《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》04: viral


"Are you crazy? You posted an unedited video of yourself ghost hunting at the Park Mansion?" Mark was pinching the bridge of his nose, his eyes closed as he spoke. "Yet the title of your video was total click bait. Who Killed Chou Tzuyu? Really? Really, Rosie?"

"Not exactly," Roseanne shrugged. They were at the small two-bedroom apartment they shared since they both aged out of foster care three years ago. "'Who Killed Chou Tzuyu?' is a good video title. It catches people's attention since she's all over the news right now. Besides, her screams are in the video."

It was seven in the morning. Mark was preparing breakfast tacos while roseanne chopped up some peppers for her homemade salsa. She bit one of the peppers. "These might be too spicy."

Mark raised a brow at her. "Don't change the subject. This video is a bad idea."

"Am I not being sensitive? It's not like I filmed her body or anything," Roseanne threw her head back and sighed, her hands gripping the wooden table. "Honestly, no one even watches my videos. Besides, the police are already saying it's a possible accident because of the autopsy and everything her friends said but her screams don't sound like someone who willingly jumped from a balcony."

"That's your opinion," Mark reminded her.

"Mark, the police didn't even wait for toxicology reports before holding a news conference. I have actual proof in this video."

"No, all you have is a scream and an overactive imagination."

"Two screams," she corrected him, holding up two fingers. "Didn't you hear the footsteps? Plus, the ghost spoke to me. She probably knew there was a murderer around. Everyone who was interviewed claimed she was drunk or high and probably jumped. Even her best friend...what's her name?"


"Chou Tzuyu's best friend? I think her name is Yeri."

"Right! Yerim. I think she also does beauty videos. Anyway, she told the police and the news that Tzuyu had been drinking since yesterday morning. The news outlets are reporting it's likely accidental death but they're still waiting for the police to make an official statement."

"Well, it'll take a while for the toxicology report. Also, you're wrong. The news isn't reporting that she died because of an accident. How many times do I have to tell you, Rosie? You can't get your news from gossip channels and Twitter."

"Please, like the local news is any better. Nowadays, every news outlet is biased and stories are sensationalized for views. I'm just worried people will actually believe Tzuyu's death was an accident. What if the police agree?"

"Then they agree," Mark said forcefully. "You need to take down that video before the cops come after you. I thought you said you told one of the detectives about it. I can't believe she let you keep it, much less post it."

Roseanne looked away as Mark grabbed two cups filled with soft drinks. He frowned. "What aren't you telling me?"

"You're going to get mad," Roseanne whispered. She stared at the small bowl of apples sitting in the middle of their table.

"No, because I'm already mad. What did you do, Rosie? I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong."

"Well, she deleted the video from my phone."

Mark groaned. "Tell me you didn't save the video before she deleted it."

Roseanne added the jalapeños to her salsa and grinned. "It always amazes me how well you know me. I'm telling you we are secretly twins separated at birth."


Mark rolled his eyes. "Just because we share the same birthday doesn't mean we're part of some k-drama. I know you so well because we've been best friends since we were fifteen. The principal used to call us a two-for-one deal each time we got into trouble. Tell me what happened with the video."

"She deleted my video but I already had it saved to my cloud. Besides, it's my video. I can do whatever I want with it," she was still grinning as she grabbed two plates.

"Stop smiling, you freak show. This isn't funny. I swear you're some kind of sociopath," Mark frowned, grabbing the hot sauce from her. "Isn't that like...tampering with evidence? Or interfering with an investigation or something? Have our crime show marathons taught you nothing?"

"No. I don't know," Roseanne shrugged. "She never said I couldn't post it. Besides, you're missing the big picture here, Mark."

He heated up some tortillas on their stove. "And what big picture is that?"

Roseanne took the tortillas and plated them. She considered Mark a brother and if anyone would understand what she was about to say — it was him.

"This is my chance," she said.

"Chance for what? To get more views? Rosie, doing this is not going to help you."

"I know, but what about Chou Tzuyu? There is proof that she didn't just jump off the balcony willingly."

"You know," Mark said. "You don't have that many subscribers so why bother posting the video?"

"Because I don't need six million people to believe me. not necessarily. If the police believe me and they can find Tzuyu's murder...then maybe I can get some recognition for that and people would notice me more."

Mark leaned his elbows against the counter and rubbed his hands through his hair. "I know you want justice-"

"Say what you want, Mark. But I can't let a murderer go free and not let Tzuyu rest in peace."

"You don't even know if Tzuyu was murdered."

"It's in the video," Roseanne repeated. "Didn't you watch it?"

Mark shrugged. "I watched a bit of it. I was busy at work and then I was tired."

"Just pull it up and watch it," she urged him, pushing her phone to him. "The spirit box also picked up a message from Park Jihyo."

Mark rolled his eyes and took her phone. "I swear you always think the spirit box is picking up some kind of message," he pressed a few buttons and swore before laughing in disbelief.

"What?" Roseanne's eyes jumped from him to her phone. "What is it? Are they crucifying me in the comments? I expected as much."

"A lot but that's not what's interesting."

"What is it?"

Mark grinned before turning the phone to her. "Your video has only been up for a few hours and you already have over three million views. You've gone viral."

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