《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》17: rumor
There was nothing more awkward than driving silently in a purple Lamborghini with the guy you suspected was a possible murderer. Roseanne swallowed the knot of apprehension in her throat as she stared at the sunrise painted across the sky.
Hours earlier, she had participated in a live stream with two-thirds of the Trinity on a ghost hunt. Jungkook refused to be filmed.
"So, do you drive all the people who break into your mansion? Or am I getting special treatment?" Roseanne asked, trying to break the silence.
"No," Jungkook answered. "I can honestly say you are the first. To be clear, you didn't break into my mansion."
"That's right. It was just the mansion you rented," Roseanne stole a glance at him. Dark circles were forming under his eyes, proving the sleepless night was taking a toll on the famous YouTuber.
Remembering the bloody book stop she had found, Roseanne wondered if perhaps guilt was another reason he was losing sleep.
Yerim, Chou Tzuyu's best friend, had texted her not too long ago.
Tzuyu knew someone was going to kill her.
This led to Roseanne to text back.
Did Tzuyu give a name???
The responding texts denied Tzuyu left a name. Tzuyu only mentioned someone by the name of Clinger. Who was Clinger? Was it Jungkook? Roseanne closed her eyes to ponder this but was interrupted by Jungkook's voice.
"The guys and I have unannounced guests at our places all the time. They don't climb a balcony in the middle of a thunderstorm to break in like you did but they still show up. When a neighbor spills the beans that we live nearby, fans think it's okay to just show up-like I'm some sort of animal at a zoo. Usually, we call the cops unless we're down on content. Then, we ask them to hang out for like half an hour just to be nice."
"I bet they love that," Roseanne said, not being able to imagine having people show up randomly to her apartment. She made a scoffing noise. "I know a great way to avoid crazy fans. You should try not being famous like me. No one ever shows up to your house unle-"
"What is it?" He asked when she stopped speaking.
Roseanne shook her head. She wanted to tell him no one ever bothers her but that wasn't true. Hadn't someone vandalized her door and then broken into her apartment?
"Nothing. It's just been a weird night."
"You can say that again," Jungkook muttered. "Do you want to stop anywhere before you go home?"
Roseanne's eyes widened. "You'd take me somewhere else? What if I said Japan?"
He shrugged. "Nowhere else I have to be this morning. I can't go to my place because reporters have been outside after Tzuyu's accident."
Roseanne supposed that's what Jungkook would refer to it as.
The night prior, she hadn't been as excited about the live stream as she thought she would be. She mostly just explained how to use her equipment and let Jaehyun and Eunwoo create a funny bit for their fans.
She watched all of them, wondering if any of them could be possible of murder. She'd seen enough crime documentaries and crime shows to know it would be wise to keep her suspicions to herself.
Roseanne would have to wait until she had more proof to show the two detectives Tzuyu's death wasn't an accident. Once she did that, Roseanne would be more recognized to the world. Then, she and Mark could move into a bigger house than the apartment they were living in with a landlord who always made her uncomfortable.
"There are reporters at your house?" Roseanne asked.
Jungkook nodded. "Since the night Tzuyu died. Anyone coming in and out of my home is being questioned. A few reporters scared my maid enough to cause her to quit."
Roseanne didn't feel sorry for him about losing his maid. That was a problem for rich people, problems she couldn't relate to.
"What do they want to know?"
"Well, at first they were asking if I killed her," he gave Roseanne a sour look as if the reporters were her fault. "They asked if Tzuyu had a drug problem. An alcohol problem. A mental-health problem. When the police had finally announced it was an accident, they started asking how I was coping. A few followed me thinking I was going to meet a therapist or hit up some bars. I really don't know but only the threat of the police got them to back off."
Roseanne's mouth fell slightly open. "Really? That's a bit too much."
He gave her a wry smile. "This is coming from the girl who made a video about the dead YouTuber."
"And he goes straight for the throat folks," Roseanne said as if there were an imaginary audience in the car. "I'm never going to live that down, am I?"
Jungkook shrugged. "So, are we going to your home?"
"No, take me to Retropolis. I need to see my friend Mark," Roseanne answered.
"Retropolis? What is that?"
"It's a store that sells coffee and lets people use the computers to play games. Before you make fun of it, it's a lot of fun and all kinds of people go there-not just nerds."
Jungkook chuckled before placing the address in his GPS. "I didn't say anything. How long have you been working there?"
