《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\FIFTEEN/


- Titus -

I sat in the woods with my head hanging low.

Who the hell was I becoming?

"Alpha Graystone, any word on when we can return home?" One of my men asked me.

In truth the woods were cleared, we had caught all the rogues and I had been stalling for two days now. Two days ago I had gotten the call from my father, he had collected the girl he said was to be my wife.

I remembered the call well:


"She needs clothes."

"What, is she a rogue?" I asked.

"No she is the daughter of a very respected alpha, but her current clothing isn't suitable for a young lady befitting to be the Luna of the Northern Stone Pack." He said, "as she is your betrothed she is now your responsibility son."

"I know father." I sighed, "I'll call the house and get everything arranged."

"Her girl is Heidi, and I've placed Bogart as her driver."

"Heidi can not be her lady in waiting." I said as I jumped up.

"If she is to stay on our packs land then Heidi needs to earn her keep as she hasn't found her mate yet and has simply been living in our home."

"She is Maggie's cousin." I sounded.

"She was, and she served her well but now it is time for her to groom your new wife to be a proper Luna."

"I'm not comfortable with this father."

"I didn't ask if you were comfortable Titus!" He growled low. "Man up boy, this is happening whether you like it or not.


"We can go home this evening...go tell the guys to start getting ready to head out."

"Yes Alpha."


I knew I would have to face this girl eventually, and I hadn't even gotten her name, a description...nothing.

I know that it is my duty, as an Alpha to take a wife for the good of the pack. No matter how good an Alpha is, a pack can never be whole without a Luna by his side.

"The men are set, so we leave when you're ready Alpha."

I nodded, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be."

The trek back to our homes would take an entire day in human form. But unlike me, the guys were eager to get home quickly and I knew it, so I allowed the group to travel back in wolf form...our rogue hostages got to shift too to keep pace with us, but I would keep an extra careful eye on them.

With the ability to walk for hours before even feeling the slightest bit tired we arrived at my pack house in just under five hours.

It angered me to think that rogues were merely five hours away from my innocent people.

But I quickly moved onto another subject, because to dwell on that fact would only anger me and I'd end up killing them before I got any information out of them.

Who were these rogues and why were they on my land unannounced and without my permission.

Someone inside had noticed our arrival and opened the front door for us.

Still in wolf form we walked into the house and passed on down to the basement. Down there we phased back and got pants on, we shackled the rogues and then individually locked them inside of the cells.

"I have so many questions for all of you." I stated firmly, "and I will get my answers one way or another."


A couple of the rogues cursed my name, tried to spit on me through the steel bars, and the younger ones whimpered just a bit.

My guys followed me back up the stairs, "go home, I'm sure your families miss you all."

All of my men happily bid me farewell and left.

After closing the door behind me and making sure that it was securely locked up, I lingered on the stairwell just a little longer.

I collected my nerves and managed to get all the way up to my section of the house just before I was stopped.

"Son, so glad you could finally join us."

I faced my father and greeted him, his usual greeting was cold and distant like always. "My apologies, I was rather caught up trying to maintain the safety of the pack and all."

"I'll have none of your attitude tonight Titus." He snapped.

"I'd wager you came up here with a purpose father."

He ignored me and continued.

"You are the alpha of this pack and it's time you've started acting like one."

"I thought I already was." I quipped.

"The union ceremony will take place tomorrow followed immediately by the mating process."

Anger surged through me.

"Is there anything else father?"

He seemed to genuinely think about it first, then slowly shook his head no. "How about you Titus, no doubt you have a question or two."

In fact, I did have more than a few questions for him.

"Well for starters, what's her name?"

"Your FIANCÉE's name is Everest Kirkshaw."

I chose to disregard his emphasis on the word fiancée and simply continued. "How old is she?"

He shrugged, the action seemed so foreign on his frail old shoulders.

"What are her interests?" I asked.

At this he held up his hands to stop me, "you question me of things that ought be discussed with your fiancée."

"And when father, do you suppose I ask these inquires...before or after I'm inside of her?"

"There is no need for such vulgar conversations Titus, you will do well to remember your place." He growled.

"Forgive my brazenness father, but take note, I will meet with her before the union."

"You'll do no such thing boy." He said with finality as he took a step forward.

I matched his step and took my full height (his old age had shrunken him down a bit) "she's already here which means she has no objections to being here, and I've already agreed to the damned marriage...so once more I say, I will meet with the woman I'm suppose to marry tomorrow."

A silence surround the both of us.

I caved and spoke first, "I know what this pack needs, and I would do anything for my pack...just let me meet her, I hate thinking that I'm going to be marrying a complete stranger."

His body loosened a bit of its defensive edge, "I know this isn't easy my dear boy, but it's for the best...I'll grant your visit with her, just don't do anything stupid."

I nodded, I had no intention of trying to mess up this union. My people need a Luna, and why not the elusive Everest Kirkshaw?

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