《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》21: famed


Dear Diary,

Today I received three new makeup collections in the mail for PR. I don't even like these brands but maybe I can give some of the stuff I hate to Yerim. I should've never had her black listed from the bigger named lines. It used to be fun to see her so jealous. Now, it's gotten boring. I'm tired of hearing her whine about not getting enough exposure or her trying to ask if I'll give her credit for using her make-up looks to inspire me.

It's not like I'm stealing her looks. I changed them up a bit. It's not my fault I'm more popular than she is. I swear I need new friends. Yerim was fun to hang around when I was new to the beauty scene but now I dominate this arena. You can't grow if you continue to hang out with people smaller than you. I'm like a great white shark and she's a goldfish. Sharks don't hang out with goldfish. If she's not willing to do whatever it takes to stay relevant, then she doesn't deserve a platform.

I have too many hangers on in my life. It's getting to be a problem. Clinger won't leave me alone. Calling me all hours a day isn't going to make me like you. It's not going to make me want to be around you. Clinger thinks intimidating me is going to make me change my mind. It won't. Short of death, I won't give in. Blackmail is a dangerous thing. Clinger is about to learn a lesson because no one threatens me. No one.

Until next time,


Yerim reread the journal entry for the fifth time since she'd found Tzuyu's journal. As far as Yerim knew, Tzuyu didn't have any other family members besides her grandmother who was in a nursing home. If she did, Tzuyu didn't mention it. Her receiving Tzuyu's items was a surprise but it made sense. Yerim wondered if Tzuyu had a formal will.

"She probably wanted to be buried with her money," Yerim muttered.

Tzuyu was always making deals with different brands. She even launched her own makeup line. Those were the type of deals Yerim had once dreamed of.

"Babe, where are you?"

Yerim quickly tucked the journal into the drawer of the nightstand near her side of the bed.


"I'm in the bedroom," she called out. A few minutes later, her boyfriend, Sehun, came into the room. He was wearing pants and a hoodie with some video game Yerim recognized him playing.

"Are you sleepy?" Sehun asked. "It's still really early, babe."

"I was just thinking about the video I made earlier with Seonghwa Spills."

Sehun frowned, removing his cap, rubbing the crown of his head, and replacing the cap. "I thought you said you weren't going to make that video."

"I changed my mind."

"Did you show them the picture?"

"Of course I did. That's the main reason why Seonghwa wanted me to do the collab. Rosé was there too but she got upset and left."

Sehun groaned and shook his head in disappointment. "Babe, we talked about this. Rosé is bad news. You don't want to be associated with her."

"She's not that bad."

"I'm sure that's what people said about Ted Bundy before they found out he was a killer."

"Rosé isn't a serial killer."

"That you know of," Sehun muttered. "I know you want to be famous but this isn't the way to go about it. You don't need to be slumming in with gossip channels and nobodies like that Rosé girl. How many times do I have to tell you? All you need to do is put in the work. That's what I do."

"I'm not a video-gamer, Sehun. It's not the same."

"How is it not the same? We both have to make content and share it."

Yerim rubbed her temples and pushed herself out of bed. "I know you mean well but this isn't helping. You always give me the same lecture."

"I could help you. I can tell my fans that-"

"No! That would just be embarrassing. I'd be that beauty guru on YouTube who had to get her popular boyfriend to ask his fans to watch my channel."

"It'd be better than hanging out with Seonghwa. She's the same guy who lied and said I rigged the gaming benefit last year. It ruined the benefit and the proceeds were supposed to go to kids with cancer."

"What do you want from me, Sehun? I'm trying to do my best here."


"No, you aren't. Your best does not include making videos with Seonghwa and Rosé. You're better than that."

"Stop saying that," Yerim said. Her head dropped forward, causing her hair to cover her face. "Stop saying I'm better than having to do a video with a gossip channel. There's nothing wrong with them. People love them."

"You've never once been embroiled in a scandal. Do you know how lucky you are? Do you know how many YouTubers would love to be in your position?"

"Love to be in my position?" Yerim repeated. "Do you want to know why I'm never mentioned in any gossip? Do you? It's because I'm not relevant, Sehun. Nobody cares about me. I could set myself on fire and make a video of it and nobody would even care. Not a single soul."

"That's not true."

"I don't get it. I made all those videos. Tzuyu constantly stole my looks and no one even cared. Do you know how that makes me feel? The people who know me, know me because I'm your girlfriend or I was Tzuyu's friend."

"That's not-"

"Don't tell me it's not true because it is. I'm sorry if you're disappointed in me but I need to do something to get noticed. You keep saying I'm not trying hard enough. You have no idea how hard I'm trying-how much effort and planning I've put in. All I've ever wanted was to grow my channel so I can do what I love."

"Yerim, you don't even have to do anything. I can support you."

"I know you can but that's not what I want. I want to do this on my own."

Sehun pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry, babe. I shouldn't have said what I said earlier. I know you work hard. Hell, I see you trying to create new looks all the time, I just...I just want better for you. That's all. I love you and I don't want to see you hurt or suffering. Does that make me a bad boyfriend?"

Wendy chuckled in his arms. "No, that makes you an amazing boyfriend."

He kissed her forehead. Then the top of her nose. Finally, he kissed her lips. "I love you, Yerim. I don't want to stop you from doing whatever it is you want but just promise me something, okay?"

She looked up at him and smiled. "What?"

"Please, don't get into any trouble. I just want you safe. I know the police said Tzuyu's death was an accident but what if you're right and it wasn't? What if there's some crazy person out there going after beauty gurus? I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I promise nothing will happen."

Sehun kissed her a few more times before telling her he was going to order some food. Yerim agreed to meet him downstairs. After he was gone, she pulled out her phone and looked at some of the pictures.

One was of Tzuyu the night of her death. The necklace Jungkook had given her was around her neck. Yerim remembered taking her picture so Tzuyu could post it on Instagram. Yerim thought back to that night. She had caught Tzuyu and Jungkook arguing and she had stepped in to intervene.

"Are you okay?" Yerum asked Tzuyu who was glaring at Jungkook's retreating back.

"Can you believe him?" Tzuyu asked. "He actually asked me about this necklace. He doesn't want me to wear it."

"Are you two still fighting? I thought you two made up?"

Tzuyu scoffed. "Made up? He and I aren't going to reconcile anytime soon but he doesn't have a choice to do what I want."

"What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, she just smirked. "You don't need to worry about it. Just know that Jeon Jungkook won't be dumping me anytime soon."

Tzuyu began removing her necklace.

"Are you taking it off because he asked you to?"

Tzuyu sneered. "No, I'm taking it off because I'm irritated with him," she then stomped up the stairs, leaving Yerim alone with the expensive piece of jewelry.

A dinging noise interrupted her thoughts.

It was a text message from Roseanne. Yerim bit her bottom lip.

Was Roseanne still upset about the video they made? She originally thought Roseanne was just like her — willing to do anything to grow her channel.

Yerim hoped she wasn't wrong about Roseanne.

It's the reason she mailed Tzuyu's necklace to Roseanne in the first place.

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