《Promiscuous psycho》8: Hurt
Next morning
My eyes shoot open when I hear it, the clashing sound of the steal bars. I turn over and see Jungkook standing there, retracting his fist from the gate before he grips them with both hands, sighing.
"You spent the night?" He asks in deep tone of disappointment.
"Y-yeah you wanted me to—."
"No. Y/n. didn't. Just remember only one of me will ever want you to stay. Two will forever be disgusted by your presence."
"But you weren't the..."
"I mean you were the..."
I struggle to come up with a sensible phrasing.
"You weren't the sweet one, and you weren't you now. You were the one who hurt Jimin."
"I hurt Jimin?"
I nod gently, and he scoffs before taking a seat on the floor. "Knew it wouldn't be long before I fucked up again."
"It wasn't your fault, you were frightened—."
"Please that midget of a guard couldn't scare me even if he forced a gun down my throat."
"Jimin would never do that. He's not like the other guards here."
"Do you fancy him or something?"
"N-no." I feel my cheeks flush at his question.
I'm just glad this Jungkook doesn't know I like him.
Or is it the other one?
It's kinda confusing keeping up with them all. The sweet one seems to be the only one I can pick out easily. The other two are rather similar.
"Have you been up long?" I change the subject.
"Yeah. You left your stupid phone on all night, I woke up to music playing through the earphones."
"Sorry. I must have fallen asleep before turning it off. We were listening to one of your favourite songs."
Furrowing his brows Jungkook stares at me for a moment. "Fast Car?"
I nod with a smile. I then grab my phone, disappointed too see that the battery is dead. "Crap" I mutter. "I needed to call a taxi home, I didn't bring money for the bus."
"You don't drive?" The boy asks.
"No I never took my test."
"Weird. I took you as a driver. Imagined you to have a really old car in the ugliest colour."
"What colour?"
"Some shittt bubblegum one" he says, a smirk like smile curving on his lips. "And you had one of those little hula girls on the front."
"This isn't the 70's" I laugh.
"Did I snore by the way?"
"I don't know."
"I'm told I snore."
"By who?"
"My ex boyfriend."
"Did he dump you for snoring?"
"No I dumped him."
Jungkook PoV
"Did he cheat?" I ask, and she looks at me with a smirk. "Of course you would assume that."
"Well did he?"
"No. In fact he was really sweet and kind. I just lost feelings for him."
"Didn't take you as a heart breaker."
"I wouldn't go that far. Not sure it's even possible for someone like me to break anyones heart—."
"Don't do that" I cringe at her words.
"Do what?"
"Act all...humble and look for a compliment. It's cringey. It actually makes my stomach churn."
"Well my apologies." She chuckles. Her laugh is...Nice. It's not one of those fake ones where the girl covers her mouth. She snorts a little. Scrunches her nose like a pig. I'm not saying it's a beautiful laugh, but it's real. Her smile though, that's beautiful, so soft and gentle, not like the forced ones I see around this dive.
Why are you thinking of her like this?
Surely we like her if we are able to notice things like that?
No. We hate her. She spent the night, no doubt because she wanted a fuck like the others.
Y/n isn't like them how many times do I have to say this!!
She's sweet. She cares!!
She doesn't care. She'll easily fall for us.
"Let's test the theory shall we?" I mutter to my self. The surprise in her expression when I stand up amuses me already. I step towards her before crouching down till level with her face.
"You look cute in the morning" I say and to no surprise her cheeks flush pink. I take it the extra step and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, herself shuddering at my touch. "So cute that I can't hold myself back from kissing you. May I?"
She smiles before nodding, and I lean in, pressing my lips against her plump ones. God she's pathetic, I can practically hear her heart thumping away in her chest. This should go pretty quick. I'll prove she's just like the rest of them.
Suddenly she snatches hold of my wrist, stopping my hand that was about to travel up her thigh. "W-wait what are you doing?"
"Exactly what you want me to do" I smirk before kissing her cheek, then her neck where I begin to suck. She gasps out a moan, her cheeks no doubt as red as tomatoes by now.
"But what does that mean?"
