《Love Potion || Donnie x Reader》M O N S T E R


Running, I'm running. Yes, you may be wondering why I'm running, it's because I'm having SO MUCH FUN! I'm running and or jumping across building to building, having the wind blow on my black skin and white hair.

I let out a shriek of excitement, it echoes and echoes. I smile slightly. As I'm running I close my eyes and slow down a bit. I slowed myself down enough so I could walk like normal. I sit down to try and catch my breath. Gee, I ran so fast. I pushed a hair out of my face. My lips become curved down.

The events yesterday rolled into my mind and replayed again and again, why was April such-.. I'm overreacting. I sniff, getting a scent. I frown even more, to the presence who's with me. I pat beside myself. They step towards me. "Come, sit down." I spoke quietly, hiding my face into the sweater I had on.

He sat down, letting his bandana blow by the wind. I lift my legs onto the cement walls, sitting comfortably. "(Y/N), look at me." Donnie spoke. I shook my head softly, hiding more of myself. He grabs my chin, forcing me to look into his brown, pretty orbs. He gasps quietly.

"Wow, I'm really that ugly, aren't I?" I chuckle softly, looking away harshly. Putting my hood up to hide my brightly coloured hair and my facial features. He pulls it down, I mutter. "I'm a monster.". Sniffling quietly. Bringing myself in a ball of shame. I could feel that he shook his head, I whimper a tad bit.

"You ARENT a monster (Y/N). You'd think we- my brothers, would say the same thing, but Master splinter showed us, that we're better than that, maybe you could learn that too." He explained, I nodded slowly. "Oh, and April.. She apologized, she said she didn't know what she was thinking." He apologized for her.


I hummed, looking up at him, letting him see my now yellow orbs of which used to be (E/C). "I hope you still know this, you're still, VERY pretty, and c-cute-". He accidentally stuttered, he blushed red. "Wa-wait no! Let me rephrase that! You're.. Cool!" He scratched the back of his neck.

I giggled, "What Don? Like my new knitted features?". I relaxed my tensed muscles. I look at him, I liked seeing him all flustered. "A-are.. are you ready to come home now?" He asked quietly, I shrugged. "Sure, but I wanna see the sunset." I looked towards the horizon, the sun was just about 5 minutes from setting.

"Y'know, I needed this, to clear out my mind." I let my feet dangle off the tall skyscraper, occasionally kicking them once in a while. Silence filled the air, it wasn't awkward or anything like that, it was nice and comforting, somehow it connected us together more than talking ever could.

I felt my hands moving, scooching to my right before I felt another hand on mine. My face heated up as I looked down towards our hands. He moved his hands to properly grab mine, his body was now towards me and my body was towards his too. The red hue on my face got darker as I bit my lip, I looked back up to his face, his toothy grin making my stomach feel like how you'd drop down on a rollercoaster.

I looked down once again and smiled by just looking at our hands together, it just felt so right, like a puzzle piece with another. "I hope this gives you a sign, (Y/N)." Donnie blushed, squeezing my hand, before leaning in and kissing- wait! KISSING ME?! I was surprised, but I kissed back anyway. We pulled away, resting our forehead on each others. "I've liked you since I ever got here.." I admitted to him, ah hahhah! NOW I ADMIT? TOO LATE (Y/N)!! HE ALREADY KNOWS!


Donnie smirked, knowingly. I giggled, looking to my left, seeing a beautiful combination of yellow, orange, red and blue. I stare in awe, watching stars appear beneath the earths sky. "It's so beautiful." I smiled, shoving my hand into my bag to see if my t-phone was there.. and ding! Found it! I typed in my passcode blah blah blah, went to camera and took a beautiful picture of the sunset colliding with the stars.

The sky was getting darker and darker, so that's when we decided we'd go home. The walk was sweet, our hands knitted tightly together, nonetheless walking on rooftops and and having to jump every 7 seconds. "Do- do you think they'll accept me?" I asked Donnie anxiously, looking down and kicking a pebble repeatedly as we continue walking.

He stopped walking and made me turn to face him. "Of course they will, we're mutants too. Never think any less of yourself. You're cute, smart, strong, and unique. They're my brothers, they would never do that, heck, Mikey will bother you just about how cool you look, even maybe give you a nickname!" Donnie assured me, I nodded.

We came to the rooftop that we needed to jump off on, he went first, doing a front rollover. "Huh, cliché." I thought out loud. I took a running start and did a front flip in the air and surprisingly didn't hurt myself. "Good Job!" He clapped, sprinting towards me. I got up from my finishing touch and quickly brushed my hands and knees off.

"Okay, we're good, let's go." I picked up the manhole cover with the help of Donnie. I went first because- 'ladies first.' So I slid down the ladder, stepping firmly on the ground because it was slippery down here, sheesh! Moving to the side so Donnie could come down here too, I didn't really know my parts around here in these sewers, so Donnie just lead me to the lair.

"Hmm, let's see here, another left.. right..oh! Here we are." Gesturing towards the bright light. I grab his arm, wanting to speak before we go into the lair. "Hey don? I uh, I'm not comfortable with showing everyone my face but maybe tomorrow? Can you uh- 'escort me' to my room?" I asked Donnie embarrassed, looking down again.

"Sure, I completely understand." He agreed, I hugged that tall handsome structure of his while he hugged my medium sized one. We pulled away and I put my hair inside my hoodie and let my sweater cover my hands.

I nodded. We walked inside, I ignored everybody's stares as I hurriedly kept fastening my pace. We walked by the living room and the dojo, until we saw my room. "Hey that's our friend- (Y/N)'s room!" Somebody yelled from the living room. "I am (Y/N)!" I shouted back, earning a few gasps.

I closed my door, walking to my bed and sitting down on it. I sighed, I wish this 'curse' would go away. "Can- can we cuddle?" Donnie asked oh ever so cutely! I giggled and grabbed his arms, pulling him towards me. "Yes." I replied while he gets in a comfortable position to spoon me.

"I love you (Y/N)." He said tiredly, closing his eyes just for a minute, to see that he fell asleep. I couldn't nap or sleep, so I grabbed my t-phone and scrolled through my social media. Seeing one particular post was making me fall asleep since there were so many words-

that's when I fell asleep :3




𝟭𝟯𝟭𝟮 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀

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