《I Need to Find You 》Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald》Thirteen


I keep forgetting that this isn't just the normal world anymore. So I shouldn't be surprised when the shelves around us started to rise. But I am. Newt, Tina, and I were trying to get out but all the shelves kept moving around us.

"Whoa!" I almost shouted when one of the shelves almost knocked me out. Newt grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him but didn't let go in case we somehow got separated.

I was about to run to the right to dodge more pillar's but Newt yanked me back. I turned to give him a confused look until he was pushing me forward.

"Hold on," Newt said as he and Tina went towards the one in front of us.

With nothing else to do but listen, I went towards the shelf. I stood between Newt and Tina and gripped on to the bar as the magical shelf started to spin around. In any other situation, I would have looked around but I don't know what's going on and gripped on for dear life. I did get a little peek though as the shelves were twirling around each other.

Suddenly, the shelves stopped. I almost lost my grip but Tina grabbed my arm before Newt shielded me with half his body. It surprises me that he could hold on to me and the bar with one hand while his case is in the other. I heard some ruffling coming from the pillar before I heard a woman's voice. I don't know what she was saying but I could hear part of what she was saying. I heard something along the lines of the Lestrange family. Merlin's beard. Please, don't tell me that's Leta. I looked up at Newt with wide-eyes and his little nod gave me the confirmation I needed.

"Circumrota," I heard Leta said. My eyes widen as I felt the shelf rotating. It wasn't fast as it was before but it was going very slow. Newt pulled me closer to him as the shelf stopped a few seconds later. "Hello, Newt."

Merlin's beard. Tina and Newt looked over while I turned and got a quick peek. My head was still sticking up but I noticed Leta was staring right at me. Wow, she's even prettier in person. Then people wonder why I was so worried.

"Hello, Leta," Newt greeted her shyly.

Leta looked at Tina. "Hi," Tina mumbled.

Then she looked at me. I gave her a little wave as best as I could. "Hey."

Leta looked at Newt's arm around me until we heard a small growl behind her. Ok, behind her, ahead for us. The lady at the reception's desk was walking towards us with these two cat-like creatures. Matagots is what I think they're called. I couldn't think of anything as their eyes started to glow.


"Oh, no," Newt muttered. The cats started to hiss at us.

"What kind of cats are those?" Tina asked.

"Uh, these aren't cats. They're, uh, Matagots. They're spirit familiars." Ha, I was right! "They guard the Ministry."

Some of the cats were looking at me as their hissing became louder. "Newt -" I started.

"They know you're not a wizard," he answered. "They can smell it off you." I gulped. "Don't worry, they won't hurt you unless you -"

Leta pulled her wand out. "Stupefy!" she cast. A ball of light struck one of the Matagot's. But instead of one, three more took its place.

"Unless you attack them," Newt finished. The Matagot started hissing at us again.


"Leta," Newt called over before he pulled me closer. Tina scoots a bit for Leta to jump onto the pillar with us.

"Reverte," Leta cast again.

The shelves closed off and started to move as the Matagots pounced at us. The shelves blocked them off before we jumped down and started running. I could hear them from right behind which made me pump my legs faster. We were stopped when one of the shelves blocked our path and more started to box us in. We turned to see the Matagots closing in on us but one blocked them before they could rip our faces apart.

"Quickly," Newt said as he opened his case.

Tina, Leta, and I rushed inside. I turned around to be face to face with the Zouwu. I let out a small scream and backed away.

"Alina. Alina!" Newt called out as he grabbed my arm. "It's ok. He won't hurt you."

I looked up at the Zouwu to see it tilting his head at me. It started to smell me before it started to lick my face. I started to chuckle as I felt the Zouwu bring me close and kept licking my face.

"Come now," Newt said as he started climbing up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting us out of here," he answered. "Please, stay here."

What? "Newt -"

He gave me a pleading look. "Please, Alina. I don't want anything to happen to you." I gave him a small nod. "Thank you. I'll knock when the close is clear."

"Ok, just come back, ok," I said.

Newt sends me one of his smiles that shows that he'll come back. He patted the mane of the Zouwu before it shot out of the case. I sighed before Tina slowly walked up to me and brought me into a side hug.

"He's going to be ok," she said.

