《Behind this mask 2.0 (Rottmnt Donnie)》April?, where are you... p.1


Donnie pulled out his phone and started sending a few texts, he waited and stared at his screen for what felt like forever

Zero replies, it wasn't read-she wasn't even online...

' maybe she just forgot and her phone died!... I'm just being paranoid...' But Donnie couldn't help but feel scared and worried, so (unsurprisingly) he opened his tracker app and searched for April's location

His eyes shot open with a large gasp, throwing his phone across the room..

Everything flashed Infront of his eyes... His vision became blurry and spinney-terrible feelings swept over him...

April's location was at...

The place where meatsweats did something bad to Donnie....

In a hurry, he jumped out of bed and grabbed his phone again, just to make sure what he saw was true...

And it was... Donnie felt like throwing up, but instead he ran twords the living room, almost slipping on his way out

"G-.... G-GUYS!, APRIL! SH-SHE!...." he was so panicked he couldn't even get the words out correctly, while yin, yang, Leo and Raph looked over to stare at him

"Donatello what happened???" Yin and yang questioned

"Yo don, are you alright?!, What about April?!" Raph jumped off the couch and dashed over to Donnie to comfort him

"Wait- what happened to April, Donnie?!" Leo followed Raph and he put his hand on Donnie's shell protector

Donnie was purely speechless, all he could do was show them his phone screen... Showing them where April was... Leo and Raph exchanged a ghost white expression, then they both sprinted to Mikey's room

Yin and yang got up from the ground speed walked over to Donnie "Donatello are you alright?" Yin asked once again. "Yeah what happened?..." Yangs question soon followed

"H-he...... He took April..." Donnie let out a sob, he tried to cover his heavy flow of tears

"Who did donatello?..." The twins asked at the same time, showing more concern for their turtle aly

"Meatsweats... That god awful sick BASTARD!..." Donnie fell to the ground in despair, his nails digging into his own flesh

Yin and yang just looked at each other for a quick second before kneeling down Infront of him, trying to comfort him by bringing him into a warm embrace

Donnie refused to be touched and held, and fought his way out of the hug-pushing the two away from him

He just stared at the ground, he was too worried about April, Donnie mind was flowing like a waterfall with thoughts, many of them where bad...

His brothers walked out, Mikey followed showing a subtle but guilty look on his face, not wanting to take his glued gaze off the floor

"I suppose you wouldn't wanna come on this mission Donnie...." Raph sighed out, he was worried for his little brother


"can we go?!" Yin excitedly blurted

The three of them looked at the turtles and back to each other "mmm... Sorry this mission requires stealth and strength" Leo teased

"But were strong!, We cann fight!, Fight good too!" Yin pleaded

"I'd say we aren't experts bu- ow!, .... We're experts-" yang got fooled by yin mid sentence, which was completely unnecessary

Raph just stared and them in thought "uh..... Sure why not, but you better not slow us down!" Raph gave in

"We won't" yin said blankly

"WE SWEAR!" yin couldn't help but feel so excited, basically shaking in their shell

"Let's head out then, don use the communicator to tell us where April is, let's roll gang!" Raph said while charging for the turtle tank, followed by an adventurous looking Leo, a blankly looking Mikey, and a conjoined twin turtle yin excited, yang yet again holds little to no expression

Donnie just sighed as he walked to his lab to grab his communication device and tracker

"Raph, coming in, raph?" Donnie asked into the communicator, awaiting a response, he pulled up Raph's location on his tech watch

"Sup do-" "woah!, How did donatello get in the glowy thing???" Yins voice interrupted

"He's not-" raph was interrupted again but by yang this time

"That's creepy-"

Leo bursted out in hard laughter while Mikey was heard Snickering in the background

"HAVE YOU GUYS LIVED UNDER A ROCK YOUR WHOLE LIVE!? HA!" by this time Leo's eyes were filling with tears, laughing to the point where is was hard to breathe

"A rock???"

"Technically, we lived in a dark cave." Yang helpfully explained yins questioned answer, which apparently resulted in even more laughter from Mikey, Leo and even some small giggles from raph

Anoyed by all the noise, Donnie just turned down the volume giving out a sigh, he stared

his little wrist screen, watching the trackers move by, all except April's....

"Don't you guys have... Well I don't know, a better topic to be discussing?!?" Frustrated, Donnie rubbed his eyes with his index finger and thumb

"Right sorry, gotta find April." Raph immediately stopped his laughing and spoke in a serious tone

"Alright you guys are nearing April's location.... Andddd~ you have arrived..." Donnie directed

"Alright going in, let's go brothers!" Raph ordered, Donnie heard climbing and crawling—aswell as the loud outside of new York City

Donnie scanned their locations and created a digital map of their surroundings, including exits, rooms, stairs, pretty much everything that his brothers were seeing

"Okay you guys take... A right, continue straight for around exactly 34 feet take a left turn, then a right, continue straight for about 12 more steps then I'll give you more directions."

