《Fell For You》20. " Thankyou for Everything"



"Hi mamas hi mamas, look at my pretty baby" I was bouncing miracle a bit. She's been home for about a week and a half now and to say the least I've been ecstatic and scared at the same time

Like any move I do might hurt her, or if I do this she'll stop breathing. I don't know it's gotten me on edge.

I put Malachi and Malik down after feeding them their bottles. I was getting use to Miracle here cause she was definitely not like her brothers who already had a routine. When they slept she's up and crying at the top of her lungs. When they're up she's knocked out.

My family has been so supportive and kind and understanding on why I haven't had them around all together much since she's been home. I just don't want to risk it anything happening and my family can be rowdy as hell when we all together. Right now I don't need that

" hey Meg, can you sign this permission slip"

Whitney came into the living room holding out a piece of paper towards me

Grabbing it I read

I raised a brow watching her " thought you said you didn't want to go"

She rolled her eyes "I lost a bet to Nikki"

"You and Nikki in the same class?"

"Yea it's one of our art electives this semester usually full or sophomores and juniors. A few seniors just to add something onto the schedule. We are apparently visiting different art museums"

I nodded looking over the paper seeing the price " this trip cost close to $1600, they must be doing it big this year with the hotel and actually renting out a charter bus to get there. Go hand me my checkbook so I can— oh no I didn't need you to pay, I just need your signature be it as your kind of my guardian" she interrupted me making me raise my brow at this new information

Miracle was getting fussy so I stood up and started bouncing her on my hip " how you going to pay for this?"

"I got a job Meg, I can pay for it"

I stared at her as I seen Mikey come through the door with chick fil a bags with Amari and Amara both with a drink in their hand sipping on it


" right. Michael Giovanni."

"Ian do it. Amara and Amari broke whatever it is, and they forced me to stop at chick fil a" he was quick with throwing mfs under the bus

"Mikey you the one that said you wanted fries and then you tolded us to tell miss Megan we want it so she don't make you cry again" Amari rolled his eyes as he came and sat at the table waiting for his food

" alr now Amari not too much" Mikey said

Amara came to me hugging on my leg "hi miss Meg"

"Hi baby, how was soccer today?"

She smiled big as she told me about her afternoon while Mikey tried sneaking in the kitchen "Ah. Michael come here"

He came out popping fries in his mouth "wassup baby" he gave me a kiss on the forehead and greeted Whitney

"Wassup Whit"

She shrugged looking a bit nervous between us two " Mara you and Mari go wash your hands and get you and your brother nuggets out and go eat" she nodded her head in agreement as she went to do the task

Miracle recognized her daddy's voice and instantly wanted him to hold her " lemme hold my princess"

I handed him a baby wipe to wipe that grease off his hands then handed her to him as I picked up the permission slip sliding it to him " Whitney says she can pay for this trip Giovanni. How is that?"

" gahdamn that lil job at rue 21 paying you— ohhh shii" he stared at me trying to walk away as I grabbed his shirt

I looked at him waiting for an explanation "I'm sorry boo. You know how busy we've been. Whitney asked me one morning- practically begged if we being real girl done scared me with her big ass eyes—anyways when you was at the hospital with Miracle if she could get a job and I told her yes.

As long as it's appropriate for her age and close to the house then I saw no problem. I was going to discuss with you but the girl is persuasive and I actually forgot about having the discussion with you cause the whole thing with Chelly happened "

I'm not upset she has a job. Lil baby make your money. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't at no place where creeps be hanging out or management is being a dick or trying to scam her of hourly wages


I turned to whit eyeing her "how much hourly? How you getting there? Anybody be messing with you? How many days you be going? How long?"

" it's $16, I take the bus after school, nobody messing with me, I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and it's from 2:30 till 8:00 been there for just a few weeks"

I hummed thinking. It's not bad she gets days off Thursday and Sunday, it's a little late but she's 18 I can't do much about that. I stared at the paper seeing payment was due by the end of the week

"We paying for your trip. No argument. Use your money for whatever you want to buy and eat in New York. You have your license?"

She shook her head no "I only have a permit that's about to expire in a couple months"

I nodded "daylights savings coming up and its starting to get dark at like 5 you not taking the bus no more after this week over. Me or Mikey will come get you. Driving school, look for one and we'll enroll you okay?"

She nodded her head "yes ma'am"

I smiled at her " go ahead and go eat you know Michael got you a spicy chicken meal in there"

She was walking out but stopped and turned our way

"Thankyou. Both of you"

I smiled at her as she left out and I turned to Mikey who got Miracle to finally fall asleep " I don't want them to leave."

he chuckled as he laid her down in the playpen by her brothers and pulled me down on the couch "I know."

" I've been thinking about it for awhile... don't freak out okay... but I want to adopt them. I know we haven't known them for long and it's a huge commitment. Barely know what happened to them but I was talking to the case worker we met last month and she said there is a good chance for our approval of adoption, How do you feel about that?"

He sighed as he rubbed my feet " Amari has accidents in his sleep when he gets nightmares, Amara thinks someone's coming to take her and her siblings away from here so she hates being out for too long and Whitney its better than the first day but she still tenses up around me some days. it's a long journey but I want them to feel like we home, so yes. I'm on the same page you on"

I nibbled my bottom lip "six kids Mikey. Are we crazy?"

"Most definitely but I wouldn't have it any other way with any one else. You seeing them that day and is taking them is was God speaking to you. He blessing our family more I feel it "

I nodded relaxing as Amari and Amara came running in "miss Meg here's your food and your drink" they both handed me an item

"Thankyouu my babies, y'all got homework?" I munched on a fry as they both sat down taking out their homework folders

" Miss Meg there's this boy in our class..." I was half listening as I peeped Whitney watching her siblings. She usually is locked up in her room doing whatever but this time she came and sat down on the loveseat across from us as she turned the tv on

I popped another fry as I reached for the box that was hiding under the table " Hey Whit, know you don't like accepting gifts but it'll make me worry less knowing you have this so we can reach you" I slid the box across the table letting her open it

"Mr and Mrs Wright this too — she looked at us as she stopped mid sentence "thankyou for everything."

She took the iPhone 14 out looking at it smiling

"I want one!"

"Me too!"

Mikey fatass with his mouth full answer them "when you in middle school you'll get a phone not now"

Amari grumbled under his breath "fine fatty"

I laughed as he moved my feet and grabbed him picking him up and tickling him

I smiled as I saw Whitney wipe a little tear and she got up and left out the living room so we wouldn't see

Closing my eyes I said a thankyou to God

" Thank you for everything"


Miracles home!!!!!!

Looks like they are getting more comfortable with one another


Sorry for any grammatical errors

Fran 💕

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