《Promiscuous psycho》7: Snapped
3 weeks later
I walk into work with pep in my step. These last two weeks have gone so...
Jungkooks sessions have been productive. His nightmares have even stopped. I've been feeding back to Jin on his progress, and even he was shocked on how well Jungkook was recovering.
I'm sure that within a couple months time we can save up enough money and hire a lawyer. My wage at the minute isn't enough, but I'm contributing whatever I can to help Jin pay, I wanna be part of this, I wanna be part of Jungkooks freedom.
When I enter Jungkooks cell I see its empty. He must be showering.
I smile softly as I sit on his bed. There's not a single night I've gone to sleep without thinking about him. About our kiss. We've kissed again since, but no more since then.
I feel something whenever I'm with him. I like him. I've admitted to myself already that I have feeling for him. I hate whenever I have to take a day off. That's when Yerim gets to see him. God knows what they do, but I know she doesn't just give him a tray of food and leave.
An ear piercingly sharp yell echoes throughout the hall. I jump but feel confused. That doesn't sound like Jungkook?
Following the yells and screams I find myself at the shower block. I enter further in and stop at the site of Jungkook. Naked. The shower water still running down his body as he continues to twist a guards arm backwards behind his body.
"Jungkook stop!" I yell.
He looks at me. And smirks. "Oh come on Y/n. Haven't you ever wanted to in flict a little pain on anyone?"
My lips part to speak again but I jump when he smacks the guards head against the wall, sending his body to collapse unconscious on the floor.
And that's when I realise.
Holy fuck. Could there be three of him.
One that's sweet but petrified.
One that hates intimacy and everyone around.
And one that enjoys it all. The sex. The pain. The true pshyco.
It's all because of them. Those bastard men they've made him like this!
Jungkook PoV
I stare at her afterwards. She looks petrified. It makes my dick hard just seeing her fear me, pure heat and lust burning from my chore. I grab it roughly and fall back against the wall, pleasing myself under the hot steamy shower water, my eyes locked onto hers the whole time.
"It hurts—."
"Shh shh shhh baby boy" he holds a hand over my mouth and presses his sweaty body more against my back. I flinch as his breath touches my ear. "You like the pain. That's how you know it's real. It's the only way you'll feel loved."
Scrunching my eyes shut I endure it. He thrusts into me, hard and fast, it hurts so much, my cry's of pain now muffled by his disgusting hand.
He loves me though. He's the first person to ever love me. Maybe this is what love truly is.
"You're my best student baby boy. You're mine now. And I'm yours. We love each other remember that. No one will love you more then I do. No one."
My eyes focus back on her. Usually she would have been touching my face by now, trying to bring me back to reality.
But she's still stood at a distance.
I've really scared her this time. Good. I don't know why she thinks it's okay to touch my whenever she wants. She's no different then the rest of them.
But we like her.
No we don't we hate her, we want her out of our head.
She makes us feel normal though.
No she makes YOU feel weak.
She hurts you. You're always stressed when she's around.
Only because we aren't used to these kind of feelings.
"SHUT UP!" I grip my head in frustration. "ALL OF YOU JUST STOP TALKING!"
I look down and see Y/n crouched before the security guard who is still unconscious. She holds his head in her hands, scared as she tries to stop him from drowning in the shower water. Of course she's scared. It's her precious little Jimin after all.
You shouldn't have hurt him, he was innocent.
No one that works here is innocent they're all snakes!
Y/n isn't like them though.
God I'd love to wrap my hands around her throat and fuck her tight pussy against these walls.
Her touch makes me feel sick.
She'd feel so much better then Yerim I can already tell. Tighter. Hotter. Wetter.
I don't care for Y/n, I'll do the same to her if I have to get my point across. I'll break her.
Leave me alone just everyone leave me alone!
I'm scared!!
What if she hates us now?!
What if she stops coming?!
What if we become alone again?!
I don't wanna be alone it hurts!!
We need her!!
My chest becomes tight. I can barely breathe, everything is spinning and I can't hear myself even think.
I can hear Y/N's faint calls in the background, her blurred figure stepping closer and closer to me. Just before I blackout I feel her hands grip onto me. Her touch is so soft. She cares about me. She doesn't hate me.
Y/n PoV
I manage to catch his body just before he loses consciousness.
But I'm confused.
Why did he smile just before blacking out.
After the incident Jimin was taken straight to hospital, Jungkook back to his cell. It didn't make sense to Y/n why he wasn't being treated as well. He suffered a panic attack which sent his body to shut down, the effect was almost as fatal as a heart attack and yet here he was, strapped tightly in a straight jacket again.