"Relax baby." I kiss up to her ear. "I pull out quick."
Suddenly all the voices that were laughing in my head turn silent, the sharp slap across my cheek sending my entire body stiff.
"You pig!" She cries. Tears are actually welling up in her eyes which just makes them look ten times bigger, almost like a sad little puppy.
"Bit dramatic don't you think" I scoff, surprised when she slaps me again.
Y/n PoV
I'm so stupid. In fact I'm more then stupid I'm the dumbest idiot on the planet for thinking he could actually like me.
Both of our heads turn to the gate where Yerim stands. She looks shocked to see us so close to one another. Ugh she can fuck right off I'm sick of seeing her around.
"Am I interrupting something?"
"No don't worry" I wipe my eyes and sniffle before pulling my shoes on. "He's all yours Yerim. Feel free to give the security guards another live sex show on camera."
Jungkook PoV
I watch as Y/n leaves. She seemed genuinely upset. Why? I know she's attracted to me so why did she react that way?
"No one can love you like me baby boy. This will be the only love you'll ever know. You're mine." He kisses down my tummy, smiling before tracing a finger across me. "You're skin is so smooth and delicate. Don't you love it when I leave my love marks on it?"
"H-head master I should probably leave now" I say. I've spent the whole of lunch in his office. "M-my friend will be waiting for me in class."
"You have a friend?"
"Is everything okay kookie?" Yerims arms snake around my waist. Rolling my eyes I yank her off me, immediately slamming her back against the wall. "Nothing you can't fix you dirty little bitch" I smirk, and she smiles, straight away gathering up her skirt.
Something doesn't feel right inside of me.
Because you've messed things up with the one girl who truly cares about us you idiot!!
You've chased her away for good!!
You're such a dick you can't do anything right!!
I flip Yerim round and push her against the wall. Within a few seconds I'm pushing myself inside of her, the feeling doing nothing for me like it usually would but why?
"Get on your knees instead" I grunt.
"I wanna feel your mouth around me."
Like the obedient girl she is Yerim gets down on her knees, her desperate self taking hold of my dick and shoving it down her throat. Immediately I grab onto the back of her hair, forcing my self deeper into her mouth. She gags, but doesn't hold back at all, she wants me so badly I can see it in her eyes, she's always desperate to have me.
Y/n must be so hurt right now.
Shut up I don't care about her!!
You do. You just can't admit it because you aren't used to feeling this way!!
I turn when she unlocks the gate. She's dressed different this time. A skirt rather then jeans, and a blouse and blazer rather than those ugly sweaters she normally wears. Her hair is even caught back into a pony tail.
Guess thats it with the casual clothing.
"Surprised you came back" I smirk. She doesn't reply. "Aren't you wondering what happened with me and your bestie Yerim?"
"I don't need to wonder, she was practically skipping down the corridors. Weird ass girl."
I chuckle at her comment. I like it when she's sassy. Makes her more interesting to me.
"So your therapy. It's been working well. . You've managed to talk about the events that took place at school. It makes you trigger that vulnerable side of yourself. That part seems to be the one that remembers the most." She begins ranting whilst pulling out a chair to sit down on.
"The plan at the end of this is to allow all three of you to become one. But we aren't there yet. You're vulnerability only seems to come out at night and you're hate for intimacy is a regular occurrence."
"And what am I now then?" I smirk. "Sexy? Horny? Hot?"
"Right now you're the twisted play boy that loves to make things more difficult for yourself."
"Wow. Great diagnosis doc."
"Now I've been speaking with Doctor Lee and she's told me what the original plan was and I've made it clear that I'm not on board."
"Well what was the original plan?" I ask before shifting slightly. Yerim put my straight jacket on little too tight today. After she drugged me I don't really remember much, but some how she managed to get me back in this dumb ass thing. I'm actually surprised Y/n hasn't unlocked me yet, I'm obviously uncomfortable.
"They want to test a new drug on you, it's supposed to kill off the other two but that's horrifyingly insane. Each personality is a part of you. They can't just cut that off. What needs to happen is for all three to cooperate with one another and share your mind. That's how you'll start to function like the rest of us."