"For a long time, I guess. My friend Mark is the manager there."
"He's the one you live with?"
Roseanne nodded. She pointed to Retropolis which was up ahead. She could see Yuju, halfway out the door in her black uniform and red apron. "That's Yuju. She works with us too."
Jungkook frowned. "What did you say her name was?"
"Yuju. Why?"
"She looks familiar. I've probably seen her at a fanmeeting or something. Not that it necessarily means anything. I've met so many people they've all started blending together."
Roseanne watched as Yuju jumped back once she saw who was in the purple Lambo. She scurried into Retropolis and Roseanne smiled.
She thanked Jungkook for the ride before entering the building. Yuju was waiting for her to enter while Mark swept. Yuju looked around before approaching her.
"Was that who I think it was?" Yuju asked in a whisper.
"No, it wasn't Santa Claus," Roseanne jokes.
She was already thinking of what her next video should be. Yerim wanted to film them reading Tzuyu's diary but Roseanne knew it would be in poor taste. She wondered if she should do another ghost-hunting video or try to get more evidence from Tzuyu's death. If someone had hit Tzuyu on the head with the book stop, why hadn't the coroner noticed it? Did her fall really disguised the trauma to her skull?
"Hello, Rosie. Earth to Rosie," Yuju said, waving a hand in front of Roseanne's face. "Where did you go all of a sudden? You kind of just mentally clocked out just now."
"Sorry," Roseanne whispered, not realizing she had been daydreaming. "I've been in my own little world lately."
"I would love to be in your world if it meant Jeon Jungkook was driving me around. What's he like? Heck, what's the Trinity like?"
"I didn't know you were a fan but I'm not sure how to answer that. He's like whatever you probably imagine him to be like. He's rich and a bit of a narcissist. As for Jaehyun and Eunwoo, they're really funny but weird."
"I love their videos. They're always short but fun. I saw the reposts of the live stream. Only Jaehyun and Eunwoo were in it. I didn't realize Jungkook was there when you all were ghost hunting. I cannot believe you were hanging out with the Trinity. Do you know what this means?" Yuju's eyes were practically the size of saucers and she was bouncing from one foot to the other.
"There's nothing special about them," Mark muttered as he approached. "I mean...they're richer than most, drive fancy cars, get any woman they want...but that doesn't mean anything. That could be anyone."
Roseanne bit back a smile. Yuju giggled.
"You're right," Roseanne placed an arm around her best friend. "You're the only special guy around here. You run Retropolis and keep me out of trouble."
Mark made a coughing sound. "I try to keep you out of trouble. I don't have much luck in succeeding."
Roseanne gave him a weak smile.
"Yuju," Mark said. "Can you do me a favor and grab the chairs from the back room? They need to be set up before we open and we're running out of time."
Yuju looked between Roseanne and Mark before nodding. "Sure. I'll set them up for you."
Once she was gone, Mark turned to Roseanne. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
He frowned. "Rosie, I know you and there's no way you're fine. Someone broke into our apartment and took pictures of you while you were sleeping and you freaked out. You always sneak out to ghost-hunt without me when you're stressed."
"I was stressed but breaking into a mansion and getting caught made me forget about someone else breaking into our apartment."
"You what?" Mark hissed. "How could you do something so dumb? I saw the livestream so I'm guessing you broke into the Park mansion. I was wondering how you ended up filming with them. Why would you do something so stupid? Did you want to know what it felt like to be a criminal? They have to pee in public, Rosie. You wouldn't survive."
"No, I thought the mansion would be empty and then I just stopped thinking. I know it was stupid but I needed to escape and I really didn't get to spend enough time in the room Jihyo was killed in."
Mark cursed under his breath. "So, why aren't you in a jail cell right now?"
"I should be but the guys had mercy on me. Actually, I think they liked the fact that I broke in. I may end up in one of their videos. They'll probably show me breaking in and use it as clickbait. Then I'll have their fan base coming for me," Roseanne shuddered.
"I woke up and you already left the apartment. Jisub kept knocking on our door complaining about the police coming over. He said it lowered the real estate value of his property or some crap like that."
"Why do we have the worst landlord in the world? Jisub is just a nosy creeper. I have half a mind to believe he's the one who broke in last night."
"Nah, Jisub wouldn't break through the window. He'd use a spare key."
