《Love Potion || Donnie x Reader》Side Effects...


Before this chapter starts.. I'd like to thank you FOR FREAKING OVER A THOUSAND THIRTY VIEWS!!! You have no idea how much this means to me! Oh my gosh! Now, let's start the chapter. 🤧💕💘💞💙🥺👉🏼👈🏼

I wake up, on the couch. Huh.. must've fell asleep while watching tv.. oh well. I sit up, stretching my arms out as far as possible and making my bones give them a good crack. I sigh in delight and walk to the kitchen which is surprisingly empty.

I check the time and see a good, early 6:39. I decide to be nice for my turtle friends and make breakfast, alittle bit of bacon... beans... eggs... and fruit! Nutritional. As I'm finishing up, a little short turtle comes in. I wave to Mikey, "Goodmorning!" I say to him. I hand him a plate and he starts eating.

A few more turtles and of course, 'sensei' comes in and eats. I eat too but I don't finish and I leave it on the table. "Hey! Aren't you going to finish your plate?" Raph asks, I raise a brow. I shake my head and head to my room. I stretch a little and pick out my outfit, walking to my drawers, and my closet.

A white NYC sweatshirt comes to view along with some tight joggers. I smile in comfort. I walk out just in time for training. We train, same schedule as everyday, eat, train, annoy the turtles, blah blah blah. I just want things to change up a little!

I go to Donnie's lab, checking up on him. He's working for an antidote to my memory loss, headache. Ugh. I sigh and I walk up next to him. He places down the things just in time before he jumps when he acknowledges that I'm right beside him. I laugh and talk to him for a while. "So, you almost done?" I ask. He nods. "Actually.. here it is! The finishing piece!" Donnie yells, with his brothers sprinting in. He adds something, suspiciously.

I had just finished up the antidote, secretly adding some of my love potion. "Actually.. here it is! The finishing piece!" I yell. Telling the whole world about my new antidote. I put some in a needle and I poke it through (Y/N)'s arm, she yelps and falls unconscious. Knowing what will happen, I catch her before she fell and I place her on my bed.


"Donnie! Was that supposed to happen?!" Leo says, I nod. "Now we have to wait and see, and please, get out of my lab. I'll update." I say, earning some nods. I sigh in relief when they leave, and I walk to my desk. I write in my diary, spilling what I've been holding in for days, maybe even weeks.

Just a few words can change your perspective on someone.

"𝒜𝓃𝒹 ℐ 𝒩ℴ𝓉𝒾𝒸ℯ𝒹 ℐ ℱℯ𝓁𝓁 ℐ𝓃𝓁ℴ𝓋ℯ.."

I wrote on the small page. Thinking about her laugh, her smile, her hair, those (E/C) eyes, and that personality I wished to grow old with. Drip, drip. I look at the paper, teardrops. I sob and sniffle. I wipe my eyes, waiting for who knows how long!! Pulling myself out of that stupid trance.

I silly myself, finishing the page. Looking to my right, I saw the bed empty. I gasp, running to the living room, seeing (Y/N) sit peacefully as she watched her favourite show, 'Space Heroes.' I chuckle, leading her eyes to me, she smiles that perfect smile and it makes my stomach flutter.

"Hey Don! I just woke up! I remember what I don't now. I'm so sorry I had to put all that stress on you. Like, me in a coma and forgetting stuff. Geez." She says. I shake my head. "No! No! Don't think that! I uh- uh-..". She looks at me weirdly. "You okay don? Is there something on my face?" She asks. "No! Nothing wrong is with your face.. your cute, adorable face.. I! I mean!" She laughs it off. "Sure Donnie." She laughs again.

Did the Love Potion not work? I think. "Hey (N/N), I-I wanna ask you a question, did you ever feel anything tingly when you woke up?" I ask, she shook her head. I guess it didn't work then. I walk back to the lab, shutting and locking the doors, I sob. Until I had enough of sobbing around, listening to the pipes rattle.

