《Fell For You》19. " I'm Not Going Anywhere"


Two days later


"I love you Michelle." My fingers stopped as my heart beat a bit faster than normal. "What?"

I didn't get a answer back just small snores

As he slept I slipped from the bed heading out side to the balcony to think. He Loves me?

We've been going out for a few months literally. How does he know that feeling after just a few months with me.

I was watching the moon as I got up to stand near the edge feeling the wind on my skin when I heard voices below.

I don't know if I love him just yet but I do know I don't want this feeling to leave me

I tried to open my eyes but it felt like I was in a paralysis as another memory came flooding one by one

What's the matter Starburst?" This his third time asking me because Everytime I look at him I hear him saying "I love you" and I'd always avoid his stare

I didn't even look up "it's nothing"

We were sitting in a comfortable silence when he came close to my ear " I know what I said yesterday and I meant it"

I was about to say something when he cut me off " Ain't no pressure Chelle I just wanted you to know how I felt" I nodded as he tilted my head up taking off my glasses. Bending his head down to plant kisses all over my face

I finally opened my eyes searching rapidly around the room as I shot up to fast making me groan. " fuck" I tried holding onto something to catch myself when I felt an arm already catching as I was falling back

I stared up at him as he looked worried

He was there, right there as he always has been past and present.


"Hey baby you ok?" I grabbed him by his shirt pulling him into me as we kissed. Those three little words unlocked what I couldn't remember. It unlocked the Morgan family and the memories I made with them, the love they have for me but really the love he has for me.

I remember that day of the accident after coming back from the store I was going to tell him how I felt. I was going to tell Nasir I loved him with everything in me and I never got the chance to

God granted me a chance to live life and I won't regret any minute of it. I broke off the kiss as I stared at him

" I love you too Nasir Morgan"

The smile that graced his face. There it was the warmth that I remembered all those times he looked at me, texted me, touched me, I remember him

" well looks like someone is up we were worried about you" I glanced around seeing my doctor, momma, and brothers in the hospital room


"Ouuu Chelle I'm telling Mason" Zay said as he started typing away on his tablet no less telling Mason now.I raised an eyebrow at Josiah cause he usually has some slick shit to say. He looked at me with a disgusted look waving me off "Nobody worried about you swapping spit with that boy, feel sorry for him you just got up after all this time breath probably lethal as hell"

"Mama swatted his arm "stop playing on my child now"

Mikey chuckled coming closer kissing my forehead " don't scare me like that twin"

"How long have I been out?" I glanced at Nasir and everyone in the room as the doctor answered " going on day two"

"The nurse will come in and take some vitals in a little bit. I'll leave you guys to have some time before then "


She exited out as Mikey and Nasir helped me sit up " how's me nephews and nieces?"

Mikey sighed then laughed "Amara and Amari warming up in the house causing havoc, Whitney tryna get a job but scared to ask for any type of help"

He looked sad a bit. Whitney was like that to every adult male she encountered Nasir, Josiah, Mikey, Unc Arthur, etc she always put a distance between herself and them. We've all noticed but didn't want to pressure her at all. Whenever she's ready to talk about her past she will

Mikey continued " Malachi & Malik not letting us sleep through the night at all. Both got attitudes like they mama. Miracle is getting better she's off the tube breathing on her own..."

I squeezed his hands as a tear fell and he took a deep breath. I know it's been hard on them especially with babygirl in the hospital. " She's cleared to come home in a couple weeks"

I was about to get up and jump for jog when Nasir pushed me down and my mama glared at me " keep on Jelena and imma tape that ass on that chair"

"Mama how you can cuss but when I say fuck bit-" a pop to Zays mouth was heard as he scrunch his face up " you better not Zachary.

He rolled his eyes focusing back on his IPad

Josiah stared at me smiling " happy you okay ladybug" I rolled my eyes hearing his nickname for me he rarely uses unless he's worried about me

" I'm good Sia I swear." He nodded pushing Mikey out the way kissing on my forehead whispering as he put his forehead on mine "I can't lose you ladybug"

"I'm not going anywhere"

He moved back nodding "alright I got to take Zay to soccer practice and Mama got to go to her office she left them people high and dry when Nasir called. Doctor told us whenever you wake up you'll be here for a day or two" I nodded understanding

Mikey got up putting his phone in his pocket looking worried " Im going down to the NICU to check on Miracle then he'd home. I left Meg with the kids and apparently Amari and Amara are hysterically crying which is making Malachi and Malik cry and Whitney hasn't come home from school so now my wife's hysterical crying"

"Please go and look after all my little baby's and bestfriend. Once I'm on my feet you already know I'm there whenever you need me"

He kissed me again gon my forehead "I know twin"

They all said goodbye to me as I closed my eyes pretending I was about to fall asleep feeling him kissing the inside of my palms " you remember that time?"

I nodded opening my eyes watching him as I placed my hands on his cheek as his eyes watered watching me " you remember me baby?"

I smiled at him " you like apple juice because the one time you drank orange juice it had pulp and you choked on it. You're a fan of city girls but won't admit it. You have three moles on your back, and you like when I lick—- he shut me up by kissing me again making me moan against his lips

A throat was cleared as we broke apart seeing a nurse standing with a smile

" just came to take some vitals."


She remembers him !!!


I had another way I wanted her to remember but I'll stick with this one. I was wanting her to remember a while ago to speed up the pass 😭

Sorry for any grammatical errors

Fran 💕

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