《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》20: buddy


Nobody believes you.

Make this earth a better place and kill yourself.

Stop posting already.

Nobody cares about you.


You're just a pathetic liar who'll do anything for views.

Roseanne blinked away the tears as her phone lit up with more messages. She was sitting on the floor of her living room, her knees against her chest.

"Stop," Roseanne whispered. "Stop it."

Her phone continued to ding with each incoming notification.

"I said stop!" Roseanne shouted before throwing her phone against the wall. Strangled screams filled the air as the front door opened and Mark flipped on the lights.

"Rosie, what the hell is going on?" Mark slammed the door shut behind him before running towards her. He crouched down in front of her, slightly shaking her shoulders. "Snap out of it, Rosie!"

"I'm not a liar, Mark. I'm not a liar. I'm not."

Mark pulled her into his arms and began rocking her back and forth as he sat on the floor across from her. "You're freaking me out with all the tears, Rosie. Please stop crying."

Her shoulders shook and she sniffled as she tried to control her emotions. She rubbed her hands against her eyes and leaned away from her friend. "I'm sorry. I just lost it for a minute."

"Is that why you're sitting in the dark like a creepy person?" Mark asked. "Did Jisub evict us? I know you were going to talk to him after you got out of work but other than kicking us out, there's not much he could say to make you this upset."

"Jisub's an idiot. He told me I couldn't call the cops. I could be shot and dying and he'd still kick us out if I called them. Is that even legal?"

Mark sighed. "Don't listen to him. Even if you're shot and dying...if you're scared, you call the cops. If we get kicked out then we'll just move somewhere else. Don't waste your tears on someone like Jisub."


"It's not about him. Well, not really. It's just everything, you know?"

"Explain it to me," Mark leaned back, his palms against the floor. "You were fine this morning. Is this about last night? Are you worried someone is going to break into the apartment again?"

"No. Yes. I don't know. It's everything, Mark. Everything. I knew there were going to be people that hate me for whatever reason. It comes with being famous. I totally get that. Why some people think it's their duty to hate me even though they don't know anything about me-I don't know. I'll probably never get over this. Never. People are always going to hate me. I get that being online exposes creators to criticism but do people have to be so cruel? Whatever happened to not saying anything at all if you don't have anything nice to say?"

Another sigh escaped from Mark. "I think that belief died with Mr. Rogers."

"You didn't even watch that show."

Mark shrugged. "It was before my time."

"I honestly thought people would be on my side if I could help with Chou Tzuyu's death. I was wrong," Roseanne whispered.

"Rosie, I told you-"

"Seonghwa posted his video. I'm so stupid. Who believes in a tea channel YouTuber? An idiot like me, that's who. Yerim came on and accused Jungkook of killing Tzuyu after his friend Jaehyun kissed her."

"I don't believe that. There's no way Jeong Jaehyun would betray the Trinity. That's how he makes his money and Jungkook is his boss."

"There was a picture. Yerim caught Jaehyun and Tzuyu kissing."

"Well, damn. I didn't see that coming," Mark muttered. "I haven't watched Seonghwa's video yet. I knew you two were filming but I wasn't sure what you both were talking about."

Roseanne's lips twisted in sadness. "I'm surprised Yuju didn't tell you. She was hovering nearby the entire time. Did you know she was a fan of Seonghwa's?"


Mark frowned and shook his head. "That's strange. She's never mentioned it. I mean...we talk about YouTube a lot because of your videos but she's never made it seem like she really watches YouTube."

"Anyway, I just stepped into a scandal. I thought collaborating with Seonghwa would be a good idea. I'd have more exposure. Well, I got the exposure but not in a good way. Yerim basically made it seem like Jungkook killed Tzuyu."

"What do you think? Do you think he's guilty? Man, talk about scandal. No one would see that coming."

"I don't know," Roseanne answered honestly. "He doesn't act like someone grieving his girlfriend. Now, I found out they weren't dating so that makes sense. They haven't been dating for a long while. So what motive would he have? It can't be him, right?"

Mark moved so his shoulder was touching Roseanne's. He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "How many murder mysteries have we watched? How many episodes of Murder Mysteries have we listened to? When are you going to learn? Anyone can be a suspect. For all we know, Tzuyu was blackmailing him and got tired of following her demands."

"Blackmailing him?" Roseanne repeated.

Mark nodded. "It makes sense. Why pretend to keep dating her? If she really cheated on him or whatever...why stay with her? He's a good-looking guy with a giant bank account. What could possibly motivate him to stay with someone like Chou Tzuyu? I mean, sure she was popular but he helped her more than she helped him."

"Okay, I'll play along," Roseanne said. She nudged her friend's shoulder with her own. "Okay, so if he agreed to go along with her blackmail and kept dating her, why kill her?"

"Why not?" Mark asked. "No one wants to be blackmailed forever. What if Jungkook found another woman he liked? How could he possibly date the girl he liked while he was supposedly still dating Tzuyu? That would ruin his reputation and help Tzuyu. For all we know, maybe that's what Tzuyu wanted."

"They did argue about that necklace," Roseanne said, tapping her chin. "That fact that it showed up here the next day still bothers me. Why did someone send me Tzuyu's necklace?"

"I have a better question," Mark said.


Mark scrunched his nose up in disgust. "What's that smell? Did you let one rip while I was trying to be a good friend and console your crying butt?"

Roseanne groaned and shook her head. She pointed at a box two feet away from them.

"What is that?" Mark asked. He crawled over to the box and made a gagging sound as he opened the box. He cursed and pushed the box away from him. "Is that some kind of voodoo doll?"

"Knowing my luck, it is."

Mark lifted his shirt to cover his nose. His voice was muffled as he spoke. "There's no return address on the box. Who sent this to you?"

The box hadn't smelled until Roseanne opened it. The ripped doll with her name on it had been sitting in various oils and double-bagged in a ziplock bag. When she pierced the box with a knife to cut through the tape, she cut the ziplock bag and was assaulted with the oddest odor ever.

"It smells like death," Mark grunted. "I'm putting it outside. For all we know this thing is haunted."

Roseanne waited for Mark to throw the doll outside. When he returned he was coughing and rubbing hands against his jeans. "I think there was some kind of garbage juice in that too."

"Thank you," she said softly enough it was almost inaudible.

"For what?"

"For being my friend," Roseanne answered.

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