《About the Boy || Cody Bellinger》Twenty Four


Madeline's POV- July 2017

"What do you mean you're going to cancel your vacation" I said to my mom.

She and Mike had been planning a week long getaway.

"Honey, I can't just leave"

She looked at me like I had two heads.

"Sure you can" I replied.

She frowned and looked at Mike who just shrugged.

"You've been planning this for months" I reminded her.

"It just doesn't feel right leaving"

During Friday's game I got a call from a hysterical woman claiming to be the mom of Nathan's friend. She informed me that he got hurt, and that they were at the hospital. She was unable to get in contact with Mike or my mom which is why she was calling me. Once I got her to tell me what hospital they were in, I quickly bid goodbye to Ellen before rushing out. I sent Cody a text telling him what was going on after I called my mom. Turns out she had just got out of a surgery. One of her interns recognized both Nathan and Noah and quickly got mom. When I got there I learned that he had been hurt while playing tag. He had fractured his right wrist, but would not need surgery (thank god). Mom ordered a bunch of exams (which he did not need) and made sure they had diagnosed him correctly. Thankfully, it was not his pitching hand, but he would be wearing that cast most of the summer.

"Mom, you could not have prevented this" I stated.

She sighed.

"You will only be gone for a week, I can take care of them" I assured her.

I looked at Mike who scratched his beard as he looked at mom.

"Baby, she can handle it"

He smiled.

"I'm sure if we ask Cody nicely, he'd be nice enough to spend the night the days we will be gone. That's what you're worried about, right? Them being alone"


It was a big house which is why I understood why she didn't like the idea of us being alone. Cody nodded when both Mike and mom looked at him.

"Do you not trust your expensive home security system?" I questioned.

Mom rolled her eyes before replying,

"I'm just being paranoid, but I would feel better knowing you three weren't alone"

Cody nodded.

"Then it's settled, you two are going on vacation"

Mike looked at mom.

"This is where a dog would come in handy"

She shook her head.

"Come on, I think they're old enough to have a pet"

Again, Mom shook her head.

"We can talk about it when Poppy stops hissing at them"

I cleared my throat making them turn to look at Cody and I.

"Can we go eat now?" I asked.

"Yes, the lasagna should be cooled down by now"

I followed them out of their study room, and towards the living room. Nate and Noah looked away from the TV when they heard us.

"Noah honey, did you set the table?"

He nodded.

"Can we eat now?"

They both stood up when mom nodded. Cody placed his hands on my shoulders as he led me into the dining room.

"Tired?" I asked when he yawned.

"Yeah, but I'm more hungry than tired"

"You're going to love mom's lasagna" I told him.

"It smells amazing"

The second we walked into the house, we were greeted by the smell of lasagna. We were then pulled into the study room because mom wanted to talk to us.

"I'm so sending Joc a picture of this, so he can hate"

Mom laughed as Cody took a picture of the lasagna before taking a seat.

"Nate honey, do you want me to cut up the lasagna?"


He shook his head.

"I got, thank you though"

Thankfully his dominant hand was not injured.

"So, dad and I were talking with Maddy"

The twins nodded as they looked at mom. I took the plate she was handing me and passed it down. It reached Noah who placed it in front of Nate who reached for his fork.

"About what?"

She made sure we all had food before she proceeded to talk.

"Maddy agreed to taking care of you two while dad and I are gone"

She immediately looked at Nate who was already eating. He just nodded as he chewed his food. Noah grinned as he said,

"You can finally get your nails done!"

Mom loved getting her nails done, unfortunately her job prevented her from doing them. She was a surgeon, and her finger nails had to be kept clean and short. It's why she smothered me about having my nails perfectly polished. Once school started, I had the option to paint my nails every two days or just have no polish on them.

"Oh before I forget, Manny is planning on coming to visit" I mentioned.

"Good, he deserves some relaxing before he gives his soul away"

Leave it to my mom to compare med school to losing your soul.

"How long will he be here?"

"A week, I was wondering if he could stay here?" I wondered.

Mom and Mike looked at each other before looking at me.

"Of course honey, I'll leave the guest room ready for him"

"Thank you" I replied.

"When does he start school?"

"Third week of August" I answered.

I began eating as she nodded.

"Remind him that if he has any questions to shoot me an email"

Nate laughed making us look at him.

"You look like you're really enjoying the lasagna Cody"

We all turned to look at Cody and I smiled when I saw his cheek had tomato sauce.

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