《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》14 :: the impression



"Damn," Jaehyun grunted.

Roseanne stared at Eunwoo, who was supposed to be the nicest one of the group. He was looking at her like she was a scum and for a moment she wondered if she'd done something to cause such hate from him. She pushed her shoulders back. "I wanted to do a ghost-hunting video here. I told you that. I had no idea you all were here. I didn't plan this. There's no other reason I'm here."

His eyes narrowed and he leaned forward. "Do you honestly think we believe you? I mean, you are a nobody after all."

Jungkook shoved Eunwoo back. "Cut it out."

Eunwoo's scowl was replaced with a wide smile. "Just kidding. Of course, we believe you, Rosie."

She didn't know what to say. So she did the only thing she could think of. She mumbled something about having to use the bathroom and pushed herself from the floor. She rushed out the room as the guys continued to play their game. Roseanne didn't have a destination but she couldn't stay with them after what Eunwoo told her.

"You are a nobody after all."

He was calling her a nobody. It was another reminder that everyone considered her a clout-chaser.

She continued down the hall until she saw a doorway covered in police tape. She froze. That was the room Tzuyu had been in last. Roseanne turned the flashlight app on and looked back to make sure none of the guys were following her. She pulled at the tape and turned the doorknob.

The room's layout was an exact replica of the room she was last in but everything was decorated in pink instead of blue. A chill ran down her back as she noticed more tape around the balcony doors of this room. There were several bookshelves full of hardcover books along the back wall. One of the bookshelves had a purple wooden bookend of a bird on one shelf. A large antique desk with at least ten drawers sat on one end of the room.

The light slowly moved across the room. Tzuyu's killer had been here. Roseanne refused to believe her death was accidental. There was no bed in the room so she wondered if it was used as a study.

Rain continued to hit the glass of the balcony doors as Roseanne made her way to the desk. A notepad and a few pens were in the drawers.

With nothing but curiosity and a desire to stay away from the three guys in the other room, she began rummaging through the small drawers at the top of the desk. Most of them were empty. She opened one of the large drawers at the foot of the desk. Various empty hanging files were there. She pushed them back of the drawer, aiming her flashlight at her find.


It was the matching bookend of the purple bird on the bookshelf. She turned it around in her hand and gasped.

Along one corner of the purple bird was a stain of dried blood.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked. Roseanne quickly put the purple bird back inside the drawer and swiftly closed it.

He flipped on the light switch and Roseanne rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the light.

Roseanne stepped away from the bookshelves lined against the back wall.

She thought about giving the purple bird to the police but since Tzuyu's death was ruled an accident, Roseanne figured no one would believe her if she brought it to anyone's attention. If the police found it with her fingerprints, they could possibly frame her but she was confident her original video ruled her out as a suspect.

The matching book stop to the one now hidden in the desk was still on the shelf, too high for Roseanne to reach. She guessed whoever killed Yeri, had to have been tall.

"I was looking at the books," Roseanne answered.

Jungkook's eyes narrowed. "You said you were going to the bathroom. Are you also going to tell me this was the bathroom?" He gestured to the space around them. "Are you going to tell me you didn't notice the police tape over the door? I don't know what reason you're in here but whatever it is, can't be good. Tzuyu's death was ruled an accident. If you're in here trying to find some clue that'll prove the police are wrong, you're crazier than Tae thinks you are."

Her smile faltered. "I'm not crazy."

Jungkook sighed. "Listen, I'm sorry about Eunwoo. He's a great guy but he goes off on these arguments when he thinks someone is hiding something. It's like he's playing devil's advocate for no reason whatsoever. He'll agree with you about something one minute and then argue with you about it two seconds later. We've all been on the receiving end of these. Don't take him too seriously."

"If you say so, but he seemed pretty upset. Aren't you mad at me too?" Roseanne asked.

"For what?"

"Making those videos about Tzuyu. For insisting she was murdered."

"I think they were in poor taste. I understand why you're making them but that doesn't mean I have to like them."

"So you're not mad?"

