《About the Boy || Cody Bellinger》Eighteen


Madeline's POV- July 2017

I adjusted my jersey and looked at the screen of my phone. It was almost time for the game to start.

"Can we go to our seats already?"

Mom looked at the twins who immediately sat up and stopped frowning.

"What did we talk about?"

To which they mumbled,

"To be on our best behavior"

"I'll be back" I said when I locked eyes with a blonde on the other side of the room.

The blonde was Mariana, Kike's girlfriend. She frowned as I approached her.

"Why aren't you sitting with us?"

"I'm sitting with my family and Cody's" I replied.

She hummed.

"You failed to mention that on Thursday"

We got our nails done Thursday morning before we drove to Anaheim for the last game of the freeway series.

"That's because I thought I was going to meet them tomorrow not today" I stated.

Cody called me last night and when I pointed it out that he looked nervous he proceeded to tell me that his family had surprised him by coming a whole day early. They knew my family and I would be driving down to San Diego for the game, and they thought it would be nice to meet before the ballgame (and even sit with us!).

"Well I am sure it will be fine. What's not to love about you?"

She squeezed my shoulder.

"I promised Kike I'd see him before the game, and he's peaking in"

I nodded and made my way back to my family. Mike offered me a smile as I took a seat next to him.

"At least your dad and his dad know each other"

That was true.

"As do mom and his mom"

Also true, my mom knew Jennifer Bellinger.

"And I will make sure the munchkins behave"

He gently patted my back.

"It's too late to turn back, he's here"

Cody was making his way over.

"Are you all ready?"

Mom smiled.

"Hello to you too Cody"

He chuckled and scratched his arm.

"I'm nervous, I forget simple things like manners"

They hugged and she kissed his cheek.

"There is no need for that, everything will go fine. You go out and play baseball, ok?"


He nodded and let go of her. I smiled as he pulled both Noah and Nate into a hug. They groaned as he squeezed them.

"Hello to you two as well"

I watched as he let go of them and one arm hugged Mike before turning to me.

"Thanks for coming"

I smiled and accepted the hug he pulled me into.

"So, let's go meet your family" I said.

"Before we do that though"

He leaned down and gave me a quick peck. When he pulled away I couldn't help but smile as he clapped his hands and snapped his fingers. From the looks of it, he was hyping himself up.

"Ok, let's do this. They're outside waiting for us"

They were indeed waiting for us outside. I recognized Jennifer Bellinger who immediately grinned when she noticed all of us.

"Cody, don't be rude and introduce me to your girlfriend"

I smiled at Cody's mom as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Mom, this is Madeline"

She stepped forward and enveloped me into a hug.

"It's nice to see you too mom"

He chuckled as she gestured that she'd get to him.

"It's so nice to finally meet you!"

I returned the hug and stepped back when she pulled away.

"Cody has told me so much about you, as has your mom"

She smiled at mom before they hugged.

"Hi, I'm Ashli"

Cody's older sister pulled me into a hug as well.

"You're much prettier than I thought you'd be"

Thank you?

"I love your nails"

I looked down at my nails and smiled. When it came to my nails during the spring/summer season, I always chose to go for the bold colors. My favorite season was fall where I would either have nude, burgundy or purple nails. At the moment, my nails were currently fuchsia pink.

"You obviously just got them done, but maybe next time I'm in town we can get our nails done together"

"That sounds like a plan" I said.

"I'd like to meet the famous Maddy too"

I turned to look at Cody's younger brother. He had some of Cody's facial features but his hair was much more lighter than Cody's.

"Hi, I'm Cole"

He walked around his sister and hugged me.


"It's nice to meet the girl that my brother has been crushing on for the past two years"

Both Ashli and Jennifer scolded him as he grinned when Cody's cheeks flushed.

"Is he blackmailing you? Blink once for yes, twice for no"

He looked at Cody when I laughed.

"He is not blackmailing me" I told him.

"So what was it?"

"Your brother is genuinely a nice guy" I replied.

He sighed and looked at Cody.

"I like her, don't screw this up"

Cody just shook his head as Cole looked at me.

"If he does, I turn eighteen in a couple of months"

I laughed as he winked at me.

"You can be my catcher, a dynamic duo"

"If I had known, I would have not retired" I told him.

He looked at me and grinned when I smiled at him. I glanced at Cody who chuckled as he scratched his neck.

"I have to get going"

His mom was the first to bid goodbye to him, and I waited until his family and mine had done so. Cody stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.

"They're a handful"

"It's ok" I assured him.

He kissed my cheek and I smiled as he gave me a quick kiss. The twins and Cole pretended to throw up.

"Have fun" I told him.

He nodded and stepped back. We watched as he retreated and once he was gone we all decided to go to our seats.

"So you play collegiate softball?"

I looked at Ashli as she took a seat net to me. Mom was sitting with Jennifer, and Cole was in between Noah and Nate; where as Mike was sitting next to Nate.

"I played" I corrected.

"For the Florida Gators"

I nodded.

"So what did you major in?"

"Nursing and Public Health" I said.

"So Grad School is happening?"

"Yes, I actually start in September" I informed her.

"Oh nice, where are you going?"

"To the University of Toronto" I told her.

She looked at me a bit surprised.

"That's far"

It was far, it was in another country; Canada to be precise.

"How long is the program?"

"Two to three years" I stated.

"I see"

She smiled

"I'm honestly excited about tomorrow. I hear you have a cat"

"I do, his name is Poppy" I said.

"Do you have any pictures?"

I showed her pictures of Poppy until the starting lineups began being called.

"So how did you and Cody meet?"

"We actually met during Spring Training two years ago" I answered.

She hummed.

"I don't want to sound rude, but I hope your intentions with my brother are good"

"It's not rude at all" I told her.

"I like that you have your own thing going on, it's going to make long distance work if you decide to continue your relation when September comes"

She squeezed my forearm before turning her attention to the game. When September came, Cody and I would decide what our relation would be. Right now we would focus on just our relation.

"Do you want to go halves on a margarita? Cody tells me you love them"

I smiled.

"I'm actually driving" I began saying.

"Honey, enjoy that margarita. I will drive us home"

That was when Mike stood up when Cody was called on strikes.

"I'm going to get a beer, I'll be back with a margarita as well"

Ashli turned to me and smiled.

"Little bird told me you'll be in Miami next week for the game?"

I nodded.

"I am, but I'll be sitting with my sisters" I answered.

It was tradition for my dad to take 'his girls' to the All-Star Game. He would be 'on call' this year, so our seats were close to the dugout.

"So we will be meeting the rest of your family?"

"Yes" I said.

"Mom told me your dad is the team doctor for the Diamondbacks"

I nodded.

"Ashli, stop smothering Madeline"

She frowned at Cole.

"I'm not smothering her"

He hummed.

"You've literally asked question after question"

That was very true.

"Cody's really happy he's going to have you in the stands watching"

He grinned.

"Hey by any chance, do you happen to have your gear at your house?"

I began scrunching up my nose and he began pouting.


I looked at Ashli when he grabbed my hands and began to get on his knees.

"This place is filthy, please do not do that" I told him as I held him up.

He looked at me.

"You're a lot stronger than I thought you'd be"

That was a nice compliment.


"Fine" I said giving in.

Cody was going to be thrilled about this, he had been trying to get me to show him my gear.

"Just stand up" I replied.

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