《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》05 :: the necklace



"Oh no," she slapped her hands against her face.

"Are you worried?"

"I honestly didn't think anyone was going to watch it," Roseanne groaned. "What if the cops really do see it?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Well, yeah — but I don't want to get arrested for posting the video. Ugh...why am I such an idiot? I should've listened to you and not posted it."

Mark smirked. "Let me get my phone so I can record you saying that."

"Shut up, Mark. I'm being serious. I mean, I figured a few thousand people could see it because that's my following but three million? I'm not sure how to feel about it."

"Do you like it?"

"Am I an evil person for saying yes?"

"No, you're just a normal person if you say yes."

"I want to get justice for Tzuyu but doing this also builds my reputation and my channel...even better."

"Well, sharing online always has consequences. Do you want to take the video down? We can do that but it's already out there. You wanted people to think Chou Tzuyu was murdered and you've got your wish."

"Why are you always right?" Roseanne shook her head. "I wanted the police to see it and if they didn't see it, I'll just have to face the consequences of that."

"I wouldn't be worried about the police if I were you."


"Nope. If Chou Tzuyu really was murdered, I'd be more worried if her murderer watched it. Here he was thinking he was going to get away with it until you posted the video, making everyone question what really happened last night."

Before Roseanne could respond, a loud banging on their door interrupted them. They shared a look before Mark made his way to the door, Roseanne right behind him.


"Do you think it's the cops?" Roseanne whispered.


Roseanne's mouth fell open. "I won't do well in jail. What if they have a communal toilet in the jail cell? Is that really a thing? You know I get pee-shy."

"Open the door! I know you're up. I can smell the meat you're cooking," a male voice that they recognized from their landlord, So Jisub cried out. He was a retired street performer who was now running a run-down building that was home to aspiring actors, models, and YouTubers if you count Roseanne.

"We paid our rent," Mark said, opening the door.

Jisub was dressed in a black suit. He was holding a small box in his hands. He made a disapproving sound. "Yes, but you were late."

"By a day," Mark sighed. "What brought you here so early?"

Jisub frowned. "What makes you this grouchy so early?"

"Uninvited guests," Mark grumbled. "Rosie thought you were the police."

Jisub stifled a laugh. "The police? Were you caught hooking behind the seven-eleven again?"

Mark laughed and Roseanne made a hissing sound. "Stop saying that or people are going to believe you, Jisub! I am not nor will I ever be a hooker and you know that seven-eleven was shut down years ago. It was a funny joke the first time you said it after that guy mistook me for a woman of the night but the joke is now old, sir."

"Never say never," Jisub pushed his way past mark to enter the apartment. "I doubt any hooker grew up saying she wanted to be a prostitute when she grew up. Life throws us curve balls and we just have to figure out how to hit or dodge them. One day you may need the money to pay your rent."


Mark rolled his eyes. "What are you doing here so early, Jisub?"

"I came here to conduct an act of kindness," Jisub lifted the small cardboard box. "Someone delivered this last night. It's for Rosie."

"Last night?" Roseanne wore a puzzled expression.

"By courier." Jisub nodded. "Which was odd because I didn't think any courier delivered past midnight but weird things happen all the time. It was odd because they left the package at my office without a signature — just your name."

Roseanne took the package and read the label. "This says it was delivered two hours ago. Do couriers deliver that late?"

"Don't you mean early?" Mark muttered. "I've never heard of anyone delivering at five in the morning."

Jisub glanced at a gold Rolex Roseanne was sure was fake. He cleared his throat. "Well, I just wanted to drop that off. I had a long night."

"Did you have a date or something?" Roseanne asked.

Jisub straightened his shoulders. "A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell."

Roseanne made a guffawing sound noise while Mark poked her ribs and shook his head. She knew he didn't want her to argue with Jisub, so she stayed quiet until the older man left. Mark handed her the box, sitting on their white sofa. Their apartment was a comfortable sort of feeling.

Roseanne began opening the package. "What if it's a bomb and opening this makes it explode?"

Mark shook his head. "Nah, a bomb would've come in a bigger package."

She pulled open the small cardboard box and gasped.

"What is it?" Mark asked, leaning forward to take a look.

Roseanne pulled out a silver necklace with a diamond-shaped heart in the middle. She instantly recognized it before noticing the engraved initials of CTY and JJK on the back.

"This is impossible," she whispered. "I saw her wearing this last night..."

Mark swore under his breath, also recognizing the famous piece of jewelry. "Is that what i think it is?"

Roseanne nodded. In her hands was Chou Tzuyu's signature necklace.

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