"You never know. Creepy and crazy people do creepy and crazy things. You can quote me on that."
"So, you're okay now?" Mark asked. "You're not worried someone is stalking you? That picture and those texts coming in after someone vandalized our door is proof someone is after you."
"I'm internally screaming but yes...I'm fine. Whoever broke in is just trying to scare me. It's happening because I'm getting a lot more recognized by the public because of the Chou Tzuyu videos. As odd as it sounds, I'm not really worried about it. Whoever it is will stop once they realize I've helped with Tzuyu's case."
"No," Mark groaned. He shook his head and placed his hands on Roseanne's shoulders. "No, you are not going to investigate her murder. Someone's recent death should not be a source for you to get famous. Please tell me you won't keep making videos about her. The police already made it official. It was an accident."
"But it wasn't."
"You don't know that and you can't prove that," Mark reminded her.
"I haven't told you what I found last night," Roseanne whispered. She looked past Mark's shoulder and saw Yuju carrying a couple of chairs. When their eyes met, Yuju quickly looked away.
Strange. Was Yuju really starstruck because Roseanne spent time with the Trinity? Did Mark know his crush had a thing for Jungkook, Jaehyun and Eunwoo?
"Last night, I was able to get away from the guys for a few minutes. I found the room Tzuyu was killed in and I looked around."
Mark sighed. "There are so many things wrong with the statement you just made, I'm not sure where to start. What the hell were you thinking, Rosie? No, don't answer that. I already know you weren't thinking. Not one bit."
"Calm down, Mark."
"I am calm and for the record — telling someone to calm down never works."
"Just hear me out before you start judging me. I went into the room where she was killed and there were books everywhere. There were also these ugly purple bird-shaped book stops on the top of the shelf. Well, only one was there. When I started rummaging through the writing desk in the room, I came across the second book stop. It was bloody."
She waited for her friend to react. When he refused to speak, she continued.
"I have a theory."
"Of course you do."
"I think someone hit Chou Tzuyu on the head with that book stop and then pushed her off the balcony. It would explain why she screamed twice. Once when she was hit and the second time when she was falling."
"You're forgetting something," Mark said. "In the press conference they held, the police said there weren't any signs of a fight. You're thinking Yeri didn't try fending off her attacker?"
"According to Yerim, she found one of Tzuyu's journals. It had something in there about someone giving her a hard time. What if that person is the murderer and the reason Tzuyu didn't fight was because she knew him?"
"I'd say that's all great in theory," Mark said softly. "But the coroner wouldn't make that kind of mistake."
Before she could respond, the front door opened. Without turning, Mark spoke up. "Sorry, we won't be open for another ten minutes."
Roseanne's mouth fell slightly open. "Is that who I think it is?"
Yuju's voice shattered around them as she pointed a finger at the person who walked through the door. "OMG! You're Seonghwa Spills!"
Seonghwa Spills was currently wearing a white blazer and matching pantsuit. He reminded Roseanne of a business man.
"Salutations," Seonghwa closed his umbrella after shaking the rain off. "I'm here to talk about business," he placed her umbrella in the purse he carried and pointed to one of the white tables people used to sit and wait. "My rising star, come join me."
"Is he talking to me?" Roseanne whispered.
"Well, he's not talking about me," Mark answered.
Roseanne looked back to see Yuju snapping pictures at Seonghwa who was posing for her even though he was a few feet away.
"You wanted to talk to me?" Roseanne asked as she pulled the chair from the table.
"Yes, my dear. Last night, you made a cameo on Trinity's livestream. It was very unexpected. I must admit, darling, I'm impressed. Jungkook wasn't there, which is expected seeing as his girlfriend kicked the bucket and all."
"I'm sure he's devastated," Roseanne said. She bit the inside of her mouth to stop herself from blurting out the truth-that he seemed totally fine despite the fact that Tzuyu was dead.
Seonghwa made a scoffing sound. "I doubt that."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh," Seonghwa placed a hand over her mouth. "That was supposed to be a secret. Forget I mentioned anything."
Yuju came hurrying forward. "Could I get you anything to drink, Seonghwa?"
"Would it be insincere to ask for tea?" Seonghwa tittered. When Yuju just stared at him blankly, he adjusted herself on the chair. "I'll have carbonated water."
