《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 17


Karina and Winter are still together living in one house that was given by TaengSic. One year left and they'll be graduating. Every year they visit Karina's mother and eat with her. It became their habit as they all grew closer to each other.

Chaeryeong on the other hand is on good terms with Karina and Winter now and decided to go study at States where she can't bring any more trouble to the couple.

Chaeryeong decided to visit the couple in their house with luggages. She rang the doorbell and Karina appeared infront of her. Karina's expression changed quickly and decided to hear what she has to say.

"Where's Winter?" She asked calmly, not wanting to have any trouble with the latter.

"Inside, Come." Chaeryeong was shook when Karina asked her inside, but she entered anyway.

"Jagi! Here." Winter stopped in her tracks with a tray of snacks on her hands when she saw Chaeryeong beside Karina. Her expression changed too.

"What are you doing here?" They all sat down at the couch, asking what Chaeryeong is doing here with a nice airport outfit.

"I would like to say sorry, for what I have done tot he both of you." Both of them didn't say anything because they know Chaeryeong is so sincere with what she's saying.

"I just did that because It felt like Karina still has a tiny little bit of feelings for me. I figured that being a jerk or a bitch will make her hate me forever so that it wont be a problem when you both decided to be in a relationship." She explained, the other two must've understand what she meant. As winter felt guilty for hurting her cousin.

"But at the same time, I do want to kiss you girl back then." She giggled and so is Karina who seemed to forgave Chaeryeong. Guilt left Winter who rolled her eyes at the latter.

"But seriously, I'm sorry. I'm going back to the states now. I just wanted to do this so we'll be in good terms before I go." They had a little chitchat as Winter forgave Chaeryeong too. But it came to the time that she has to go now.

"I'll walk you outside." Karina suggested and walk Chaeryeong outside.

"I'm sorry for leaving you back then. I'm sorry I had to." Karina didn't want to hear more and just said its okay. Past is just past now.

"I'm sorry for what my father did too." They shook hands as Chaeryeong entered her car before bidding her goodbye to Karina.


"Til' we meet again, Karina." Karina nodded and watch chaeryeong left infront of her quickly.

Taeyeon and Jessica texted their daughter and friends that they rented a whole theater and restaurant for them. Everyone gets ready because it's almost dinner and they have to be there in about 30 minutes.

Everyone rushed to the mall where Taeyeon and Jessica are waiting while laughing at them for rushing.

"It's funny how you all are rushing here." Taeyeon laughs as soon she ran out of breath. All of them are glaring at the couple.

"It's start by 7:30 pm." It's just 6:30 pm so they have plenty of time.

"I nearly killed the cat earlier and there's an hour left?!" Sooyoung choked Taeyeon jokingly then they just decided to eat dinner first.

While eating, Karina loses her appetite when she felt a sharp pain on her stomach. Winter noticed it and worriedly check on her.

"Hey, jagi. Are you okay?" She held Karina's hands which is holding her stomach.

"Yes, I just felt a sharpshooting pain from my stomach. I don't know why." She explained. Winter unconsciously touched Karina's nape and was surprised when it feels like a hot pan.

"You're hot." The others noticed it as well and became worried as well.

"Mommy Taeng, we might not join you to watch movies. I needed to take Karina home to rest." They agreed and Winter is supporting Karina walk to the parking lot and helped her get in. She was worried sick and she don't know what happened. But the thing she knows is that she'll take her to the hospital is she's still sick tomorrow.

When they arrived at their house, Winter saw that her girlfriend is asleep. She doesn't want to wake her up so she gathered all of her strength and carried her bridal style. The latter is still hot as hell, Winter went straight to the room and let Karina rest. Winter never think about leaving her side until she also fell asleep.


I woke up from the unusual sound coming from the bathroom. Karina isn't here beside me so I rushed to the bathroom and found her vomiting. She's having a hard time and it is really hard to watch her in that state but I need to help her.

"Let it out." I caressed her back then she collapsed in my arms after. She looked so pale and her stomach is kind of bloated. But aside from that, she's still hot and all sweaty.


"Come, lets change your clothes." I supported her again to the bedroom and helped her change her clothes. She looks so helpless and vulnerable right now.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" I asked her because she might not like those places after what she had gone through. I'm just being cautious.

"No, this might be just a common sickness like Fever or Cold. I'm okay." Her voice is cracking and it's so dry so I ran downstairs to get her some lukewarm water for her to drink, gladly she did drink it and finish the whole glass and lay down.

"I'll just cook lunch for us, do you want something to eat?" It's almost lunch time and we still doesn't have any food to eat yet.

She was about to answer when we heard something downstairs. She told me to go look what it is so I did. I am willing to do anything she wants and give everything she needs. I opened the door and it revealed my parents who has plastic on their hands.

"Have you cooked anything yet? We bought Chicken Soup with Ginseng for you both." Mommy Sica showed me the plastic. What a great timing.

"You both are the best!" I hugged them and let them come in. We arranged the foods they bought on the dining table when we saw Karina upstairs, she's so weak and she's getting thinner. I just realized.

"Hey, help her." Karina was trying to go downstairs as Mommy Taeng nudged my side. I ran upstairs and helped my girl to go downstairs gently and slowly. Then lead the way for her to sit down and eat.

"They bought it for us, great timing right?" I asked her with a smile and she nodded, she looked like she's just forcing a smile and is in a lot of pain. I'm getting really worried but she doesn't want to go to the Hospital.

"Thank you for this. This is just what I want to eat right now." She took a sip of the soup in front of her. She's eating slowly and after 5 sip, she's already full. It feels like what happening to her is very alarming.

"Let's get you to the couch, lay there as we clean here okay?" I told her and she agreed as I helped her again to the couch and opened the TV, she might want to watch something to entertain her. And she is focused on the screen.

"Why not take her to the hospital and have a check up?" Mommy Sica asked me with a low tone not wanting Karina to hear the conversation.

"I already asked her, she doesn't want to. Maybe she isn't ready yet to go to those kind of places." We all look at her and she doesn't have enough energy to get up everyday or whatsoever.

"Well, what's happening to her might be serious. You need to know before it gets too late." They're right. I might lose myself when something happens to her.

I don't know what I'll do if that happens.

"I'll convince her and will go to the hospital as soon as she agrees." They smiled and I just stare at the weak girl laying on the couch smiling in front of the TV screen. It hurts. It hurts seeing her like this so I will do anything just to convince her.


After staying for awhile, My parents bid their goodbyes and left some food for us to eat at dinner. I sat beside Karina who's taking a nap on the couch putting her legs on top of mine. I am brushing her black hair with my fingers staring at her beautiful features.

Please don't leave me.

She opened her eyes and weakly smiled at me holding my hand tight.

"Jagi?" I called her with a gentle voice. I don't want to startle her.

"Hm?" She answered.

"Can we go to the hospital tomorrow? please?" I am begging her, I don't want to lose her.

"I already said no, Jagi." Good thing she isn't freaking out or getting mad.

"Jagi, the thing is, we don't know what's happening and it's better if we will know just to make sure. This is getting serious." I explained calmly. She still isn't answering and I'm afraid she's mad now.

"Please? I don't like the feeling of not being sure what you're going through." I hope I'm doing just enough to convince her.

"Okay. For you." The smile suddenly flushed on my face. I kissed her cheeks as I ready our dinner that my parents left. I can feel her gaze following me wherever I go, whatever I do.

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