"Uhhhmmmm...." The 5 of them groaned, full of confusion


"Mind uhhh, repeating that Donnie???" Leo forced out a fake laugh

" Sigh. Alright, I'll go over it slowly, one MORE TIME!...." Donnie grew frustrated, but his worry was still overwhelming him greatly.... We wondered if April's safety and if his brother would be able to get her back okay

"And after 1 AND A 3/4 FUCKING HOUR!... You guys should be there" Donnie let out another huge sigh, communication was giving him a huge migraine...

"First of all, LANGUAGE DONNIE!, and second, we will contact you later when we come back with April, should be about 12-20 minutes tops!, See ya!" Raph ended the call, leaving Donnie to wait in utter silence... Just leaving himself alone

5 minutes went by, his sat at his desk, hand folding Infront of him—twidling his thumbs together, he bounced his leg up and down while quietly and patiently waiting for a call, or something to interrupt the complete silence of his lab

Again, another 5 minutes went by, still nothing from his brothers... Or April, or anyone in general...

Once again another 5 minutes pass and Donnie began to grow more and more worried within waiting, wondering if he should call them, check up on them or something... Just to see if their okay...

He reached for his communicator, he hesitated—hoverin his shaking hand over it, unsure if he should or not...

"They might need help..."

"No... It'll just be bothering them...."

"What if they need backup?!?"

"What help could I be .."

He started zoning out, sinking deep into his self arguing thoughts...

"DONNIE!" a voice interrupted his silence, leaving him startled... He heard heavy breathing and battling in the background

"L-leo?!, What's up???" Donnie voice seemed to fill with worry

"UHHMMM.... I THINK-. WOAH!!!.... I THINK MEATSWEATS LIKE ABSORBED A SILVER FISH AGAIN OR SUM- HES LIKE INVINCIBLE?!-" Leo's voice was booming through the communications device, "I THINK WE NEED BACK UP!... YIN, NO!-" Leo's voice cut off, the call ended right there

Donnie was just in pure shock... He felt to scared to move.... He had to face meatsweats again....

"No... Now's not the time for weird and saddened feelings. I need to get April back...." Then he grabbed his bo staff, changed his shell protector to a more helpful one for the job, and was running out of the lair

Once he reached the surface, he turned on his drones and calculated his brother correlations—using his goggles to spot around for them, or at least any hints to find them

Soon he arrived at the place we're the trackers led too, he took deep breaths... And hesitantly judging if he should go in or not....

Donnie felt scared, and frightened..... What will meatsweats do if he sees him again?!... What could they be doing to April?!.... Or his brothers....

Once the thought of his brothers, and April.... Dead... He took no more time to think, he zoomed in the buildings entrance, not wanting any time to lose

He crept around the air ducts, trying to find the strongest signal of their location, the air ducts were incredibly small and hard to move in, squeezing his plastron and his shell protector scratching the top, he was grunting —it was getting a little to tight for him now

He shimmied all the way to the nearest exit, with was sadly and apparently—36ft away

Donnie felt to much pressure on his shell, he hesitated for a second but took of his protector and which gladly made it easier to move, it gave him 3-6 inches of more room

Dragging the shell protector behind him, he made it to the vent, he opened it up and slipped out feet first

Not even realizing that below him, was around a 54ft drop down to the hard concrete floor...

Donnie looked down and was startled at the sight, he tried climbing back into the air duct but he couldn't find enough upper body strength to do so, in another attempt he tried reaching his hand in to reach his shell protector, his fingers barley grazing it

"Oh science... C'mon c'mon!.... Please..." His breather grew heavy, Donnie would be able to hold on much longer than he had already...

Slowly losing his grip... Using all his strength just to hold himself up...

In maybe around 2 milliseconds... It felt like his life flashed before his eyes

letting out a blood curdling scream— going extremely fast, getting closer to the floor...

He was caught!

Donnie's eyes slowly opened to see his oldest brother using his mistic powers and an outstretched hand to catch him

"You okay Donnie?!?" Raph panted out

"RAPH!" Donnie was filled with joy, knowing his brothers okay

"Yo don, wheres your battle shell?" Raph said confused and turned over to the side, directing his finger to Donnie's shell

"I uh... Took it off in the air ducts to try and maximize my limited movement- but it back fired and I fell, and now it's stuck up there..." Donnie forced out a small laugh

Raph smiled awkwardly "I'm sure when we find the others they'll help with that..." He chuckled

"But... Are you okay?... I know you don't wanna be here are you sure you don't want to go back home?..." Raph placed his hand on donnies shoulder while placing the other on his cheek

"No... I-i think I'll manage, I mean I traveled all the way here anyways" Donnie laughed out, but he still felt nervous—feeling a knot grow in his stomach.

"Okay then.... Let's go and join the others in battle!" Raph placed his hands on his hips, and charged of our of the doorway

Donnie swallowed a lump in his throat, he took a few deep breaths and slowly, he walked twords the door and ran after Raph

"I hope things go well...."

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