《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\FOURTEEN/


- Caleb -

7 days...one week.

That how long it had been since I had seen Everest.

I was beginning to worry about the small girl who had come in here and basically turned my world upside down.

Don't get me wrong, she was just some random chick to me...but it didn't sit well with me that I hadn't seen her back in here, or at the very least roaming around the town.

Since that night with Everest I had shared my bed with Whitney, Christine, Jodi , and Whitney again...what can I say, she's a stubborn one. But it was all becoming repetitive.

And as I drove to work I couldn't help but look around for Everest.

I couldn't pretend that this deep nagging feeling wasn't me worried about her.

What if she never got home that night.


What if something something horrible happened to her?

I took a hard right and drove almost out of town before I hooked a left and rolled up to the University.

I didn't know what I was gonna do but I NEEDED answers and I was going to get some today!

I walked around the campus and looked at the various faces of these unknown people. I approached a few and asked them about her.

"Her name is Everest."

"Do you have a last name or her major?" One guy asked.

I shook my head, "no...uh she's got big brown eyes and brown hair, kinda short..."

I knew I had nothing and therefore I wouldn't get any information.

"Look dude." The college guy sounded with a slight smirk. "I've had my fair share of the local tail, but sometimes you just gotta let em go."

I shoved him, "you don't know shit!"

My shove had gained a few onlookers and I knew I needed to leave before campus police came by and escorted me off the premises.


I got into my truck and once more headed to work.

As I drove I got a call.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Mister Gibbons?"

"This is he." I sighed at the sound of my last name.

"Good afternoon Mr Gibbons, this is Mark Shaw with Shaw and Dell Realtors and I was calling on behalf of my clients who have shown a very big interest in your home."

It was a call I had been hoping for.

I gladly greeted him and reasserted my asking price.

"Well after going through the walkthrough my clients have found a few small issues but ask that you come down twenty thousand."

"I'll have to think about it, but even you have to agree that the price range was more than fair." I sounded before promising to give him a call back and hanging up.

I pulled into the parking lot of the bar and sat in my truck just a little longer, I couldn't believe the house finally had a buyer only catch was they were asking me to bring the price down. I want sure I was comfortable just selling my mothers house for so little.

With a frustrated sigh I finally got out of the car and headed into the bar.

This time when I showed up late Janet didn't just shoot me a look, she came right over.

"You're over thirty minutes late kid."

"Sorry I lost track of time." I lied.

She looked around the place, there were only two people in the bar. "How about the truth this time Caleb."

I looked right at her, I don't know why I had lied, or why I had decided to tell her the truth now.

"I don't know if you remember this one girl who came in here a while back, big brown eyes, brown curly hair...anyways, her name is Everest."


"I know her...what about her?" She asked flatly.

"Well, I don't know...I guess I was just worried about her, I haven't seen her back in here since that one night, I just want to know she's fine."

Janet smiled softly and patted my shoulder. "Everest is a friend of the family, she's a special sort of girl...very tough but sweet."

I nodded.

"Everest is fine, she moved away a couple of days ago with her fiancé."

"Fiancé?" I asked, so that's why she didn't put up a fight when I asked her leave, she was using me just as much as I was using her that night.

"Yes, as a matter of fact she should be getting married any day now."

"And you aren't going?" I asked...one would expect a friend of the family to be invited to the wedding.

"Nah, they're having a small ceremony...exchange some vows, put on the rings...not worth the flight up north."

Wow, North...she really did move.

"Speaking of moving." I sounded, "the house got an offer today."

"Really?" Janet asked.

"I mean they're asking for a cheaper price, but I'm thinking I'll just agree to their price." I said. "The quicker I sell it, the sooner I can go back home."

She nodded her understanding. "Not much worth sticking around here for is there?"

"Not really."

The customers started coming in and the subject was dropped, when my break came around I went outside to make the call.

Janet was right, there wasn't a thing holding me to this town any longer, I called Mr Shaw who enthusiastically offered the same price.

"I've given it some thought, and after much consideration I will accept your client's offer...the house Needs to be packed up but I can have everything cleared out in a couple of days."

"That's perfect, if you need a mover I can get you a great deal on a guy here in town."

"I think I'll be good, I'll more than likely finish packing everything up and just have it all shipped over back to California, I'll sort through it there."

"Have you thought of an estate sale?" He asked.

I shook my head knowing fully well he couldn't see me, "I just can't imagine people rummaging through my moms stuff so carelessly."

"Your choice, I'll talk with my clients and let them know you've accepted their offer, have a good evening Mr. Gibbons."

I wasn't sure how I was feeling right now as I re-entered the bar, I was sort of relieved to have finally gotten this task done, also I felt better knowing Everest was safe and happy.

"Hey Caleb, you look more happy than usual." One of the regulars commented.

"I am, this time two days from now I should be back at home."

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