"Please, I'm nothing like the rest of you."
Y/n PoV
Smiling I pause from writing my notes. "We all have our dark sides Jungkook."
"You're dark sides are nothing compared to mine." He speaks with the saddest tone of voice.
"Wouldn't be so sure. I know a few people who I'd like to kill. I just have a better restraint then you." I smirk at him. Cute, he's actually shocked by my words, and yet I can see the corner of his lip lift ever so slightly.
My attention suddenly turns to the guards that start to unlock the steal gate behind me. "Alright scum, time for your shower." The fat bald one calls.
"He has a name" I huff before finishing writing my notes. "Suggest you use it before I call my friends at the station. I mean it when I say I could have you fired."
Pulling his face the guard heads over to Jungkook.
"I don't want you guys to take me today" the boy grunts due to the guards roughness when unlocking his straight jacket. "You all make me uncomfortable with how you perv on me."
"Oh really?" The guard sniggers.
"I want her to take me"
Shock hits Y/n like a brick when Jungkook nods his head in her direction.
Jungkook explained his reasons confidently, said he'd rather have one person he trusts keep an eye on him instead of a bunch of sissy virgin homos.
His words exactly.
Securing his handcuffs, the guard shoves Jungkook towards the Y/n, his body stumbling into her hold. She looks at him in shock. He smiles mischievously. "Shall we baby girl?"
Gulping Y/n turns around and leaves the cell, Jungkook following behind her with pep in his step.
Showers were the one thing he looked forward to in the day, it allowed him to feel at peace and enjoy some warm and relaxing time for himself.
"So what do I do? Are you supposed to undress yourself or do I do that?"
"The guards usually do that for me."
"Well you can do it yourself, I'll just un cuff you."
"Oh and you'd trust me? My hands would be completely free after all."
Y/n could see the boys point. But a part of her still trusted him, even though she felt dumb for doing so, she un cuffed him anyway.
"Just undress yourself and I'll wait around the corner. You get 20 minutes remember."
"No I only get 5 minutes."
Stopping in her tracks Y/n turns back to look at the boy. "No. Jungkook."
"You get 20."
When his time was up Y/n peeped her head around the corner, relieved to see Jungkook wrapping a towel around his waist. It meant a lot to him to have those extra 15 minutes to himself, so much that he felt obliged to thank the girl, but he wouldn't. He turns at her presence, flicking his wet bangs aside before wiping excess water from his face.
Y/n was practically drinking up his body with her eyes, and it made Jungkook feel a little uncomfortable be she couldn't help it, he was magnificent, so fit and sculpted, water droplets actually slowed down on the indentations of his
She gulps. Her mouth suddenly dry and her body all hot and tense. Jungkook could get such crazy reactions from her without even trying, he just had that look about him.
Surprisingly Jungkooks cheeks flush with heat. He was used to people eyeing him up like something to eat. But something was different about Y/n doing it.
"I-I got you a spare change of clothes. Some sweat pants and a sweatshirt."
"I don't own clothes like that" the boy replies confused.
"I know. That's why I went out a bought you some. Your cell has no heating and we're in autumn now, you need clothes that will actually keep you warm, not those thin button up shirts that itch."
"You..you actually bought me clothes?"
Nodding Y/n flashes the boy a smile, but his expression remains the same.
"But I can't pay you back. I have no money."
"That's fine I don't want you to pay me back. I got you them as a gift. You don't pay someone back when it's a gift."
"I don't need your gifts." He sulks before sticking his wrists out to the girl. Y/n feels her legs turn weak from the strong scent of shower gel lingering off his body, plus the steamy heat made her clothes feel a little damp, her skin rushing with goosebumps all over. "Just cuff me so I can change in my cell."
"I brought the clothes with me though."
"I don't want them—."
"Jungkook please" her voice comes out a little shaky like she was about to cry. "I-it's breaks my heart every time I see you shivering at night. I promise you'll like these clothes. They're soft and will be gentle on your skin."
