《Love Potion || Donnie x Reader》I Think... -


Hey guys, I know I haven't really been working on this story... And I'm really sorry! It's just that I have two other books to work on, and schools coming up and I feel really stressed about it! And again, I'm so so so so so sorry! I hope you understand!

So right now I'm working on an antidote for (Y/N). I can't believe she's still having those nightmares of the shredder controlling her mind. Grabbing the ingredients I need for her, a noise makes into my lab. I look behind and see (Y/N). I feel heat on my face and I don't know why? She giggles after saying, "Hey Donnie, why is your face red?" I realize I was blushing and I swiftly swung myself towards my experiment trying to hide my blush.

"Side effects of my experiments?" I say more of a question because I'm too awkward to do anything. I laugh it off, her giggle makes my stomach twist and turn and I don't know why... I just think.. I gasp. I think— I think I like her!!

Leo comes in and takes (Y/N)s hand, dragging her away from me to somewhere in the lair. I groan in frustration and anger. Slamming my fists on the table. I sob quietly and as I wipe away my tears April comes in. Great, of all times she has to come in. OF ALL TIMES!!! I sigh in annoyance.

"Hey April." I say not like my other failures of trying to talk to her. She widens her eyes and drops her jaw. I roll my eyes, "What..?" She gasps and stands shyly, "nothing.. it's just like your not like this.." she confronts me, I roll my eyes again jokingly. I blush, she smiles. She mumbles something..


"So, would you please do my homework? Or atleast do some questions? I have a date with Casey..". April says, I roll my eyes in disgust and turn my chair to face her. "No April, I'm not doing your homework for you, it's either you go for your date with Casey, or do your homework and succeed in life." I tell her and continue the antidote. "Donnie please! You know my dad would kill me!" I shook my head.

"Fine. Don't." April rambles and stomps out the room, steam coming out her ears. What did I just do?..

I see April mad and frustrated come out of the lair. I tilt my head. "What's wrong with her?" I ask Leo, he just shrugs. I laugh it off. "Pizza time bro's! And uh, gal?" Mikey yells out. I laugh and stand up to get Donnie. I walk to his lab and he is still working. "Hey Don! Pizzas here!" I say excitedly. He puts an ok sign and tells me he'll come soon.

"Kk." I say. I walk to the couch and take a slice, I blink a few times before trying it, forgetting how it tastes. There's that delicious, meaty, saucy taste! I mauled it down and I try to remember what happened to me, I try so hard to remember, I realize if I do, I'd waste so much time, because of Donnie.

I sigh in frustration and I hear footsteps, to them sitting next to me, I look beside me and see Donnie already on his second pizza, "you okay there (N/N)?" Raph asks, I nod and point to my head. "So don, almost done with the antidote? I just, im getting to frustrated because I'm trying so hard to remember, and it's giving me quite the headache." I say, touching my forehead and wincing.


"Almost done (N/N)." I say okay and head to the kitchen, taking in all the seasonings and smells. I see Mikey there. "Hey (Y/N)." I wave. I take a cup from the cupboard and I take some water. I spit it all out and twist my face with disgust and unpleasant looks. I spit and spit until I get all the taste out of my mouth. "No wonder it's disgusting, it's sewer water... never trying it EVER again..." I exclaim and whine.

Mikey furrows his eyebrows and looks at the water, then me. He takes some for himself and looks at me really confused. "It doesn't take that bad (N/N).." Mikey says. I shrug and look at him, his face fully in concern and curiousity, but then change back to him bearable, cute face.


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