《Fell For You》21. " 6 months"



" damn. You really remembered that ugly nigga"

Nasir mugged Josiah as I fed the triplets their bottles. After Malachi sucked to hard and Meg's nipple fell off she was over breastfeeding

We were at mamas house, she was in charge of babysitting and Nas and I only came to drop by. However, all of a sudden my mama was gone and it was us with three kids.

Josiah came out of no where trying to bother mama and found us and here he go bothering us

" Sia leave my man alone" I waved him off as I handed Nas to burp Malachi as I moved on to feeding miracle who has been doing much better since she's been out the hospital.

"Look at yo cheesing ass Nas .. lemme take a picture to send to the group chat cause this embarrassing"

I turned as Nas was trying hard no to break out into a smile making me laugh " y'all annoying. What we doing tonight ?"

" No thankyou I'm to old to be hanging with you 20 somethings again , couldn't get up from my couch the last time we all went out"

I chuckled because we do be going hard but I blame Chey Chey her and Dominic be making us club hop like crazy I be tired my damn self

Speaking of them two troublemakers " have y'all seen Chey & Dom? Feels like I haven't seen them in months"

" nah, but imma do a pop up at Dom house that nigga think he slick knowing he owe me a knew controller after he broke mine"

Josiah and Dom were close to age so they were becoming the best of friends really " you popping by today ?"

He nodded taking a bite of an apple he washed "yea cause I got things to do tonight actually"


Josiah is the most secretive person. You wouldn't know if the man was dating anyone or married he don't be saying or telling anyone nothing

I started burping Miracle as Malachi and Malik were already down for the count taking a nap

"Alright fools I'll catch y'all later"

He left out leaving us alone I turned to see Nasir staring at me " What?"

He shrugged popping a fry in his mouth " nun. You just look good with the babies was picturing you with ours"

" oh"

I nodded my head as I patted Miracle to sleep placing her by her brothers in their big play pen.

I was avoiding staring at Nasir cause I already know the look in his eyes. It always ended with me on my knees arching my back

I peeped up at him briefly as he caught my eyes. With his voice low and deep he called for me

"Come here starburst"


Chey Chey


I sighed watching my older sister pace back and forth as her 6 month belly pokes out "Whoever he is you going to have to tell him Nat."

She started crying again for the millionth time today user about this baby daddy talk. But she's more than halfway through with her pregnancy not telling a soul about her pregnancy but me and mama.

I barely see Dom or my girls while I've been bringing her to appointments and getting her weird ass pregnancy cravings

Hearing my door unlock I knew it had to be Dominic. Haven't really explained why I've gone missing. Him, Nat, and my mama are the only ones that have a copy of my keys. And mama at work so odds are it's him

"Baby? Where you at ?"

We were in the kitchen as Natalie had pleading eyes wanting me to get rid of him before he sees her. I don't know wheat the big deal is like Dom don't know how to keep a secret


I shook my head walking to the foyer seeing Dom removing his shoes and Josiah right behind him doing the same. I was confused why he was here, not like he hasn't been here before. I'd not Chelles place game night is usually over here at mine.

Josiah gave me a hug crushing me as always then Dom gave me a kiss "hi baby, sorry to come unannounced this man came harassing me at my place for his new controller and I left it here when we went shopping"

Before I could even stop them they both walked in different directions. Josiah towards the kitchen and Dom towards the game room.

"Something smells good as hell in here. Oh wassup Na-" I rushed into the kitchen after him as Natalie's eyes widen and Josiah stared straight at her belly

He raised a brow watching her " Sorry Nat, you know how Josiah be when he get hungry can't nobody stop him" I was rambling on speaking not realizing the tension in the room until Dom came up into the kitchen

" uh YALL good in here" he looked over at Nah surprised " you pregnant ? How far along are— oh shit" he looked between Natalie and Josiah

"Yea Natalie. How far along are you ?"

I could see the tears in her eyes forming. She's been doing that a lot lately, crying. She whispered just enough for all of us to hear "6 months two days ago."

The dry chuckle he left out as he turned to leave out my place. Natalie was in full blown tears at this point as I stared at Dom as everything started clicking

Whipping my head towards Natalie " Nat. Why wouldn't you tell him? You made it seem like it was some bum ass nigga that knocked you up"

She hiccuped as she tried controlling her tears " I rather have a bum ass nigga for a baby father than that man"

I raised a brow so confused "huh?"

She looked me in my eyes wiping the tears from her face

"Fuck Josiah Jameson Wright" she looked very determined on that saying until she started crying again " I hate him Chey, I really do."

I hugged her as I seen Dom slip out the kitchen hearing the door close behind him

What a fucking mess


Josiah has a baby on the way?!?

Nasir wants to start making babies with Chelle!

It's baby fever !


Sorry for any grammatical errors

Fran 💕

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