Y/n really wanted to do this for the boy. Not just to help him out, but because she wanted to feel closer to him, she wanted to feel like they were actually friends despite her crush.
She wanted to be everything he needed. Everything he had lacked ever since he was a child.
Love. Kindness. Laughter. Joy. She wanted to be all of that.
Giving in the boy accepts the bag of clothes Y/n had bought for him. The others were back in his cell hidden beneath his bed to avoid confiscation.
Jungkook PoV
She leaves to step around the corner. I change into the clothes; and they're so soft and warm, she must have washed them before bringing them here.
They smell just like her...
"Ready to go back?" Her voice startles me. She chuckles. "Whoops sorry. Come on I'll walk you back."
"You need to handcuff me."
"I really don't."
We head back to the cell, and it ends up with me sitting on the bed and her back on the chair. She fixes her notepad and I can't help but stare at her. I don't know why but she's become so interesting to watch. Her little habits have started to amuse me, like when she twiddles her pen when thinking, or purses her lips when I say something inappropriate or make her nervous.
"How did your father pass?"
I know my question is random but hey. I'm not exactly a person who makes much sense now am I?
"How did he pass?"
Y/n PoV
For someone whose killed before, he sure speaks politely about death.
"Erm. I don't think these sessions should be spent talking about my personal—."
"I wanna know more about you though."
God why does that bring such happiness to me??
"Erm. Well. H-he. He erm."
"Is it hard to talk about?"
"Yeah." I breathe out and smile. ""
"I've never lost a loved one before so it's hard to sympathise with you. I'm sorry."
"...it's okay" I say surprised. Sorry I'm just not used to this Jungkook being so...understanding?
"Was he sick?" He asks.
"He erm..God sorry" I laugh awkwardly. "I've just never spoke about his death before. To anyone."
"But you're gonna tell me?"
"...yeah. I guess I am."
"Do you trust me?"
"I do. I mean I feel vulnerable and stupid admitting it. But there's no point in lying."
Jungkook PoV
She sits down beside me on the bed, crossing her legs before turning to face me. "It feels like therapy when I sit in that chair" she shrugs. From the way she starts to mess with her fingers I can tell she's nervous to talk about her dad.
"My dad—." She pauses when I turn to sit like her.
She wants it to feel like a conversation, not a session.
"My dad committed suicide."
"He was always a happy person. Always singing in the shower. Making breakfast. Even when he was cleaning his car" she chuckles softly, a tear rolling down her cheek in the process. "But last year he became depressed. I don't know why, he never opened up to me about it, he was never one for talking about his feelings."
"Which is ironic because he was always there whenever I was upset or needed advice."
"You miss him then?"
She nods before using her sleeve to wipe her eyes, but another tear rolls straight after.
Crap something hurts in my chest.
"He was an amazing dad."
"And I would do anything to have him back." She sniffles.
"Bet he felt lucky to have a daughter like you." I say, and she smiles.
Suddenly that pain that kept twinging in my chest disappears. God knows what that was about.
"See you can be sweet at times Jungkook."
But I'll never be the person you want me to be.
"Do you prefer it when I'm sweet?"
"I don't prefer anything. I accept all of you Jungkook."
"But you hated me this morning. I could see it in your eyes."
"Well you upset me. But still. I accept all of you, even the sides that hurt me. Your flaws make you a person Jungkook, there is no such thing as perfection. Sure, you could use a little fine tuning here and there, but I would never wish for you to lose a part of yourself."
"Maybe the one that smacked Jimins head against a wall."
Looking down I fiddle with the material of my sweatshirt. "You seem to care about that guy."
"Yeah well he's my friend."
"Am I your friend?"
The hesitation in her response doesn't give me much confidence.
"I. Wish I could say yes."
"So you do hate me then?"
"No. Hates a strong word."
"Then why don't you class me as a friend?"
The soft touch of her hand makes me shiver. She lifts my chin to look at her. "Because friends don't purposely try and hurt friends."
"When did I hurt you?"
"This morning. I know why you tried to kiss me."
"I'm not like those other women Jungkook. I truly care about you. I'm fact. I think I've started to fall for you."
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