《Behind this mask 2.0 (Rottmnt Donnie)》April?, where are you... p.2


Stepping into the doorway of the fight, Donnie felt his stomach drop to the ground, he was frozen of fear

He couldn't move, he couldn't talk... He just stood there... He didn't know if he should fight if not due to his battle shell gone at the moment, what would he do if he got hurt... Badly...

Raph just stood there, eyeing Donnie trying to figure out why his expression was so... Scarce and terrified

"Don, are you sure your okay?... You don't have to fight." Raph reassured him

"I-.." Donnie's voice cracked, not even knowing what to say at the moment "I.. i-i think I'll... I'll fight!..." Donnie shook his head and put on a focused expression.

Gripping his bō staff tightly, he charged twords the fight, then soon followed Raph, holding up his tonfas, preparing for a powerful punch

Pressing a button on his bō, fire and steam appeared from both ends, flailing off in a spinning fashion twords meatsweats, knocking him in the head, while the staff returned into Donnie's hand

"AUGH-.... oh, hello........ Little turtle~..." Meatsweats threw on a psychotic smiling expression, giving a devilish laugh... The same one..

The look caught Donnie off guard, sending chills up his spine—making his shiver with fear

Meatsweats laughed insanely, letting go off yin and charging his tenticaled-hand twords him

Donnie was frozen in fear once again... He couldn't face him... Not when his mind was flooded of the pain...

"LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE YOU FUCKING INSANE PIG!" Leo charged over, lifting his katana—aiming for his arm

"WHY... YOU LITTLE-" meatsweats growled in pain—pulling his arm back away from Donnie

Raph soon taking over by a powerful punch too meatsweats' head

"Donnie are you okay?!.... You don't have to be here..." Leo said placing a hand on Donnie shoulder, making Donnie flinch a little

"No.. I'm staying here Leon, how can I be a great ninja if I can't even defend myself!..." Donnie snapped back

Leo just took a big sigh "fine.... Just don't get your self hu-URRRRT!" Leo was grabbed by meatsweats—getting flung into a wall Donnie's expression turned from started, to shocked, and to angry.

Donnie charged at meatsweats, with zero hesitation... Without thinking... Which was rare for him, he must have been so filled with rage and adrenaline

Again pressing a button, his staff materialising a giant rocket—he rode on top of it, circling around meatsweats over and over, occasionally aiming for his head


But, donnie looked over and got distracted—leo holding Mikey up... The scene made his heart drop... What his brother okay?!?

He felt many tentacles swarming his torso

Donnie—panicking— clawed at meatsweats' hand, desperately trying to get him to loosen his grip

"LET GO OF MY BROTHER, PIG FREAK!" Raph's loud voice was shouting directly at meatsweats, he was charging at him

But meatsweats just let out a spine chilling chuckle....

"Hahahah.... Oh I'll let him go alright..." A large sinister smile appeared on his face...

"DONNIE! NO!" Raph's voice seemed fuzzy to Donnie...

The last thing Donnie felt was the most excruciating pain on he shell, and his head... And sliding down to the ground..

A warm liquid dribbling fast down his body... His neck, arms, legs, and hands

"DONNIEEE!!!" a loud scream boomed out... It sounded just heart breaking, like the most painful thing you could ever hear just doubled and louder...

Then everything went black...

"woah easy there big guy- I'm sure h-he's...." Leo was dumbfounded, staring at his twin brother—whom was covered In blood head to toe, especially his shell...

"GET MIKEY, YIN AND YANG. WE NEED TO GET OUTA HERE!- WE CAN FINISH THIS FIGHT LATER!" there was hints of worry in Raph's voice, there was no tears but his soft sobs made it seem like there might aswell be

"B-but what about April?!" Mikey protested

"We can worry about her later! Donnie is hurt!" Raph let out a few sobs, picking Donnie up swifty, trying to be careful of his injuries

Leo created a portal to the lair with a circling of his sword—he quickly dove in with Mikey, yin, and yang on his back

"No! Get back here you turtles!!!" Meatsweats' voice shouted in an echo across the room, aiming for the portal

Raph just jumped in the portal without hesitation, holding Donnie tightly

Right after Raph came through with Donnie, meatsweats' hand followed after—but before he could get his whole arm in, the portal shut on him, cutting off some of his tenticaled hand

