《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\THIRTEEN/


- Everest -

I stepped into the large room. Upon entry I was met by an eager young woman close to my age standing in the center of a lavish sitting room.

"Hello." I said.

"Hello, my name is Heidi.

"Everest" I said and held out my hand.

She blushed and walked over to shake my hand.

"May I ask why you're here?" I asked a little humored.

"Oh" she blushed once more. "I am your hand maiden or lady in waiting, unless you prefer another title in which to call me."

"Sounds kind of old school." I said.

She giggled. "Basically it is my job to help you get dressed, go shopping, and anything else you may need my assistance in."

This was ridiculous, and what was worse was I knew I couldn't tell this girl I didn't need a servant without her taking it personally. For all I knew this is what she was raised to do.

"Well thank you Heidi...I hope I won't be too much trouble, and if you don't mind, can I just refer to you as my assistant."

She nodded before showing me around my "quarters."

"As you can see you have your own private study/sitting room, over here is your sleeping quarters behind those double doors is your personal lavatory as well as a door that leads to your dressing room."

My head was spinning, back home I had though my room was big, standing here now I could see that my old bedroom could easily fit in the sitting area alone.

"Alpha Supreme called Alpha Graystone from the plane."

I had seen him in the phone but never thought he had spoken to his son.

"Alpha Graystone has given me specific instructions."

"Is Titus here?"

"Miss Kirkshaw!" Heidi sounded horrified as she rushed over. Her voice dropped to that of a whisper "you mustn't assume you can call our Alpha by his given name...you aren't his wife yet, and even then, you will need his permission."


This was all too much.

"Then what am I suppose to call him?" I asked taking note that she hadn't answered my question.


"Alpha Graystone?" She suggested with a small shrug.

I couldn't help the eye roll but remained silent.

"As I was saying before Alpha Graystone has given me the orders to accompany you into town and take you shopping for a new wardrobe befitting our...chillier weather."

"Chilly is an understatement." I chuckled, but I meant it...us Weres tend to have a higher body temperature meaning it's takes a lot to get us cold...but here I was down right freezing.

Her light laugh tinkled throughout the room. "Whenever you're ready ma'am."

"Is there anything I could use for a coat?"

"Oh, yes." She said sliding out of the room before popping her head back through the opened doors, "stay right here please."

I huffed, was this really my life now?

It didn't take Heidi long to return, and when she did she held out a coat toward me. "Here you go ma'am."

"Thank you." I smiled as I slid my arms through the too long sleeves. "And please, it's just Everest... you don't have to pretend like I'm anywhere 'above' you."

"But you are miss."

I held in the heavy sigh, I knew if I continued to press the issue I would only end up talking in circles as neither of us would give in.

"If you're ready?" She sounded patiently.

I nodded and exited the room, she tried to get me to go first, until I pointed out that I actually didn't know where I was going...she only giggled and then took the lead.

Upon our entry of the detached garage we were met by a tall angular man who wore a similar suit to the last drivers.

"Miss Kirkshaw, this is Bogart...he has been assigned to be your own personal driver." She said as if he were standing right next to us.

"Hello Bogart."

He didn't speak, instead he turned and opened the back door, Heidi made me get in first and with another awkward look at Bogart I quickly followed her instructions.

Bogart was a little scary looking.

For all I know my new "family" had hand selected their scariest, meanest pack member as my driver in the hopes that I wouldn't be leaving too much. I had to admit that it wasn't a bad idea as I couldn't actually see myself leaving anywhere alone with Bogart.


"Can I ask where we are?"

Heidi turned to face me, "you are now on the Northern Stone Pack lands."

I hadn't realized that Titus was the Alpha of the Northern Stone Pack...they have a sister pack back down south.

"Does Alpha Graystone have any ties with the Southern Stone pack?" I asked curiously.

Her face went sad, "not anymore, and they haven't been called that for a couple of years now."

"What...that doesn't make any sense...how-"

"Please Miss...this is a subject we are ordered not to talk about." Heidi stated.

It suddenly clicked.

"Was that his mates old pack?"

She didn't need names because she knew exactly who I was asking about.

She nodded.

"C-can I ask?" I began. "Can you tell me about her?"

Heidi began to gnaw on her bottom lip in an unsure and nervous fashion.

"Okay, how about a first name...surely that should be common knowledge."

She let out a shaky breath, "her name was Magnolia, but she hated it, asked everyone to call her Maggie."

I nodded. "Can you tell me anything else?"

She clammed up once again.

"Please, anything." I begged.

She looked at me as if trying to find something before she looked out her window again. "She had brown hair and eyes like you."

I left well enough alone and knew better than to question her further.

Once we reached the town I noticed how posh the place seemed to be, the small shops themselves were rather luxe and sold surprisingly high end fashions.

Clothing I wasn't too eager to purchase.

With bags firmly in the trunk Heidi turned to face me.

"I think that should do it."

"Is there any store in town that sells just Denim?" I asked I could see her beginning to form a protest, "it's just a little hard to suddenly shake my country roots." I smiled.

She sighed but took me to the first little shop on the strip. It was exactly what I needed, I stocked up on casual wear filled with denim, flannel, and cotton.

"Are you ready to go home?" She asked.

I had heard the words but it took a moment to remember that when she said home she actually meant the snowy mansion.

"I suppose so." I agreed. "Will I be seeing Alpha Graystone soon?"

She shook her head 'no.' "Alpha Graystone is away on a hunt, he and his men should be returning in two days time, the day of your ceremony."

My stomach lurched.

'Three days?' My wolf whined. I was beginning to feel overly anxious. "Is there a place I can run freely?" I asked.

"Anywhere you please Ma'am, this entire state is on pack land, and therefore it is illegal to hunt wolves, if a wolf is seen roaming around the humans call a number to which one of our people goes and 'collects' the wolf."

I nodded, "well I need a run...!" I yelled the end, losing my composure.

Bogart slammed on the breaks and I threw my door open, Heidi did the same a little nervous as to my unannounced actions. "I-I'll have to accompany you miss."

"I don't care." I stated as I began running in human form and slowly let myself slip away into my wolf. I felt as the frigid air suddenly hit me and looked down, I was running on four paws instead of two feet.

I didn't take the time to relish the new feel of the snow covered ground beneath my paws, or marvel at how the snow seemed to gleam in the daytime.

All I wanted to do was run.

I didn't know where I was going or worry about if it was proper, but after a while a finally came to a halt, consumed by my emotions of everything happening so fast I began to cry. I lost my focus and shifted back into my human form.

I laid on the snowy ground sobbing until both Heidi and Bogart found me.

"We have to get her back to the house." Heidi instructed as a warm material was placed over me.

Shivering and eyes squeezed shut I felt as two arms lifted me up and carried me back to the car, once inside the car I lost consciousness.

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