They injected him too, so she knew he wouldn't be awake for a couple of hours. It's funny, watching him sleep he looked so innocent, so perfectly still and well, just perfect.
Why would you hurt Jimin?
She thought to herself.
Jimin was a sweetheart. Sure he wasn't the biggest fan of Jungkook, but still, he broke the rules by lending Y/n the keys to see him. He also knew about her spending nights with him and didn't report her to the director, which would have easily costed her her job.
A part of the girl now hated Jungkook for what he did to her friend. But she knew she couldn't stop caring about him.
"He's still sleeping?" Dr Kim questions. He flashes Y/n a sympathetic smile before entering the cell.
"They upped the dose this time. So who knows how long he'll be out for this time"
Taking a step forward Jin places an arm on Y/N's shoulder, gently squeezing. "You should head home then. Get some rest."
Shaking her head the girl let's out a tired huff before stretching out her arms. "No I should go see Jimin. See how he's doing."
Seeing the girl so depressed made Jin feel bad. He knew about Jungkooks personalities. Each one of them he had come across during his first year of being his doctor. He should have warned Y/n about the third one, the one that was the most dangerous and cunning.
"Do me a favour though Jin. When he wakes will you tell him I stayed as long as I could?"
With a light smile Y/n gets up and heads towards Jungkooks sleeping body. With her hand she gently pushes his bangs out of his face before planting a soft kiss on his forehead.
Jin stares at her dumbfounded. He didn't understand the need to kiss him. He didn't know she'd started to develop feelings for the boy.
"I'll text you when he wakes. I know you'll be worrying about him."
"Thankyou" she replies before leaving the cell. She catches the bus to the hospital where Jimin was being seen to. When she arrives a nurse takes her to his room. She enters without hesitation, a smile lighting up on her face when seeing him awake and tucking into a chocolate pudding.
"Y/n??" He smiles before licking his spoon.
"Thank sweet baby Jesus you're okay" she sighs in relief. "I felt sick heading here on the bus."
"You sound just like my girlfriend" he scoffs.
Y/n PoV
Playfully punching his arm I take a seat on the chair next to his bed. "Yeah well you scared us both."
He chuckles.
"I'm sorry he hurt you" I look down. He's wearing a sling. Jungkook not only gave him a near concussion, but actually broke Jimins arm.
"It's fine. The guys a nut case."
Those words made me so upset. But I wasn't gonna tell Jimin it hurt. I'm here to see him, not pour out my feelings for Jungkook.
"So what happened? Before he attacked you?"
"Well there was an incident with one of the other inmates, so the guards who were watching Jungkook with me had to leave. It was just me alone with him."
"Anyway Jungkook is only allowed 5 minutes of shower time, and it was nearing close to 10. I told him I had to escort him back to the cell, but he kept asking for longer. I tried to pull him away from the shower and he just freaked out at me, grabbed my arm and twisted it, started telling me I'd regret touching him—."
"Where did you touch him?"
"Well like did you touch his wrist or?"
"No his shoulder."
"So you came from behind him?"
"Yeah why?"
Coming from behind must have scared him. Took him by surprise. It's known that people who have been abused suffer from PTSD and certain actions can trigger an episode to take place. Jungkook must have gotten a little freaked out when Jimin touched him without warning.
"No reason. Just felt like I needed to know." The girl lies. If she told Jimin all of that, it would have just made his opinion about the boy even worse. He didn't understand Jungkook, not like Y/n did.
Y/n PoV
Mouthing an "ah" sound Jimin just tucks into his second tub of chocolate pudding.
I smile.
"Gotta admit I'm gonna miss you around work. Who will I eat lunch with when the other kids won't let me join their table" I fake pout and he chuckles.
I stayed at the hospital for around an hour before leaving. When I got home I did everything I could to distract myself from thinking about Jungkook. I showered, made myself some tea, read through my criminology books, and then got ready for bed. Jin hadn't texted me yet to say Jungkook was awake.
Get off your phone and go to sleep
Is he awake?
He wasn't when I left
Sorry but I had to get home or else my wife would have worried
No it's okay
Get some sleep
You're up early tomorrow for your session
With any hope you've fallen asleep
Night, sleep well
48 minutes later
Jungkook PoV
I watch her unlock the cell gate. She's trying to be quiet but she doesn't realise I'm already awake.
It's clear she came here on a whim, she's still wearing her pyjama bottoms.
"You look insane" my voice makes her jump.
"Y-you're awake" she blurts.
"What are you doing here girl?" I ask unimpressed.