"Omigosh- GROSS!" Mikey let out a gag

The rest were holding back their vomit, it seemed the only ones who came out unscathed were Leo, Raph, and Yang

"Is yin okay?... I know they're somewhat unconscious I can't move..." Yang mumbled out, voice with slight worry

"I'm sure yin's fine yang, probably just a little knocked out" Mikey tried comforting yang


"Can't you guys just y'know split out of your body???" Leo questioned

"It only works when BOTH of us are saying it." Yang mumbled out again

Raph already making his was to Donnie's bedroom—moving past the curtains struggling to hold back his already falling tears from continuing

Donnie was placed gently on his stomach, raph tried to be as gentle as he could be to not put a lot of pressure on his already badly wounded shell

As Donnie lie limp on his bed, head laying on the side and his eyes not open but not 100% closed

His blood seeped into his covers, slowly creeping twords the sides of the bed, raph was panicking quite a lot, he rushed into the kitchen for the bandages, disinfecting spray, and a rag located in the medicine cabinet

Cleaning his younger brothers heavily bleeding wounds, tears fell as he mumbled to himself

"I'm so sorry Donnie..."

"I should have done something better"

"What kind of a big brother am I?!...."

Little did he know that Donnie could hear everything, thought he was unconscious he could hear his surroundings perfectly he was just too tired and weak to move or say anything

Listening to his oldest brothers sobs he felt just terrible...

'was this my fault?... I'm so sorry Raph.. I'm sorry Mikey, I'm sorry Leo, I'm sorry to April, yin, and yang too...."

All he could feel before blacking out again was warm tears streaming down his face and later a hug...

Waking up, Donnie had a massive headache and pains all throughout his body

He didn't know what time it was or even what was happening he just felt pain... Harshly pounding in his head, shell and arm

He attempted to sit up but he could only manage to barely prop himself up against the wall

"Donnie!" Raph cried

"Thank goodness you're okay!, I've stayed here all night!" Joy overcame him and a smile rushed on his face

Donnie didn't feel much like talking... Or maybe he couldn't at the moment he just closed his eyes with the pounding headache making him feel more pain that he needing to, he put a hand to his head

"Are you okay lil bro?... Do you need medicine? Here" raph handed Donnie a few pain killers and a glass of water

Donnie grabbed them quickly and took them in seconds

"You don't feel much like talking right now huh?..." Raph smile slowly drifted into a subtle smirk

He just nodded his head slowly, hugging himself and curling up his legs

"... Can I give you a hug?" Raph asked politely

Donnie nodded his head almost immediate to the question

Raph leaned onto the bed and gave Donnie a nice embrace, if only he could make his youger brothers pain go away.... It hurt to see how much his brother's pain grows...

"Tighter or looser?" Raph didn't want to hurt Donnie, but he did want to help him feel comforted... It's just scary having to be the biggest brother, and being huge and covered in dangerous spikes that hurt a lot if pricked

Don just squeezed Raph tighter, Donnie really needed that hug... He just let out a few sobs, clinging onto raph and not wanting to let go... He needed his older brother, raph needed his younger brothers

They say there for minutes, maybe hours... Donnie hated being touched, hugged, or basically any "human" contact... But right now, he needed it the most

Later, soon walked in Leo and Mikey, trying to check up on raph again like they did many times last night

"Donnie! Your awake!" They happily cheered

They sprinted over to them, and gradually clung onto Donnie and make a group hug...

Oh how long it's been since they've all shown affection twords each other.... After everything that's happened, Donnie finally felt the most happy he's felt in a great while, his brothers love shines a bright light into his soul... It made him forget all his troubles in the moment, like nothing ever happened

He wished this could last forever...

But again... They still had a major problem to solve on the next mission....

They still needed to get April back, no matter how long, or what it takes... And Donnie's battle shell who knows what a villain or person can do with his technology

Soon the hug came to an end, no matter how hard his brothers squeezed his incredible sensitive wounds, he loved that hug...

But, instead of leaving it at that, Donnie clung to raph..

And for that day, Donnie never left Raph's side as raph did to him, not even for one moment, because that hug made him realize how little he spent with his brothers

He wanted to make these moments last...

And he just could bare to be alone, because when he was, the thoughts came flooding back... The terrible ones

When Donnie heals, or atleast asleep, his older and twin brother secretly head out

To get April back, once and for all

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