I sigh, now I have nothing to do now..oh well. Crash. What? I fast-walk to the lab doors and slightly poking my head and torso out. I see Mikey on the floor, squishing (Y/N). I laugh. "M-mikey! Haha! You-you're squishing me!" She says with struggled breaths. He finally gets off. "I missed my gaming potato dudette!" He says.


"Excuse me? A potato? Donnie's more of a potato more then me!" I gasp, making a slightly hurt face. "Oh you are going to get it!" I run after her but she runs away, giggling, my heart beating faster and faster from running and well, her! She's just so gorgeous and so cu-

I run into a wall, face first then I fall. I meet my eyes with (Y/N)'s beautiful (E/C). "H-hi.". I manage to get out before I'm dizzy. "Haha! Don! Are you okay? You fell quite abit there! Hah!" She says with a laugh following behind. "I'm.. actually dizzy." I lift up a hand gesturing her to lift me up, she takes it and struggles to get me on my feet but she eventually does it.

"There! I-.. Finally did it.. whew!" I say, sweating. "Don, your heavy. Just like a potato." I smirk, but fading. "Let's get you on the couch, you said you were dizzy right?" I ask, I receive a nod. I sigh, leading his dizzy self. "Now, I'm going to get you a cup of water, 'Kay? 'Kay." I suggested. I smile at him before I went to get him water and ice.

"Donnie!" I hear a shout from the entrance to the lair. I peek and see the one and only, April O'Neil. Gag. I shake my head before continuing getting the water and ice. I walk to Donnie and April, "Oh! Hey April." I fake. "April! April! This dudette got her memory back!" Mikey says with excitement in his voice. She makes a smile. "Oh my gosh! Really? Glad we have you back (Y/N)!" April replied. I smile small. I nod.

I give Donnie the water, and putting the ice to Don's head. "I'm sorry again Don, I just got carried away heh..". I mumbled and stammered a bit, my face was clearly flustered. "What did she do Donnie?" April asks clearly concerned and slightly glaring at me. "She didn't do anything actually, we were chasing each other around and I got.. distracted and ran straight into a wall!" He exclaims.

"What did you do?" April asks directly to me. I furrow my eyebrows. "It was an accident! I swear.." I declare. She shakes her head. "No it wasn't! I could tell! You know what? You have ruined everything for me and I hate it when you act so innocent!" She shouts, I blink and look away. "Don't try and hide it! You don't belong here! You belong in the lowest of the lowest and deserve nothing! No wonder your parents left you, just a worthless nothing." She finishes her speech.

"I.. if you think that way then sure.. I'll be going now." I sprint out. Hearing shouts of pleads. "Don't go (Y/N)!" I hear. I now run. Listening to some screaming and sobs. Tears roll down my face.

Finally, I'm at my destination. The docks where I come to sob. I sit, dipping my feet through the cold, unwelcoming, water. Drops of water roll off my cheeks and into the water. How did April know?.. I look down at my reflection. Self-hating begins to rise and pointing at all of my flaws. I sob away.

"She's right, I am a worthless nothing." I lift my feet up and curl myself into a ball. I look at my hands. Finally realizing how my hands are the darkest of all colours and shades. Black. Why are my hands black? I panic. Breathing heavily, as the black travels up to my shoulders, torso, and then the rest of my body.

I take out my T-Phone and tap the camera. My hair completely changed to white, adding a few stripes of light yellow and navy antlers. My face had that concerned face. I looked at the facial features, noticing some yellow freckles and my eyes they were filled with black but my pupils were a bright yellow. I poke around my mouth with my tongue, feeling sharp and things that were never there.

I open my mouth seeing fangs and tons of other different things. I scream, letting all of it out. The noise I made, was an earpiecing scream that made your ears ring. I cry, wiping some of the tears the rolled down. Just smudging the red tears, I had noticed. Like blood..

Im a Monster.



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