《Date A Live (the second flame spirit)》The twin spirits reunion


If I'm going to be honest I don't see what's the big deal about planes. I know I might sound like a stick in the mud but, they don't seem that interesting to me people say it's the view but seeing as I can fly it doesn't really strike me as interesting. Oh right you guys don't know, we're on a planes to an island Resort on Aruba Island it was supposed to be Okinawa Island but some last-minute changes happened. I have my head phones on to try and block out the sound and by sound I mean the sound of Tohka making a big fuss at Origami for some unknown and not really want known reason. The song I was listening to was pretty catchy it's called it's actually pretty catchy really like to band.

As I was listening to my music I felt like someone one was watching me so I lightly moved my eyes to the right and saw a woman. She had light Nordic blonde hair, purple-colored eyes, pale skin and a slender body trying to take a picture of me.

"Oh sorry, but I had to take a picture."- ???

I didn't answer her, instead I just kept looking at her from the side of my eyes. I'm guessing she got scard and walked off more of a speed walk actually. Shido has told me I have a face that seems a bit mean and nice when I'm in the mood, I had no idea what he was talking about until I got to his school and talked to some of the students and they kinda ran.

'That woman is not to be trusted.'- (y/n)

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it but I have this kind of 6th sense. No, I can't see dead people.


no one was going. You know who you are. And to the ones who don't know what the heck I'm talking about......go look it up.)

The best way I can describe it is like I can feel when something is off or going to happen. Like that feeling you get when someone's looking at you I watching you. Besides that point a hour or so passed and we finally landed at the airport and everyone got their stuff and left. I wasn't really to exited, don't get me wrong it is cool that we get to have a vacation and that we get to go out and explore the world but, I can't shake this weird feeling I have I felt like something big was coming but I don't know what. I looked around and won't lie the view is nice and I'm sure Tohka would agree cause she's gushing at the sea. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned my head slowly to see Someone with blue eyes, and short, silvery-white hair arranged in a bob cut with three hair-clips in the right part of her hair.

"hey, (y/n) va tutto bene?"- Origami

This is Origami Tobiichi, the stalker girl Shido told me about. To those who don't know what she just said she just said 'Hey, (y/n) is everything alright?' in Italian. To be frank this pretty normal Shido might have told her that I was Italian, and I'm guessing cause of that she might think I can only speak Italian better then Japanese. But, I can actually speak Japanese just fine she on the other hand can't speak Italian a few times she's miss pronounced some word but I guess she's did some studying.

"No, everything's fine and you don't have to speak Italian I can speak Japanese just fine."- (y/n)


"Oh I know that. I see you and Shido having a conversation in our language alot. I just thought this could be like our thing."- Origami

'Our thing....is she trying to be friends cause I'm close to Shido? Or because she wants to get info on Tohka?'- (y/n)

"I just needed to tell you something."- Origami

"And that would be?"- (y/n)

"I'm not sure if you know this but, be careful around Tohka. She a spirit who goes by the name princess."- Origami

'Shit, it sucks being right....wait... Does she not know I'm a spirit? Probably not, actually now that I think about it Shido said something about a flame spirit killing her parents. If she knew I was a spirit she wouldn't be talking to me infact she might try and kill me.'- (y/n)

Before I could even say anything else the wind started to pick up and I don't mean like a strong breeze I mean the wind was getting out of hand like a storm was about to come. The teacher Ms.Okamine yelled for the students to get inside the hotel, I took hold of Origami's hand and helped her inside cuz the wind started to get stronger a few trash cans even fell. When we where all in side I let go of Origami and the teacher started to do a headcount, everyone seemed to be accounted for except Shido and Tohka.

'Damn it something must of happend. I need to sneak away and go out to find them.'- (y/n)

Taking my only chance to sneak away I ran out the door as fast as I could to find Shido. And taking in account that my powers aren't sealed I'm doing pretty fast, I took a moment to look up at the sky and man it was dark as all hell I couldn't even see where I was going all that well. After run for a bit I managed to actually find Shido but, something is wrong Tohka on the ground and Shido was standing in a defensive matter I took a closer look and saw 2 girls that look almost alike. Wait.... look alike I know those two!!

"Shido!!"- (y/n)

"Huh!? Oh (y/n) it's you."- Shido

"Wait, (y/n)?"- ???

"Confusion, I do not see him anywhere."- ???

"He means me... I'm (y/n)..... but.... what exactly are you two doing here?"- (y/n)

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