《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》15: karma


"The half-eaten sandwicheshad started growing mold. A dark roach zipped through the clear empty wrappers of frosted donuts as the sour stench of sweat lingered in the air.

Next to half-empty cans of peach-flavored crush was a flipped open laptop revealing an array of photographs capturing YouTuber Rosé in various screenshots from her YouTube videos.

Rosé was an obsession to the monster which had just left negative comments on Rosé's latest YouTube video.

She was physically so far away but really only a few clicks away. Everything about her was hinted at in her videos, archived in her tweets and captured on her Instagram feed. Her real name is Roseanne Park. She was an orphan who always wanted a dog and was allergic to peanuts. She listened to everything except country and often wore silk or random brown blazers. She pretended to be normal but the monster knew better.

Park Roseanne was selfish and greedy. She'd do anything for views even if it meant hurting those around her.

Pinned across the wall above the laptop were pictures of Roseanne, her face scratched with the letter X, repeatedly. Articles covering her videos about Chou Tzuyu's death were also taped to the white-washed wall which had seen better days. Outside, lightning painted the dark sky. The storm was a perfect reflection of the monster's anger swirling around the small room.

Chou Tzuyu's death was officially declared an accident. Her funeral arrangements were still being made but it seemed as though fans were already paying tribute to the beauty-influencer. Hundreds of YouTube videos recreating her makeup looks were being posted. The eyeshadow palette she made with a famous beauty brand was officially sold out and Twitter had started a moment made up of fans sharing which video of Tzuyu they had seen first.

A few clicks on the laptop with gloved fingers brought up YouTube's trending page. The top trend was about Chou Tzuyu's death along with a police statement and Roseanne's video. Anger flared when the monster noticed the amount of views the video had garnered. It was a collaboration with Kim Yerim, Tzuyu's best friend. Perhaps Yerim wasn't such a great friend to Tzuyu since she had lowered herself to appear in a clout-chaser. Slowly, Roseanne is building her career.


A snort escaped its lips. The monster saw how pathetic Roseanne looked using Tzuyu's death to gain fame.

A blue box with purple circles sat on the desk next to the peach-flavored crush. The gloved hands reached into the box and pulled out a leather handmade doll with uneven stitches. Thick, brown yarn was used for its hair and dark stitching in an X-pattern was made for the mouth and eyes. The word "killer" was embroidered randomly into the black dress the doll wore.

The gloved hands pulled out a small knife. Quick stabs into the doll's heart had the cotton stuffing pushing out of the leather material. The knife remained stuck in the doll as the gloved hands placed the doll carefully back into the box.

Every day the fight to control the monster's anger was getting weaker. It was like trying to keep a volcano from erupting. It wouldn't be long before the monster won completely and the fury would rupture and destroy everything in its wake.

Once Roseanne received the monster's gift, perhaps she would understand it was time to stop trying to become famous.

If not, the monster definitely would come out to punish.

And Roseanne Park definitely didn't want that. Not if she expected to live another day.


"Were you playing in the rain?" Seokjin asked. "I thought only little kids did that."

He spun his chair towards Joohyun, who had just walked into the station.

She was squeezing water from her hair and stomping her boots causing a puddle of water to surround her.

"I had an errand to run and didn't have any umbrella. I swear we need better parking around here. It felt like I had to run a mile from my car to get here."

"I'm glad you're living your childhood," Seokjin smirked.

Joohyun scoffed. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be working instead of sitting in that chair all day?"

"Don't start with me," Seokjin said. "Maybe the captain is giving us a break since we closed the Chou Tzuyu case fairly easily."


Joohyun rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and now we have news outlets claiming we made a mistake."

"No," Seokjin corrected her. "We didn't make a mistake. The coroner said the impact of the fall in the back of her head in combination with her neck breaking is what killed her. There were no signs of her fighting off an attacker. All of her friends claimed she had been drinking which was backed up when her blood was checked. The official toxicology report won't be in for weeks but there's no way we're wrong on this one. Chou Tzuyu fell off that balcony on her own. It was tragic and unfortunate but it was an accident."

Joohyun made a growling sound in the back of her throat. She knew Seokjin was right. An hour after they left the scene of Tzuyu's murder, Seokjin had even suggested the ghost of the mansion had killed Tzuyu. Everything made sense to suggest it was an accidental death.

"Are you still keeping updates on her?" Joohyun asked. She didn't have to say her name for Seokjin to know Joohyun was referring to Roseanne Park.

"She hasn't posted anything since the collaboration she did with Tzuyu's friend."

"Doesn't she have a name?" Joohyun asked, scowling.

Seokjin shrugged. "I don't remember it. Does it matter? That poor girl will forever be known as Chou Tzuyu's friend and when people forget about Chou Tzuyu, they'll forget that girl existed too."

"You're heartless," Joohyun said softly. She sat at her desk and pulled some tissues from the box that always sat on the corner of her desk. She patted the tissue against her damp clothing. "The only reason I asked about that Roseanne girl is because people are actually starting to believe her. I got an email from the mayor's secretary asking if we were positive it was an accident."


"Yes. That girl is a menace. It's like she thrives from drama."

Seokjin leaned back in his chair. "You know, that would make sense. I would imagine YouTubers are people who crave attention. Maybe even need it. Do you think she's just making these videos to get views? Some YouTubers make tons of money."

"Of course she's doing it to get followers and to make money."

Seokjin tapped his chin. "Her videos are pretty good but she never puts a ton of ads in them and it's not like she gets a lot of sponsors. I think a majority of her followers came after one of her videos went viral. People followed her but they didn't stick around for her new content."

"Which is probably why she started making videos about crime," Joohyun said. She moved her computer's mouse around until her desktop lit up. "She's making us look bad and I'm not going to put up with it, Jin."

"Just ignore her. We did our job and that's all that matters."

"No, I refuse to allow her to make a fool of our department."

"It wouldn't bother me," Seokjin admitted.

Joohyun grabbed a pencil from her desk. She began scribbling something down on a notepad. "Well, it really bothers me." The pencil in her hand snapped in half and Seokjin started laughing.

"Calm down, Hulk. Karma will work it's way through this city and eventually catch up to Roseanne if she deserves it. Things like mistakes have consequences and repercussions; it's not up to you to decide if she gets punished."

"No?" Joohyun murmured. "We'll see about that."

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