《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》19: throw


"I told you I'd do what I could. Can't you give me a few more weeks?" Jisub asked. He was hunched over the desk as he talked on his cell phone. Pictures of women in various states of undress decorated the small room he used as his office. "I promise I'll have the money by then."

When he didn't get the answer he wanted, Jisub sighed and shook his head. "I'm trying my best. Just let me know what you need. I'll do anything."

After a few moments passed, the call was discontinued. Jisub cursed before slamming his head against the desk. A knock at his door caught his attention.

"Just a minute!" Jisub shouted.

He opened the top drawer of his desk and shoved the butt of his cigarette into a hidden astray before grabbing the bottle of whiskey he had on his desk. He hid the bottle in an open file cabinet and waved his hands in the air as if that would be enough to rid the room of the cigarette smoke.

"Jisub, you're the one who wanted to meet with me," a voice said loudly behind the door. "I've had a crappy day and I really want to eat some dinner and go to bed."

He recognized the voice. "I'll be with you in just a minute, Roseanne. I didn't think you'd come by tonight." He swung the door open to see Roseanne Park, her arms crossed against her chest and a scowl on her face. "What do you want?"

Her brows rose. "Is that any way to greet a tenant?"

"It is if the tenant is always late with her rent."

"Two times," she argued, holding up two fingers. "I was only late two times. Besides, we asked for an extension both times."

"Which I denied," he reminded her.

"We didn't have air conditioning for those two months. You should've given your extension or at least a discount on the rent."

"I did you a favor. Your electric bill was probably lower because the air conditioning wasn't working. You're welcome," Jisub walked back to his desk.

"Why are you giving me a hard time?" Roseanne asked. "You're the one who asked to come meet with you."


"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night."

"You mean someone breaking into our apartment? Mark said you were upset because the police were here."

Jisub's eyes widened. "That's right! Mark said you called the cops to my complex. You do know that's not allowed, right?"

"What's not allowed? Calling the police?" She was smiling as if Jisub were joking with her.

He nodded. "That's right. Calling the police violates your lease."

"What? I don't remember reading that in our lease agreement."

"It's under clause ten, section four. Basically, you can't do anything to lower the property value of this complex. Calling the police makes us seem like a bad neighborhood."

"Not to be rude, Jisub, but I'm pretty sure people are well aware this isn't the best neighborhood. There are two strip clubs and a liquor store here."

"That just means we have a thriving economy here."

"We have homeless people and streetwalkers on every corner."

"Don't judge people unless you know their story, Rosie."

"Are you seriously asking me not to call the police here?"

Jisub shrugged. "It gives a bad impression. Tenants might think this isn't the safest place to live."

"Are you kidding me?" Roseanne asked. She pointed to the posters of women in bikinis stapled to the wall. "I'm pretty sure anyone who walks in here and takes a look at the posters in the landlord's office will know this isn't a safe place to live. Someone broke into our apartment. I have every right to call the police if I don't feel safe."

"Allegedly broke into your apartment," Jisub corrected her. "Nothing was proven."

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"I probably wouldn't be the first person to do so," Jisub replied. His mouth twisted into a snarl. "You'd do anything for attention, Roseanne. For all I know, you made up the fact that someone broke into your apartment just to get the cops to come over. I know you make those YouTube videos with Mark. Are you going to fake another break-in to get more views?"

Roseanne flinched as if his words had physically struck her. "I would never-"


"Never say never, Roseanne. I refuse to have my complex jeopardized because you want attention."

Roseanne's eyes narrowed. "Jisub, they took pictures of me while I was sleeping. I'm pretty sure someone broke in. There's no 'allegedly' about it. I'm trying not to freak out because I know I'm not safe and you're making it seem like I'm guilty of something."

"Whatever you say," Jisub said. "Just know you're on strike one. Two more strikes and you're out."

"What are you talking about? I don't remember agreeing to play baseball. What do you mean I'm on strike one?"

"If you violate your lease two more times, you and Mark are out."

"What? You can't do that. That can't be legal!"

"Take it up with your lawyer. Oh wait, you probably can't afford one," Jisub pulled a box from a shelf behind him. "Not everyone is lucky to have such a kind landlord like me. I have another package for you. I may just start charging you for delivering these. Get yourself a post office box or something because I'm sick of holding your packages for you."

"Now you're telling me I can't have mail delivery here? You're insane."

"It's in the lease. I can make changes as I see fit."

"Jisub, are you serious about the three strikes thing? You're really going to penalize me for calling the police?" Roseanne asked. She reached for the package as Jisub nodded.

"I sure am."

"You know Mark and I have nowhere else to go."

"Then maybe think twice next time you bring the police to my property. If you're willing, we can make a separate agreement between you and me. I might be willing to overlook your call to the police depending on what you offer," his eyes trailed up and down her body.

Roseanne grimaced and took a step back. "You're disgusting. I've told you before, I don't do things like that."

"Then just follow the rules," Jisub advised her. "And you don't have to worry about getting kicked out."

"If I agree about not calling the police, would you at least consider putting cameras on the property?"

"You just called me disgusting and now you're asking for favors," Jisub said. "Don't you know you catch more flies with honey? Putting cameras up would be violating the trust of my other tenants."

"Only if they're doing something illegal," Roseanne argued.

"It would also be an extra cost for me. You're not changing my mind. Is that all you came here to talk about?" Jisub asked. "I have a very important meeting to attend," he was staring at his watch.

"Going to the strip club is not an important meeting," Roseanne muttered.

"It is to the dancers earning my money. Listen, I gave you your package and you told me what happened with the police. If I see anyone suspicious on the property, I will talk to them." Jisub ignored Roseanne's protests and placed his hands on her shoulders, practically forcing her out the door. Once she was gone, he picked up his cell phone and sent out a few texts.

Roseanne Park was causing more problems than she realized. Jisub's phone rang and he pressed the button to answer the call.

"Jisub here. Yes, I know but if you give me a few weeks I told you I'd have the money. I told you I'd do anything," he waited for his caller to respond before smiling. "No, of course, this doesn't bother me. After all, tenants are easily replaceable. Besides, that particular tenant is a ball of trouble. It would be better for the complex of we got rid of—" his caller interrupted and cleared his throat. "Of course. I won't say a word and you don't have to worry about the cops coming around here anymore. I took care of that."

After a few more minutes passed on the phone, the call was disconnected. Jisub swiped the back of his hand against the beads of sweat on his forehead. He took a deep breath before placing a second call.

"Hey, it's me. I need another favor and before you tell me you can't, just remember this. A few clicks from me and everyone you work with will get an email exposing what your illegal hobbies are and we wouldn't want that, would we? I bet your co-workers wouldn't take kindly to one of their own breaking the law."

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