I sighed. "I know." It's Newt. I know he's going to be ok. "How much did you hear?"


She chuckled. "All the way to where he compared you to a coyote."

"I feel horrible." I looked at her. I mean, I just listened to what some magazine said instead of asking Newt head-on. But he didn't know that I got my memories so he wouldn't know that I've read the magazine. Then I go and ignore him.

"I do, too," she admitted. "I was so angry at him for doing that to you when -"

"When it wasn't true," I finished.

"When what wasn't true?" I heard Leta ask. I forgot she was here.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "It's nothing. It's a bit silly. Stupid even." Tina nodded with me. "Yeah, it's really stupid and I'm glad things were cleared up."

Leta looked up at me before her mouth dropped. "You're her." I furrowed my brows. "You're Alina, aren't you."

"Um," I started. "Yeah, I guess you can say that's me. And you're Leta." Newt's first love.

She nodded. "It's great to finally meet you. Newt told me so much about you. Though he didn't mention that you're a..." She paused. Tina and I glanced at each other.

"A No-Maj," Tina finished. Leta nodded.

"But Muggles aren't supposed to know about us," she said. "They're meant to be obliviated. It's -"

"The law," Tina, Leta, and I finished.

"Yeah, I get it," I added. "I'm not supposed to know about any of this. I didn't until I met Newt at a bank and I might have punched him."

Leta gave me a shocked look. "You punched Newt?" I nodded. She started to chuckle. "Was he chasing one of his creatures?"

I nodded. "He was." Leta started to chuckle again. "Hey, I didn't know him at the time. What would you do if a guy just comes out and starts doing magic?"

"I wouldn't punch him," Leta said, clearly amused.

"You don't know Alina like I do," Tina said. "She punched both Scamanders."

Leta gave me a shocked look. "You punched my fiance?"

I gave her a sheepish nod. "Yeah." Leta had a small smile on her face. "What?"

"Nothing," she said. "Newt sure has a way of picking them. And I mean that with no disrespect."

"No disrespect taken," I said. I furrowed my brows. "Newt talked about me?"

"Not at first. When he arrived back in London, something seemed off about him. I would catch him staring at a piece of paper before he would put it away. Every single day, he would stare at that paper. I know Newt to know something's on his mind.

"After one of his interviews, I caught him staring at the paper again. I found your photo and asked him about you. Newt didn't want to talk but he did. Told me how he met the most amazing girl and had to leave her."

Leta smiled again.

"I knew right there that he was in love. The only other person he gave that look was -"

"To you," I finished. I remembered how he had that photo of Leta. "He's in love with you."

"Was," she corrected. "He was in love with me until he found you. I couldn't be more happy for him."

There's that one thing I wanted to ask her. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I asked her the one question that's been plaguing my mind.

"Do you...Do you love Newt?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "No. I'll only love Newt as my best friend. I only want what's best for him. He knows that." We heard a small knock before the case opened. "I guess it's safe."

"I guess so," I said. Leta gave my arm a small pat before going up the stairs. I looked at Tina. "Do you believe her?"

Tina shrugged. "She didn't give me a reason not to. But she's right. Newt loves you." She gave me a curious gaze. "You love him, don't you?"

"Of course, I do," I answered. "But -"

"No buts," Tina stopped me before going towards the ladder. "I'm not one for faith but if you were supposed to forget about magic and wizards...what does it mean if you remembered?" She gave me a small smile before she started heading up.

I sighed as I ran my hand over my hair. Tina's right. After all of this...after everything I've been through, what does it mean if I remember everything? I had no bad memories of Newt and the Goldsteins. Sure, there were some scary ones but Queenie was the one who helped me remember them. I don't know. I'm just so confused.

I let out another breath before going up the ladder. Leta held her hand down and helped me out. I heard a small laugh and saw the Zouwu hugging Newt. Newt was laughing as he started petting the Zouwu. I smiled at the moment until Tina held up the Zouwu's toy. The Zouwu stopped and eyed the toy. She tossed the toy back into the case as the Zouwu leaped over Newt to retrieve it. I looked over at Newt to see him staring at me. That beating in my chest started to beat rapidly as I felt myself feel more relieved. I couldn't help but smile at him.

Yup, I still love him.

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