《About the Boy || Cody Bellinger》Sixteen


Madeline's POV- June 2017

I ducked for the fourth time in a row and looked at Cody as I stood up straight.

"How were you a pitcher in High School?" I called out.

"It's been a while!"


"I can tell! You nearly took my head off this time" I stated.

His pitches had been nothing short of wild. I almost got hit in the shoulder during his first throw. Lucky for him the speed he was throwing the pitches was not too fast. I could take a hit, what catcher couldn't? If by any chance he had hit me, I'd be fine.

"Sorry about that!"

"It's alright, I'm the idiot who keeps letting you pitch at me" I replied.

I smiled when I heard his laugh. He just smiled as I tightened my right batting glove.

"Let me go get a pitching machine"

He made his way off the mound and over to me.

"I'll set it up" I told him.

I laughed as he turned around to look at me with a smile on his face. While he did that, I took the time to look at the view. I had never been at Dodger Stadium this late at night, and I had to say it was quite peaceful. The only noises that could be heard were coming from the seats where some workers were still cleaning. I smiled at the few workers who I made eye contact with, my mom taught me to treat others the way I wanted to be treated. Treat them with so much respect that they remember you the next time.

"So your mom mentioned you pitched a game in High School"

"I pitched an inning" I corrected as I watched him make his way over.

He raised an eyebrow.

"So it happened"

I nodded as I followed him towards the mound.

"What exactly happened?"


"Our reliever got a hand cramp and our closer wasn't warmed up yet" I replied.

The other three pitchers had food poisoning.

"How'd it go?"

I scrunched up my nose earning a chuckle from him.

"I'm sure it wasn't bad"

"I mean it wasn't terrible, but it made me realize that I was meant to be a catcher" I answered.

I shrugged.

"I'll set that up" I told him.

He smiled.

"Good because I have no clue on how to use it. My dad usually sets it up and it's usually Kiké who does it during practice"

"Well lucky for you, dad taught me" I informed him.

He moved out of the way, so I could get the machine to work. Once I finished setting it up, I put a baseball in and watched it fly out.

"Let's lower the velocity. I'm a little rusty" I admitted.

Once I was done I looked at Cody.

"So are you watching? Or catching?" I asked as I gestured to his glove

"I'm watching, we will pick the balls up after"

I nodded and made my way back.

"Don't go hitting homers!"

I threw my head back as I laughed. During my collegiate career I hit a total of seventeen homers; three my freshmen year ('13), four my sophomore year('14), five my junior year('15), and five my senior year ('17). I was known for my sacrifice hits and bunts that resulted in RBIs.


"No" I replied.

He chuckled and waited for me to nod at him. When I did he grinned and yelled,

"There it goes!"

I hit the ball, and that ball nearly hit Cody in the face. Luckily, he moved out of the way.


I couldn't help but laugh as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Sorry!" I told him.

He laughed.

"At least you hit it"


"Put your glove on, so you could at least use it to shield your face" I called out.

He did as told and whistled as I hit the next ball towards center field.

"Here goes the other"

I hit 8 of the 10 balls pitched at me, 1 almost hit Cody and the other I used to make sure the machine worked.

"We're out of baseballs"

"Then let's get them" I said.

I made my way over to him and accepted my glove.

"We have eight more to find"

He placed two balls in the bucket before reaching for my hand.

"So you cut your hair"

He turned to look at me.

"You look great, but you always do"

I just rolled my eyes and when I looked at him he was grinning.

"You don't like compliments"

"And you do?" I asked.

He simply shrugged.

"I guess we're both humble"

I reached for a baseball and placed it in the bucket. We picked up the balls, and he cleared his throat as I placed the last ball in the bucket.

"Are you hungry?"

"No, I ate enough chinese food to keep me full for the rest of the evening" I admitted.

"I was thinking ice-cream"

"I can never say no to ice-cream" I admitted.

He chuckled and followed me back to home plate.

"Pitch a ball at me"

"I'm not a pitcher" I reminded him.

He just shrugged and smiled.

"Please? Just once"

I sighed and rolled my eyes when he grinned.

"Can you pitch from the mound?"

There was only one way to find out.

"Let's find out" I answered.

I smiled as he handed me an actual softball. With the ball in my hand I made my way over to the mound.

"Quick question"

"Shoot" I said.

"Do you have any fake teeth?"

I shook my head.

"You?" I questioned.


"I knew those teeth of yours weren't perfect" I said.

He laughed and adjusted his glove. Once it was on he gestured for me to throw the ball.

"If I hit you it's your fault" I warned him.

"You won't hit me"

He sounded so sure of himself.

"Underhand, right?"

I nodded and held the ball with my left hand.


I smiled as he cocked his head to the side.

"I thought you caught with your left"

I winked at him. You see, I had two gloves. It's why Florida scouted me. They liked that I could catch with either hand and bat either sides. I was not picky, and I was consistent.

"Why do you think mom couldn't give you my glove?" I questioned.

He smiled.

"Well pitch away"

I took a deep breath and threw it at him. Thankfully, he caught it. As he stood up, I made my way over to him.

"Pitching could have been your calling"

I laughed and watched as he tucked his glove under his arm before looking at me.

"So my family is coming for the Fourth of July"

I nodded.

"And I want you to meet them"

It made sense, he had met my family so I should do the same.

"I'd like to introduce you as my girlfriend"

I knew it was coming, but I did not see him asking this way.

"So Madeline"

He scratched his jaw and smiled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him and slowly nodded.

"Yes, of course. I'd like to be your girlfriend" I answered.

The biggest smile on his face formed, and I let go of his hands as he stepped forward. His glove fell on the floor as he cupped my face with his hands. The moment was honestly beautiful, nothing could ruin it....so I thought. Careless Whisper began playing making us pull away. I laughed as he placed his head on my shoulder.

"This has Joc written all over it"

Joc was waiting for us in the parking lot.

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