《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\TWELVE/


- Everest -

It seemed like we were going to drive right out of the state when I suddenly realized that we were actually headed to the airport.

"May I ask where we're going?"

The Alpha Supreme turned to acknowledge me, "the council rules from the north, therefore we all tend to reside in northern states.

The north?

I'd always been a southern girl, born and raised...even more so, I was going to be even further away from Caleb than I would've imagined.

He sensed my tension.

"Is anything the matter Everest?"

Every bone in my body was telling me this was wrong and that I needed to speak up.

My wolf whined: 'Don't Go!' 'Our Mate!' 'Leave Now!'

But I knew if I were to even give the Alpha Supreme the idea that I was trying to escape...he would kill me without hesitation.

I was easily disposable.

I knew this, to him I was just another well groomed she-wolf...if anything were to suddenly happen to me he could just go to another well off alpha and hand select another girl for his son.

And as much as I wanted to be with my mate...my own survival weighed much more on me, perhaps I'm simply selfish that way.


I looked at him.

"I asked if everything was alright." He said.

"Oh, my apologies Alpha Supreme." I smiled a little. "...I, well I was simply thinking...I don't believe I have anything that will be suitable for the northern climate." I made up.

He nodded, "you will need to speak to your husband about such inquires, but I believe it should be no problem."

The car stopped and my heart began to race. My door was opened for me and the same driver held his hand out to me. I placed my hand upon his own gloved hand and then stepped out of the car.


There were already people attending to the luggage that was in the trunk (boot) of the car. It didn't surprise me that I was now being escorted to a private plane. I was shown to a seat and I immediately buckled myself in much to the protest of the stewardess.

"Can I get you anything before take off?" She asked with a radiant smile.

"Ginger ale please...to calm my stomach."

She smiled once more and nodded before she turned to assist the Alpha Supreme.

Not too long after the pilot had been given clearance and we were ascending the sky.

"Your ginger ale miss." The stewardess sounded after the plane leveled out and we were able to move around. "I've also brought you some crackers, hope they help."

"Thank you."

"You should try and get some rest Everest, it will be a while until we reach our destination." The Alpha Supreme stated.

"Yes Alpha Supreme."

"You can simply call me Alpha in the presence of others, and At home you may call me father if you wish."

"Yes sir." I said before taking a sip of the beverage, suddenly the bile was threatening to spill over and I needed to compose myself.

The entire plane ride was just filled with a long tense awkward silence. Occasionally the Alpha Supreme would take or make a call from the plane, I took his advice and rested with a small nap, and nearly 7hours later we finally landed.

The stewardess bid us farewell and when I stepped onto the tarmac I was greeted by another driver (quite similarly dressed as the last driver) and a warm blanket that I eagerly accepted and wrapped around my body. "Thank you."

The driver nodded his acknowledgment of my thanks before opening the back door for me.


The Alpha Supreme entered the car through the opposite door and remained on his phone.

The doors were closed and the car rolled forward. I took in the snowy scenery in awe, back home we never got snow and even though I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't hold a grudge toward this place or the people here.

The path we drove on seemed to lead to sheer seclusion, tall snow covered trees encompassed what must've been the pack's land.

Because even though he is the Alpha Supreme, he still manages a pack of his own...or rather, his son would be in charge of the pack as The Alpha Supreme would be in charge of everything else.

The car finally came to a stop right in front of a mansion.

I waited until my door was opened for me and just marveled the larger than life home.

An old woman stepped forward and immediately ordered a few men to take the luggage while she approached the Alpha Supreme with papers.

I'm sure he wasn't married, but who was this person.

Suddenly she turned to face me.

"Good day Miss Kirkshaw, I am Phyllis...the Alpha Supreme's head of house services."

"It's Everest and it's nice to meet you."

She didn't shake my hand like I had offered.

"While you are here we want you to remember that this is your home too, but we do have a few rules Miss Kirkshaw."

I shifted the blanket I was still wearing around my shoulders and nodded, the woman intimidated me.

She must've just noticed my makeshift shawl.

"Oh." She sounded, "well follow me please."

I didn't disagree, at this point I was so cold I would've jumped into a bonfire to keep warm.

Once inside the toasty mansion I looked around but was quickly pulled away as I noticed Phyllis was still walking.

"Back to the rules." She continued as she began her trek up the grand staircase. "As long as you are a member of this household you become privy to certain information, as such you mustn't talk about what you see or hear in this house."

"Yes ma'am."

"You will also be assigned a team of people who will be at your personal disposal 24/7." She continued.

"Oh I really don't-"

"This isn't up for negotiation Miss Kirkshaw, every member of the family has a team of people who work for them." She informed me.

I remained silent.

"Part of your team will be a personal chauffeur, if you need to leave the premises for any reason you are to inform your driver and he will take wherever you need to go, but be warned that your entire team is under our alphas orders, everywhere you go is documented and shown to the alpha. Every car also has tracking devices as well."

I could hear the stern tone she had taken on.

"This is all for your safety of course."

"Of course." I mimicked.

"And lastly, you will need to hand over any personal electronics, from now on you will use the cellphone and computers provided for you by the family."

A panic attack began to set in as I suddenly felt like I was a prisoner here.

"Here are your personal quarters." She said as she stopped right outside of two tall wooden doors. "Inside you will find your next team member, your lady in waiting...I'll leave you now."

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