《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》16: diary


Kim Yerim couldn't sleep.

Her boyfriend, Oh Sehun, was dozing softly next to her in bed. She glanced over at him and sighed.

Sehun was a popular YouTuber in the gaming community. He owned the home they were living in and pretty much supported her. He deserved a girlfriend who was equally successful.

She sighed heavily before inching the blanket they shared off of her body.

Yerim crept out of bed and padded toward her set-up room. She had received a package in the mail earlier that day and still hadn't opened it. Tzuyu's grandmother had mailed it to her.

If Yerim was being honest, it was probably Tzuyu's caregiver who sent it.

Tzuyu never knew her father and her mother took off years ago. Tzuyu's grandmother raised her but she had gone into a nursing home two years ago after being diagnosed with dementia. Tzuyu had a few aunts and uncles still living but she wasn't close with any of them.

She stared at the box, wondering what it could possibly contain. Probably makeup Tzuyu didn't like. Tzuyu was notorious for giving Yerim the PR make-up she didn't like. Not having a steady income of her own, caused Yerim to accept the handouts.

Sehun once told her he'd buy her whatever she wanted but Yerim didn't want him to start resenting her.

She took a pair of scissors and ripped into the tape of the box. Clothes and a few personal items were in the box along with some make-up boxes with yellow sticky notes stuck to them with Tzuyu's name on them.

It was all meaningless junk as far as Yerim was concerned.

"What are you doing?"

Yerim jumped and gasped at the sound of her boyfriend's voice in the doorway. "You scared me!"

Sehun chuckled, wiping a fist against his eyes. "Why are you out of bed, babe? You know I can't sleep without you beside me."


Yerim shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it's the rain but I can't sleep. I got a package from Tzuyu's grandmother today."

Sehun frowned. "Why would she send you a package?"

"Maybe because we were best friends?"

"You were best friends with Tzuyu's grandmother?"

"Very funny," Yerim said, smiling. "Tzuyu and I were best friends for years and her grandmother's caregiver knew this. There's a note here explaining she didn't want to just throw these things out so she sent them to me."

"Wow, they're already clearing her house?"

"Probably selling it. It's expensive to have a caregiver. Anyway, I couldn't sleep."

"Do you miss Tzuyu?" Sehun asked, yawning. He sat next to her on the floor, placing an arm around her and kissing her temple.

"Does it make me a terrible person if I say no?"

"I'm not sure how to respond to that, babe."

Yerim rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder. "Tzuyu was my best friend but she was also my biggest enemy."

"You made me watch Mean Girls," Sehun said. "She's Regina."

Yerim giggled. "Yes. Every single time she sent me PR for companies she didn't like it felt like a slap in the face."


"Because the majority of the makeup looks Tzuyu would do were just recreations of stuff I did. A few times some of my viewers pointed it out in her comments and she'd block them. Instead of my looks being featured on the Instagram of all the popular cosmetic brands, it was Tzuyu. Tzuyu who copies almost all of my creations."

"They say copying is the highest form of flattery," Sehun said. "Or something like that. Just don't ask me who they are. I don't know but they think copying is a compliment."


"I wouldn't have minded if she'd given me credit. She never gave me credit. Never!"

"That bitch," Sehun rolled his eyes in anger. He immediately started laughing, looking up. "Lord, please don't strike me down dead for calling a dead woman a bitch."

"It's not funny," Yerim whined. "That's why I started making those videos with Rosé."

"That ghost-hunter girl?"


"I told you not to do them. No good can come from making videos like that."

"I know but my channel needs attention. I hate that you have to support me because I can't be successful on my own."

"What? Where is this coming from?" Sehun asked. "I don't support you because you can't do it on your own. I support you because I love you. If making YouTube videos makes you happy but poor...that's okay. Why? Because making YouTube videos makes me happy and rich. One day we're going to get married and none of this will matter because my money will be your money."

"Your money is already my money," Yerim said, poking him in the ribs. "You shouldn't have put me in your bank account if you didn't think like that."

Sehun laughed. "You're right. We should just get married now. Wanna marry me?"

She poked him in the ribs again. "I want a romantic proposal, Sehun. Not like this."

He kissed her cheek. "I love you, Kim Yerim. Don't stress about money because I've got you covered. You'd take care of me if you had money, right?"

She grinned. "Yes, I'd definitely be your sugar mama."

"Then put the box away and let's go upstairs," he was already standing, extending a hand out to her.

"No, you go up first. Let me put this box away and then I'll come up."

Sehun nodded and left her alone. Once he was gone, Yerim pulled out the make-up and put them in her make-up cabinet. She looked over the clothes and set them aside.

She finally pulled out the journals and began rifling through them. She opened one and began silently reading. The journal was actually one Tzuyu was keeping her private thoughts in.

Yerim checked the date on the top of the page. It looked like the entry was made a few months ago. Yerim frowned as she continued reading. She knew Sehun was waiting for her but she couldn't stop.

Hours passed and the morning light was beginning to creep in through the windows.

Tzuyu's written words had become addictive and each sentence was like a hit from a drug Yerim couldn't refuse.

The crease of her brows deepened, her mouth tightened, and her breath hitched. Yerim gasped at the final sentence she read before the journal fell from her hands.

With shaking hands, she picked up her phone and sent a text to Roseanne.

Tzuyu knew someone was going to kill her.

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