《I Knew you Once // Fantastic Beasts》Five


Chapter Five; Attempted Robbery.

It was dark by the time Newt and Eden arrived downtown, the streets were as empty as ever.

'Mr Kowalski?' Newt asked into the darkness, 'Where are you?'

'Who's Mr Kowalski?' Eden asked looking around paranoid. A man emerged from behind a building, he looked just a paranoid as she did.

'He's a Muggle, he is the man who opened my briefcase' Newt explained, 'Long story.'

Eden nodded, 'Well, nice to meet you Mr Kowalski.'

'Please, call me Jacob.' He smiled shaking her hand, Eden awkwardly made her way beside Newt again afterwards.

They walked on, Eden had no idea where they were going, she just kept her mouth closed and followed Newt. After awhile of silence they crossed the street, Newt wanted to check out the nearest jewelry stores because one of the creatures who escaped was the Niffler and it loved anything shiny.

'If I remember correctly, your Niffler still has my birthday present from you.' Eden said, she had completely forget about the necklace he had given her for her sixteenth birthday, just before he left.

'Does he really?' Newt chuckled, 'Well once we find him we must get it back to you.'

Eden awkwardly nodded as they continued to walk down the street, Jacob began talking to Newt. Eden looked at the shop windows as they passed by, she had never bothered to walk down this street because all the shops were to expensive. They ether only sold expensive dresses or jewelry, how many of the same stores did they need to sell this stuff? The moon illuminated the street, it was full which made Eden uncomfortable. Newt stopped and threw himself up against a shop window, Eden laughed as she came to a stop.


'Why did you stop?' Jacob asked.

'I thought I saw something...' He sighed, 'Sorry.'

Eden smiled as she watched Newt fix his coat, he glared at her before he continued to walk. She followed behind the two, she watched as Newt and Jacob talked, Jacob couldn't stop talking about Queenie which made her smile even more.

'She's just...' Jacob sighed, 'We shouldn't of left her- I mean them.'

'Her sister would've just obliviated you, you realize that?'

Eden frowned even though she knew it was true, Tina would've just erased his memory.

'What exactly does that do?'

'You wouldn't remember any of this.' Newt explained, 'You wouldn't know who we were or remember Miss Goldstein.'

'Just call her Queenie.' Eden said rushing up beside him, 'Call them by their names, no more Miss Goldstein's.'

Newt glared at her again and lightly pushed her to the side, she laughed stumbling on the sidewalk. She held out her arms and landed on a glass window of a jewelry shop, Newt panicked and yelped as he reached for her.

'Are you ok?' He asked as Eden watched something scurry across the floor inside the shop, 'Are you ok-'

'Newt!' She cut him off as his Niffler came into view, he climbed up onto a display case and began reaching for a necklace when Newt awkwardly shoved her out of the way just as the creature noticed them. Newt stared at the creature, it froze as it reached for the prized possession hoping perhaps they wouldn't see him. Newt told them to get back as he pointing his wand and shouted spells, the glass window broke open, glass shards flying everywhere. Eden ducked throwing her hands over her head while Jacob tripped over the curb, he jumped back up racing towards Eden. They both looked at each other before watching Newt race through the store after the Niffler.


'I could use some help!' Newt cried slipping on broken pieces of glass.

Eden shrieked when he regained his balance and began climbing up display cases, knocking others down in the process. She could hear the sirens now, if she squinted her eyes she could also see the flashing lights coming from multiple police cars.

'Newt, we need to get out of here!' Eden shouted, she watched as the Niffler continued to get away. Eden took a deep breath as she took her wand out of her pocket and charged into the shop through the broken window.

'You take the other side!' She heard Newt shout as he made his way to the left side of the store, she nodded making her way to the opposite where most of the display cases looked unharmed. She watched the Niffler scurried between Newt's feet, eventually making its way towards Eden. The creature hadn't noticed her until the last second as it began crawling up the remaining display cases, Eden braced herself as she chased after it. She jumped up onto each case hearing the glass shatter underneath her weight, she screamed as she threw herself at the Niffler directly at the second, unbroken window. She flew threw the air, the sound of the glass shattering muffled her shrieks as she flew through the air, just out of reach of the Niffler. Eden braced for landing as she heard Newt yell something, she couldn't see what he was doing as she landed onto the road, sliding a few feet in the process.

She laid on the cold road for what felt like forever until Newt ran up to her followed by Jacob. Newt told her she was bleeding in many places, glass shards were stuck all over her arms and legs.

'Where's my wand?' She mumbled attempting to sit up, she winced from the pain. 'Did you catch him?'

Newt held up her wand before stuffing into his pocket, he said something to Jacob before they both hauled her up off the ground. The sirens grew louder as two police cars rolled to a stop in front of them, the officers both jumped out of the car's holding guns up in front of them, their aim pointed towards the three.

'Put your hands up!' One yelled, the other nodding in agreement.

She looked at both Newt and Jacob, they were both covered in jewelry, herself included.

'T-they went that way officer...' Jacob muttered pointing somewhere off in the distance, the officers only snickered and shook their heads as they began slowly approaching them. A growl echoed off the walls, all their eyes darted towards a street corner where a lion stood, it snarled at them. The two officers attention immediately stuck with the escaped wild animal, Newt grabbed Jacob and held onto Eden tightly.

'This may hurt you, ok?' He whispered to Eden, she only looked up at him in horror as the ground gave way beneath them and everything went black.

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