit with some of her spirit powers coming out making the building shack again.

'😱Is she serious!? She honestly thinks Shido would be mad at her for something so trivial!? I mean he did say she was sensitive but damn dude I didn't think he meant this sensitive!!'- (y/n)

"Tohka calm down I'm sure he won't hate you!!"- (y/n)

"But I ruined it."- Tohka

"He's right Tohka I won't hate you over something like that!"- Shido

"R-really?"- Tohka

Her spirit powers started to go down and everything stops shacking. Until we both felt a cold blast of air hit us from behind making the us turn around and see another door was freezing. I'm pretty sure I know who that is.


"I got this one!"- (y/n)

I ran to the door and opened it to see a young, cute girl at about 13 to 14 years of age with blue eyes and long curly blue hair in a bath towel. This would be yoshino the second spirit Shido sealed.

'Wait, something isn't right.'- (y/n)

I looked closer at Yoshino, but not in a pedo way and saw that Yoshinon wasn't on her left hand. Which is weird cause she always has her with her.

"Hey what's the matter where Yoshinon?"- (y/n)

She pointed to the tub. I ran over to it and saw a white rabbit puppet stuck in the drain, that's Yoshinon. No wonder she's freaking she loves Yoshinon more than anything... I'll explain why later but for now.

"Yoshinon, Yoshinon."- Yoshino

"Okay okay calm down if you freeze it anymore I won't be able to get her out."- (y/n)

I reached my hand in the tub and try to get her out but, man this thing cold. You would think that being a spirit that controls fire it wouldn't affect me, normally yeah it wouldn't but I was caught off guard man Jesus. Getting my thoughts back in order I managed to pull her out and walk over Yoshino and put Yoshinon back onto her hand and as soon as I did she started to shack around like a dog fresh out of water.

"Ah, thanks for the save (y/n) I owe yeah one."- Yoshinon

"Yeah (y/n) thank you. Very much."- Yoshino

"Don't worry about it....now I guess I'll have to get all this ice melted."- (y/n)

I started to make a small flame in my hand and felt the house started to shack again probably Tohka AGAIN, this is a nightmare.

Now I'm in shido's house sitting down on the couch after I ate my breakfast in my regular clothes I got to blind in.

I know it's nothing ideal but I like it just seems right to me. Tohka and Yoshino where still eating until Shido had to leave for something, he said he'll come back with food for dinner but I don't think so if I'm being honest. As for me I'm just watching TV to be specific the news.

"That's it for sports now on today's weather. Last night 2 fast strong moving hurricanes appear in the middle of the Pacific without warning."- news man

'That seems a bait strange but, it sounds familiar. Could it possibly be those 2. No it can't be could it?'- (y/n)

My thoughts got interrupted by someone tugging on jacket. I looked to where it was coming from and saw Yoshino looking up at me. I didn't want her to get scard scard so I gave her a smile, when I first got here she was pretty scared of me so yeah we're passed that.


"What is it Yoshino?"- (y/n)

"Um...can you change the channel please I want to watch my favorite soap opera."- Yoshino

"Yeah, it's time for it to start and we getting to the good part!"- Yoshinon

"Huh, sure here."- (y/n)

I picked up the remote and changed the channels until Yoshino told me to stop. And when I did all I've got to say is what the actual hell? It opens up with a cloudy sky with some sunlight peeking through and the words 'The story of the housewives have been waiting for' 'Love: An illusion'.

"Your really leaving then?"- woman

"I have to. I can't stay here anymore I'm tired of my life with you."- man

Upon seeing this I only had one thought in my head.

To start is she even old enough to be watching this kind of stuff I mean she's about 13 years old right? Better question is Tohka even aloud to be watching this I mean she's the same age as me and Shido but she's a bit of an...... airhead Before I could get to my next thought I feel something in my lap and I slightly looked down to see Yoshino sitting in it.

"Huh?"- (y/n)

"Is something wrong?"- Yoshino

"Um, why are you sitting in my lap? I mean I guess I don't mind but why though?"- (y/n)

"It's because your so nice and cozy like a big warm marshmallow!"- Yoshinon

This small puppet on her hand is Yoshinon and to those of you who are wondering Yoshino and Yoshinon aren't the same person. Yoshinon considers herself as an individual and not an extension of Yoshino, which causes her to be unaware of what ventriloquism is. When I get her I thought Yoshino was just liked to talk through Yoshinon to be more courageous. That was until Shido explained that she doesn't know what it is, so I put two and two together and found out that that's just some of her spirit Power going into the puppet. Like an imaginary friend they're either A) exactly like you or B) exactly what you want to be. This case while Yoshino is shy and quiet Yoshinon is more of a out going loud mouth.

"Heheheh well I guess you can sit here....if you can escape the tickle monster!"- (y/n)

I started to lightly tickle Yoshino making her laugh like crazy. It's almost like I have a cute yonger sister, I've never really known what it was like to even have a family till I moved in here. Sometime had passed and a lot of crazy stuff that's happening, to start Tohka ran out the house and tried to find Shido cause she thought he was trying to leave her. And you can thank this soap opera that Yoshino is watching for that crap, I even got a call from Kotori asking me what happened while Shido was out. The second they got back at me and Shido started to cook dinner, then we finished he went to his room and had to leave with a suitcase he told me that the lock was broken, but Tohka thought he was trying to leave again that's too this one specific scene!

"You have to keep this a secret from your wife. This is our little secret."- woman2

It showed the same man trying to leave his wife with a different woman in a hotel room, but the was completely naked in the bed while the man was getting dressed. So it's pretty clear what just happened in that scene.

"Yes, I know."- men

"She hasn't found out has she?"- woman2

"Ha, Clueless today I brought her favorite treats so she was happy and didn't suspect a thing."- man

Again in my mind I only had one thought.

'Seriously just dump your wife already don't just cheat on her and do all this emotional turmoil!!'- (y/n)

(Real talk guys..... I'm not saying anyone reading this is a cheater but if you are a victim of cheating then okay. If you have a partner that you don't want to be with anymore don't just stay with them and then do some other stuff with a different person. At least have the courtesy to dump them first and then get someone else... Cuz if you're just cheating while you're still in a relationship you're just making yourself look bad... And if you have a partner and you suspect them of cheating... Like they're giving you clear sign that they might be cheating.... Don't choose to ignore it....take action!!!!)

I mean I get this is a soap opera but, come on art is imitating life way too much right now!! This is literally what technically just happened, Shido and Tohka come home with Tohka eating her favorite food which is kinako bread and she just automatically drops being mad at Shido, for thinking he was trying to leave her for the Origami Tobiichi girl he told me about. Having enough of this I got the remote and changed the channel to kid cartoons like Chowder or Tom & Jerry.

"Hey why'd you change it?"- Yoshinon

"Yoshinon, Yoshino is to young for that stuff."- (y/n)

"Awe."- Yoshino

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