"I had to make sure you—."
"You dare say if I'm okay and I'll kill you."
She says nothing.
"If you came to read me a bed time story then you can go to hell."
"...why did you do it?"
The disappointment in her voice is so clear.
"Because he deserved it. If I got the chance I wouldn't have stopped smashing his head against the wall until his skull caved in."
I smirk from her look of shock. "Aww what's wrong my baby? Were you hoping to see you're favourite Jungkook tonight?"
"I-I don't have a favourite."
"Then how come can never remember these so called kisses you've been stealing?"
"Stealing is a strong word to use considering you kissed me first both times."
"Yeah well you might as well fuck off and head home because no way am I kissing you tonight."
"Oh and I suggest you don't release me from this straight jacket."
"Why? Would you hurt me?"
A laugh escapes my mouth. "Oh I'd do it all to you."
"I don't believe that. You're not the monster everyone thinks you are. You only hurt Jimin because of your PTSD—."
"I hurt that cunt because he touched me without consent!"
"And that's okay" she walks closer before crouching down before me. Our eyes meet and I look at her confused. "You're actually making up excuses for me now?" I ask.
"I'm saying that I understand you" her hand goes to touch my face but she stops herself, her eyes now falling to look down. "I'm not happy that you hurt my friend. In fact it made me hate you for a good while."
She hated me?
"But I'll never hate you forever. Not in the same way I hate those men. You're nothing like them."
"How do you know that—."
"Because I still see you as the Jungkook that taught me to draw."
Those words hit me hard. In fact it felt like heart actually stopped beating for a moment.
"You're the reason I doodle when I'm bored" her lips curve into a smile. She's got such a warm and gentle smile, almost beautiful. "In fact I remember getting so excited whenever we would have an art class together. I cared more about your opinion on my work more then I did Mrs Hwangs."
"I don't remember teaching you to draw" I say trying to be harsh, but she isn't phased.
"Nice try but the other Jungkook confirmed remembering me."
"Well good for him but don't."
"Yeah I think you forget who you're talking to here Jeon. I've been doing more research, and all three of you will remember me now because we met before you were..."
Y/n PoV
He huffs in frustration before turning to face the ceiling again. So stubborn.
I reach into my pocket and pull out the item I'd brought just for him. He flinches when I plug an earphone in his ear, placing the other one in mine.
"What are you—."
"I know you miss listening to music so don't even try and protest. You told me this was you're favourite song as a kid so don't pull your face when it starts to play"
I press play on my phone. The song starts, and I can see Jungkooks once stiff expression soften.
That second time I spent the night in his cell we talked about random memories. Said at the orphanage, they were all allowed only one Christmas present, and he got a cd with this exact song on. The lyrics tell a story, a beautiful narrative about a woman who wishes to escape poverty with her true love. Or something like that, he went on quite a bit about it and I lost focus. I was just so happy to see him opening up to me about his past.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
He hasn't said anything yet. Maybe this song wasn't such a good idea. Maybe reminding him of his time at the orphanage was stupid and insensitive of me.
"Take off my straight jacket" he demands. He sounds angry. Shit.
I hesitate before pulling out my keys, nervously unlocking each lock until he's free. He kicks it to the ground, and I'm surprised when he shifts his body to make room for me on the bed. He wants me to stay?
Without thinking I climb on, and we shift around a little until my back is pressed up against his chest. He wraps an arm around me and I can't even describe to you the feelings it brings to my heart.
"Thankyou" he whispers in my ear. I smile.
"You're welcome"
There's no duvet on his bed but I feel perfectly warm from his body heat. His arm acts as my blanket. Making me feel so safe and secure.
The song continues to play. We go through an entire playlist. Most of the songs Jungkook has never heard before, but he likes them. He likes listening to music. A part of me want to by him a CD player but I know they'll confiscate it. He's not allowed anything for himself. Not even his own toothbrush, everything belongs to the prison, nothing is his.
After a while I wonder if he's fallen asleep, so I turn to face him. His eyes are closed. God he looks so cute when he sleeps, almost like a little baby. All I wanna do is caress his face and hug him, but I know he doesn't want that. It's so hard to resist though. My hands starts to reach out until he eyes shoot open.
"Sorry" I blurt out of panic. But to my surprise he closes his eyes again. "Just stay on my head" he mutters tiredly.
Hesitantly I stroke his hair, softly running my fingers through his silky locks, my tips tickling his scalp and making him shiver. God he's so cute!!
"Sleep well Jungkook."
"Dream of only beautiful things."
"I'll be here when you wake up."
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