Yuju nodded and scurried off to get her water. Roseanne shook her head in disbelief. She had no idea Yuju was also a fan of Seonghwa. She knew the Trinity were popular so it wasn't unusual for Yuju to watch them but Seonghwa ran a gossip channel on YouTube. Yuju didn't seem like the type to watch gossip videos.
"Everything happened unexpectedly. I hadn't planned on meeting them," Roseanne lied. "Are you here to get information about the stream? It was very last minute. Jaehyun and Eunwoo were really interested in conducting their first ghost-hunt. It's a shame we didn't get any kind of response from Park Jihyo."
Seonghwa was tapping a finger against his chin. "Are you going to be in any more of their videos?"
Roseanne shrugged. "I doubt it. It's not as if we can collab on anything."
"Your last two videos have trended on YouTube. You don't have anywhere near the number of followers to pull that off and yet you're doing it. Even the media outlets are playing snippets of your videos. You're becoming viral again. RoséRade. Those videos of you investigating Tzuyu's death are a hit. I think you should continue with them. How amazing would it be if you solved a murder across YouTube?"
She already thought of doing that. Roseanne opened her mouth to speak, making Seonghwa click his tongue at her.
"I want us to do a video together. You're the it girl right now and I want some of your clout."
Roseanne leaned back in her chair. "I make horror-related content. You're a gossip channel. I'm not sure how-"
"In exchange, I'll give you the greatest piece of gossip involving Chou Tzuyu. What do you say?" Seonghwa asked. "Are you in?"
Roseanne licked her lips before nodding. "It's about Tzuyu?" Maybe Seonghwa's gossip would shed some light on who Clinger's identity was. "Sure, I'll do a collaboration video with you. What's the gossip?"
Seonghwa's smile widened like an alligator right before it attacked. "Jeon Jungkook, the king of YouTube, and Chou Tzuyu broke up months ago. They just hadn't released an official statement."
Roseanne made a strangled sound in the back of her throat. She was too shocked to come up with words.
"Apparently, the beauty guru liked to cheat on our royal highness," Seonghwa pouted. "What's surprising is with who."
"Who?" Roseanne leaned forward.
"Some say it was more than one person but if this one person's name was released, it would ruin the Trinity."
"Who was it?" Roseanne asked again.
Seonghwa pressed a few buttons on her phone and turned it to Roseanne's face. She gasped and shook her head, refusing to believe the image she was looking at.
Chou Tzuyu was on Jaehyun's lap in the middle of the party. They were kissing. What really captured Roseanne's attention was the male hidden in the background. It was Jeon Jungkook and if looks could kill, Tzuyu and Jaehyun would have been murdered a long time ago.
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The Corradi Effect
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Diary Log of a Ghost
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When I died, All the Empresses Cried
When the infamous Emperor of the Demons came back from the dead, the whole Universe waged war against him.It seemed impossible to win until the famed empresses of the Universe arrived at the scene, only to lose once again.While everyone was despairing over their bleak future, a handsome youth suddenly appeared out of the crowd and killed the Demon Emperor by sacrificing his life.As cultivators from the myriad races stood still and watched the nameless hero fall, a scene on the void, a scene depicting the past lives and numerous merits of the youth.One by one, from Ice Empress to the Fiery Phoniex Empress, all of them started to cry as they saw their pasts!-------Every time Li Yao died, he would reincarnate into a better body, he never knew how or why did this happen as he simply chose accept his gift. Even though he couldn't remember his past lives, knowing that he was a reincarnator strangely comforted him.In his first life, he became the Demon Slaughtering Emperor who died as he protected his junior sister,Second life, he became a saint that protected the masses and doted on his sister, but he was killed when he was fending off traitors after leaving his final words ''Don't worry about your brother, take care of yourself.''Third life, fourth life, fifth life...In his final reincarnation, his junior sisters all became Empresses themselves...----This is my first time writing a novel like this, you know, the ''watching'' or ''live broadcast'' genre. I've only seen it on some fanfics before (MCU cast watching MCU, Naruto World watching Naruto etc.) so I started writing it on the cultivation genre, thinking it would be rather unique for this genre.
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Unstable dungeon
Who would expect to actually have their soul teleported when they pick up a prety rock that just fell from someone's pocket? Aki did. He just didnt expect to be right about that. Well, whats done is done and its not like he will be stuck there for ethernity, he wont allow that. Hello, I decided to throw another Aki at another isekai. This time as a dungeon and a little more involved in things for other people.
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I ship this so bad!
8 208