《If I Fall // Fantastic Beasts》Eighteen


Clouds scattered the sky, wind blew heavily causing Mercy's hair to fly everywhere. Sitting alone in a run down hotel, she watched through the dirty window. Muggles flooded the streets while police men were everywhere. It had been a few days since Mercy left Newts side, it felt weird being alone as she's been with someone by her side for years now. She felt lost more then ever now, she had no where to go and no one to turn too.

Mercy spotted Newt and Tina in a large crowd attempting to enter the underground, Mercy frowned focusing on the pair. A black mass of what looked like smoke shot up from the ground and flew around the air, destroying buildings and hurting people around. It disappeared back into the underground, Mercy jumped up now worried, grabbing her wand she rushed out of the motel room and towards the underground.

Quietly making her way down the stone steps she could hear Newt and Tina shouting.

'I know what you've been through, I've seen what that woman does to you' Tina said softly 'Newt and I can help you'

Mercy appeared behind Tina, slowly making her way beside her she noticed the giant swarm of ministry working standing on the other side of rail road and a young boy curled up onto a ball on the tracks.

'She's lying to you' a voice rang out as Mr. Graves appeared behind the boy 'she won't help you'

'Don't listen to him, Credence' Newt said

'He's using you, you need to see that' Tina added

Mercy didn't know what was happening, she couldn't help. She was in no position to fight for the boy, she had no choice but to watch from the sidelines.

Tina approached him as he began to violently shake before black smoke engulfed him, he sprang towards Newt as he dived out of the way. After a few minutes of the mass shooting around he finally came back down and resumed to curl up into a ball.


'I don't know what's happening here' Mercy shouted 'but I wouldn't trust that Mr. Graves and I know Tina or Newt can help you'

Mercy looked up towards Newt, he looked at her a surprised look as he just noticed she was here. He mouthed a thank you and a sorry as Mr. Graves approached the boy.

'Their lying' he spoke 'come with me'

'You know we can help you control it, control this part of you, live a normal life' Newt called out as the boy began shaking again but this time screaming. Every ministry worker raised their wands and pointed towards the helpless boy as shots of light hit, it seemed as if the boy exploded into the air. Mercy stepped back, appalled and scared of how the ministry handled the situation.

Mr. Graves stepped up and began ranting about the boy but Mercy was not listening. The boy exploding into thin air kept replaying in her mind, it all happened so quickly and now it will seem as if he never existed, like he never walked on planet earth. Mercy shook her head, zoning back into the present she saw Newt pointing his wand at Mr. Graves. He kneeled on the floor with his hands behind his back as Newt approached him, his black hair turning almost white and his black suit magical matching his hair.

'Grindelwald?' A woman spoke stepping from the crowd

'That's me' he smirked staring up at Newt 'you've made a great mistake, Mr. Scamander'

Multiple ministry employees stepped from the crowd to grab him before disappearing. The woman looked towards the three 'all charges against you are dropped, thank you for the work you've pulled off for us' she spoke before walking off

'You came back' Newt said walking over to Mercy


'I saw the commotion and came over' she shrugged

'I'm sorry'

Mercy shook her head 'are you really?'

'Yes, I could never be more sorry then I am right now'

Mercy chuckled shaking her head 'ya, whatever'

The three walked up the crumbling stairs to the streets of New York, or, what remand of them. Muggles were running everywhere, most likely questioning their sanity of what they all just watched. Jacob slowly approached beside them, 'I'm sorry' Newt said 'were going to have to obliviate you with the rest of the city'

'How is that possible?' Tina asked

Newt dug in his pocket and brought out a small bottle of something, he motioned everyone to follow him back down into the subway. All the damage was restored as ministry workers were spread across the city fixing all damage. Newt placed his open case on the ground,

'Frank?' He shouted as a large bird appeared hovering above the case 'I know this wasn't where I was planning to let you go' Newt mumbled 'but you know what you need to do'

Newt placed the bottle into the birds mouth, smiling and saying goodbye the bird flew up causing the ceiling to fall in. Mercy chuckled 'they just fixed that, you know'

Pulling out her own wand once again, she fixed the damage as everyone walked back up the newly fixed stairs towards the streets, finally deciding there was no need to go back down. Mercy watched as the bird flew up throwing the bottle into the air, rain began pouring down heavily. Muggles all around stopped and looked confused before shrugging and continuing on down the street, as if remembering some useless chore they left the house to do.

'Thank you for all your help, Jacob' Newt smiled 'now, when you step out into the rain you won't remember anything'

'Anything?' Jacob frowned staring at the three witches as wizard

'No, I'm sorry' Mercy mumbled as Queenie appeared beside her sister

'It was nice meeting all of you, besides, Newt only kept me around because he had too' Jacob shrugged

'No, I kept you around because you are my friend' Newt grinned

Jacob smiled before turning around, facing the wet street he took a deep breath. Mercy could feel Queenies urge to stop him but she knew she couldn't which made Mercy even more upset. Jacob took a big step onto the street and stood still, absorbing the cold rain. Queenie dove out into the street, her wand shooting an invisible umbrella above her. She approached Jacob with a frown that instantly turned into a smile as she gently kissed him. Queenie returned beside her sister as they dissaperated, Mercy and Newt quickly following their steps as Jacob slowly opened his eyes.

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