"Not really. To be fair, you're not the only person making content out of her death. Everyone's jumped on the bandwagon now. Hopefully, now that the police have said it was an accident, everyone will stop."


Roseanne bit her bottom lip and nodded. No matter what she asked him, Jeon Jungkook didn't seem like a grieving boyfriend. He couldn't be Tzuyu's killer. He was too famous. TMZ News had just run a story about him being offered a recurring role on a famous television show.

"Do you miss her?" The words fell from her mouth before she could stop them.

"What?" He visibly flinched at her question and Roseanne felt the sting of embarrassment.

"Sorry, I never mind my own business. Please ignore me. I mean...of course you miss her. She was your girlfriend. I lost my mom and dad and I miss them like crazy and it's been years since they passed. My dad was the one person that got me into ghost hunting. Mark told me I was crazy for trying to make contact with them but I know in my gut that one day I'm going to speak with them. Or they'll speak with me with the Spirit Box."

Jungkook was staring at her silently as she spoke. Roseanne cleared her throat. "If you couldn't tell, not only do I now mind my own business but I also ramble when I'm nervous."

"You're a weird one, Rosie," Jungkook whispered.

"You're a weird one too," Roseanne grumbled. "Can I be honest?"

"No, I want you to lie to me," he said jokingly.

She pouted before continuing. "I was judging you because I didn't think you were sad enough after Yeri died."

"Sad enough?"

"I know I doing stupid. I just figured if I loved someone and that person died, I'd be balled up in a dark room crying while drinking entirely too much Pepsi."

Jungkook lifted a brow. "Pepsi?"

"I don't really drink alcohol and Pepsi is bad for you so it works as a vice."

Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut and exhaled slowly. "Everyone mourns in a different way. Some people act like nothing is different. Some people act like their whole life is over. Just because I'm not crying and drinking Pepsi doesn't mean I don't feel bad that Tzuyu is gone."

"I know and I'm sorry. It's not even my business. It's not like we're close or anything. I shouldn't have asked if you miss her."

Jungkook was walking back to the doorway when Roseanne heard him softly mumble. "I used to."

Her breath caught in her throat and she took a step back. What exactly did he mean by that?

Jungkook scratched the back of his head before gesturing to the door. "Let's get out of here. This room gives me the creeps."

"I'm sorry," Roseanne whispered.

"For what?"

"Breaking in tonight. It was stupid of me. Mark, my best friend, is always saying I'm doing reckless things when I'm upset. He's right. It was an idiotic thing to do and I'm so lucky I didn't break my neck and you guys didn't call the police on me," she trails behind Jungkook as he led her back to the other room.

He stopped and looked back at her. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"I'm a YouTuber. Are you sure you want to do that?" Roseanne cursed herself for cracking a joke during a serious moment but that was another habit she had when she was nervous. She made terrible jokes.

He grinned and shook his head. "I think you breaking in here tonight really impressed the guys."

"Impressed them? Don't you mean convinced them? Convinced them that I'm crazy?"

"Eunwoo once stole a donkey from an animal farm to do a video. It took a few grand to convince the owner not to press charges and that was after an hour of convincing him that going to county lock-up would not make for good content. He actually believed the cops would let him record a stay in a cell."

"Eunwoo almost went to jail for a video?"

Jungkook nodded. "Jaehyun has a tattoo of an elephant in a tutu on his ass. We've all done over the top things for content."

Roseanne's mouth was hanging slightly open. "An elephant in a tutu? How did I not know that? Is the video still posted?"

Jungkook nodded. "Jaehyun is doing a livestream right now. He and Eunwoo are obsessed with that ghost you mentioned."

"Park Jihyo?"

"Yeah, her. If you want in on it, I suggest you go back and pretend whatever crap Eunwoo told you didn't bother you. Especially since they're using your ghost-hunting equipment."

"What?" Thoughts of the bloodied book stop flew from her mind as she considered her expensive spirit box. She pushed back Jungkook and ran into the red room. "If they break my stuff, they're dead!"

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