《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 18


We're at the hospital. I'm beside Karina who's sitting on the hospital bed. They ran so many tests for her and now we're waiting for the doctor to come back and tell us what's happening with my girl. Then there he is.

"Doctor Kang, what's wrong with my girlfriend?" I held my girlfriend's hand and squeeze it hoping it's nothing serious.

"As we ran many tests, we are certain that Ms. Yoo might have a Gallbladder Cancer which is a very rare disease." My heart wants to get out of my chest and the grip of Karina's hand to mine gets hard. And it seems like the doctor has something more to say and his expression isn't that good.

"But I have a bad news for the both of you." I knew it. Tears fell down from my eyes while waiting for the bad news he's talking about.

"Gallbladder is often found late. And as we checked the test we did for Ms. Yoo. It is also very late and I'm afraid it's not curable with surgeries." Everything around me seemed to fell. It feels like I'm being stabbed in the chest by many people.

"W-what do you m-mean?" My voice started to crack. I looked at Karina and she's crying silently. I remember the quote saying "the most painful tears we had, were the tears we cried in silence."

"It's already on Stage 4 cancer. The cancer spread out even at the ones located far from the gallbladder. And I'm afraid that she has only 1 month to live." I'm shaking my head vigorously. I am refusing to believe that everything I heard is true. 1 month? No!

"No, no! Tell me this isn't true." I stopped the doctor from leaving and his silence told me that all of it was true. I wanted to throw everything around me, but I realized that Karina needs me the most.

"Jagi... stop." Her weak voice made me fell into my knees and started crying while covering my face. Then the sound of the door opened was heard everywhere. By the smell and presence I feel, it's my parents. Mommy Taeng kneeled down and hugged me so tight while Mommy Sica went to Karina and hugged her too.


The married couple starts to comfort the younger couple with their warm embrace. They are willing to wait until they calm down for a bit.

Winter seemed to be crying more than Karina and it's their first time to see Winter like that. Weak, Sad, Helpless and Vulnerable. It hurts them more and hope that it isn't what they think it is for Karina.

"What happened?" After Karina calmed down, Jessica asked her gently not wanting to surprise her with the sudden question.

"I'm dying, Mom." Karina's voice cracked and Winter cried harder while mumbling the word "no." She lost all of her strength by crying. Taeng and Winter are still on the floor.

"W-what?" Jessica's tears starts to fall without her noticing. The pain that Karina and Winter is going though feels like it's passing on to her. She hugged the sick latter tight but enough for her to breathe.

"Is there any second opinion or is it curable by surgery?" Taeyeon asked but Winter is shaking her head, her whole body is trembling and her sobs aren't stopping.

"No. T-the doctor said that I o-only have 1 month to live." That's when Karina breaks into tears again. Taeyeon is trying to be stronger for the three women she loves around her. She went outside and talk to the doctor to know everything. She instantly regret knowing it and went back to Winter who's still crying like she never ran out of tears.

They need me the most.


Taeyeon called Yuri and her family, Giselle and Tiffany to help her get the 3 vulnerable important people in her life home.

By any minute, the family arrived and Giselle went straight to Winter who's still sobbing so hard. Winter noticed it was Giselle and she left Taeyeon's arms just to be with Giselle's. While Tiffany went to Karina and Jessica, comforting them.

Taeyeon and Yuri decided to let them rest and have their time first and leave the room to have a walk. They went to the rooftop and have some fresh air.

"What happened?" Yuri asked the most dangerous question at the moment. Taeyeon remembered how her family broke into tears from what is happening. It hurts her so much.


"Karina......" Taeyeon can't seem to continue while Yuri is anticipating for the next words Taeyeon will say.

"She's dying." Yuri was taken aback by what she heard, she pinched herself quietly to know if she's not dreaming. Karina has been their family for over years and they treat her like their own family but this is now happening.

"I talked to the doctor, he said that Karina is suffering from a Stage 4 Gallbladder Cancer and only has 1 month to live." Taeyeon lost it, she broke down into tears as Yuri just hold her shoulders trying not to cry as well.

"Stage 4? Why is it already stage 4?"

"The disease are often found late and I guess it is too late for Karina." Taeyeon tried to keep her voice stable even though she's crying.

"Winter loves her so much, dude. She is Winter's first love and my wife is so attached to her treating her like her own daughter. And now this? It hurts so much for me, dude." Yuri has no idea how to comfort the older one and just decided to hug her, letting her drench her clothes with Taeyeon's tears and caressed her back.

"I don't know how hurt it is by what your family is going through, but always remember that I am always here. My family is always here for yours." That words, it's Yuri's first time to say those words and she hoped Taeyeon was comforted for a bit. After she said it, she stays quiet and just let Taeyeon feel her presence.

"Thank you, Yul." Taeyeon spoke while both of them are inside the elevator heading back to their family they left. They entered the room and saw Karina sleeping in Winter's arm who's brushing her hair while their wives and Giselle are sitting next to each other.

"The doctor gave me a prescription and buy some medicine to help Karina reduce the pain she's feeling." Taeyeon waved the paper on her hand.

"Minjeongie? I guess it's better if you both stay in our house for awhile just to make sure you're both safe." Winter nodded and agreed since it's the best for the both of them who's vulnerable at the same time. So Winter decided to leave first to arrange her and Karina's clothes.

"Please take care of her while I'm gone. I'll be fast." Winter asked gently to the people around her Girlfriend. All of them nodded and look after Karina who's still sleeping soundly, waiting for her to wake up so they can drive Karina back home.

Winter drove fast and arrived in no time since the hospital is just near their house, she packed their things and made sure that nothing's left before driving back to her parents' house.

"I'll just take these upstairs." Winter said to Karina and her parents at the living room. Winter went downstairs and quickly sit down next to Karina and hugged her. Protecting her.

"We're just gonna prepare our dinner for tonight." Taeyeon and Jessica left the living room to go the kitchen. While Taeyeon is cooking, Jessica seemed to be in deep thought.

"Earth to my Wifey." Taeyeon snapped her fingers while holding a spoon infront of the spacing Jessica wanting to let her taste the food she made.

"This is yummy." Jessica smiled but the thought of earlier can't seemed to be erased in her mind.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Taeyeon sat down infront of her and hold her hand.

"It's just sad how both of them are graduating and this will happen. I remembered hearing Winter promised to Karina that they'll both graduate together." Jessica's eyes is forming some tears.

"Let's do something fun for Karina's last month in the world." Taeyeon suggested that made Jessica stopped tearing up and think about a good idea.

"How about we spend a month at our house beside the beach? Karina loves it so much she doesn't want to leave there." Jessica and Taeyeon both agreed and started to plan everything on their own. But of course they need to discuss it with their daughters for approval.

Taeyeon and Jessica arranged the table for them to eat together. Karina seemed to be eating better than the past few days it doesn't change the fact that she's dying.


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