《About the Boy || Cody Bellinger》Seventeen


Cody's POV- June 2017

Just as I was about to ring the doorbell, the door swung open. On the other side stood Michael, Maddy's stepdad dressed in his Police Officer uniform. He was holding a cup of coffee in one hand, and a black box in the other.

"Well this explains why Maddy is up"

He smiled at me as he stepped back.

"Come on in"

I couldn't help but look at the strap on his waist, and internally let out a sigh of relief when I saw there was no gun. The chances of his gun being in the black box were high though.

"Morning" I greeted.

"Good morning Cody"

Once I was inside, he took a sip of his coffee before humming

"Madeline is in the kitchen, no funny business? Ok"

Before I could reply, he chuckled and made his way out. Making sure the door was locked, I picked Poppy up (who had come to greet me) and walked to the kitchen. As I stepped into the kitchen, I lightly knocked against the frame getting Maddy's attention.

"Good morning" I greeted.

She smiled and glanced at her iPad as an audible gasp was heard.

"Is your boyfriend there?"

I set Poppy down and gave Maddy a quick peck on the lips when I noticed it was an audio call.

"Let me see him!"

A blonde appeared on the screen and she smiled when she saw me next to Maddy.

"Hi" I greeted.

"You're so handsome! Kappy! Come see Madeline's boyfriend!"

A thud was heard and the screen went black. Shuffling could be heard and I waved as two people appeared on the screen.

"Good morning Maddy"

Maddy smiled.

"Good afternoon Kasperi"

So this was Kasperi, Maddy's soon to be roommate. I was going to take a wild guess and say that the blonde was his girlfriend, Annika (would also be living with them).


"So are you going to introduce us?"

I looked at Maddy and smiled.

"Guys, this is Cody"

They wiggled their eyebrows.

"Your boyfriend"

I chuckled as Maddy smiled.

"Yes, my boyfriend"

She looked at me.

"Cody, they are Kasperi and Annika"

"Your roommates" I replied.

"You speak about us?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, Maddy told me you don't own too many shirts" I answered.

I smiled as the blonde cackled at her boyfriend who frowned.

"I'm wearing a shirt now!"

Maddy turned to me.

"Do you want a smoothie?"

She squeezed my shoulder when I nodded before going to do that.

"So is it true that you've crush on Maddy for a while now?"

I chuckled and nodded.

"Uh yeah, crazy how life works" I answered.

"Awww, he's blushing!"

I just shrugged as I felt my cheeks heat up. There was no point in denying it.

"So you two are in...Finland" I said.

They both nodded and that was when I noticed something across from me. I had the attention span of a peanut (probably smaller). The chances of me forgetting what I was talking about were high. Thankfully my brain functioned when I was around Maddy. As I got to know her, she got to know the real side of me. I was incredibly sarcastic, and luckily she was too.

"You're seriously the best" I told Maddy as I reached for the plate of bacon.

I bit a strip and smiled.

"Sorry, I'm starving" I defended as they laughed.

Food >>> People

"No worries, do you mind flipping the camera so we can look at what you two are about to eat?"

I did as told and showed them the eggs, cheese, and ham croissant.

"You're making that for me when we live together, right?"


Maddy shook her head at me as she handed me a cup.

"Sorry" I mouthed.

She smiled and flipped the camera over.

"If I have time I will make you breakfast. I was actually looking at some vegan recipe"

I raised an eyebrow at her as I took a sip of my smoothie.

"Oh, Annika is vegan"

Ok, that made sense.

"As I was saying, Vegan recipes. My old college roommate he dated this girl who was vegan and she used to make this meal with quinoa, avocado, a beep load of veggies and tofu and I used to think it was magical. I sent her a message and she sent me the recipe"

"You're the best!"

I nodded agreeing as I took a bite of the croissant.

"She can make her own vegan food, Just feed me. I am a growing athlete Maddy, feed me"

Maddy laughed.

"Speaking of eating, shouldn't you two be heading out to eat dinner"

They both nodded.

"It was nice meeting you Cody, look forward to actually meeting you in person one day"

I smiled since I couldn't speak. My cheeks were stuffed with food at the moment.

"Bye! Treat her well or I'll kill you!"

The call ended and Maddy smiled.

"They seem nice" I noted once there was no food in my mouth.

"They are"

"Thanks for breakfast" I said.

"It was no problem"

The twins strolled in about fifteen minutes later.


"Good morning" I greeted.

I watched as they both hugged Maddy, who kissed their cheek.

"I made both of you omelettes. Plates are in the microwave"

They thanked her and took a seat across from us once they got the food.

"Both of you are coming to the game tonight, right?" I asked.

"Yes, only if you can tell us who's who"

For some reason they thought I couldn't tell them apart.

"You're Nathan, and you're Noah" I replied.

I smiled as they both frowned at me.

"Lucky guess, but yes we will be there tonight"

"I can tell you apart by eye color" I informed them.

"I'm wearing sunglasses from now on"

Maddy shook her head at them.

"Be nice"

"It's alright" I told her.

I don't know how I as going to do it, but I was going to win them over.

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