《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 4


I am outside of my house waiting for Winter to come and pick me up. She's so kind for doing this to me heck I didn't even know why. Then an unfamiliar car entered our gate. A Black Maserati GranTurismo. The woman driving the car is the ine who caught my attention. The car is gorgeous but her beauty is heavenly. Being picked up by her is surely on my bucket list.

The car honked, I guess I was spacing out for too long. I entered the car and the smell is so sweet like it is her perfume. I can smell it almost everyday in school. And I admit, I can't get enough of those smell.

"Well hello, beautiful." She gave me a piece of a Red rose.

"Are we going to a Prom?" I joked and she chuckled. This girl isn't slow, I like it.

"I just want to appreciate your beauty and my DATE, in general for tonight." She emphasized the word Date. Is she teasing me? I can feel my face heat up because of it. I've never had date before, even though this isn't a real date. It feels like one.

"Do you really have to show your tummy?" She asked me that caught me off guard. I immediately roll my swear down because she might be uncomfortable with it.

"I mean you don't have to. It's just, some might look at it and be interested in you." My heart starts beating so fast that it might wanted to get out of my chest. What does she mean by that?

"It's only yours to look at." I said softly, I know she's focusing. And she looked at me like a cute little puppy, being confused.

"Hey! Focus on the road!" I panicked and she laughed at me.

"Sorry hehehe."

"Mind if I turn on some music?" I asked, when I saw her nod, I immediately turn on some music.

Robbers by The 1975 playing...

We just listen to the song through the ride and let our soul speak to each other. The atmosphere isn't awkward at all. Atleast for me.

"There you are, come inside. The party is starting." Yeji went straight to us when we reached their house or should I say mansion? This house is huge, I'm not gonna lie. There's so many car outside, I guess everyone's already here. It's still 3 pm and the party is just eating first. I think later on, when it gets dark, the real party will start. With liquors and such. I heard Winter that Giselle can't come because she's running some errands for her mom.


"Will I get to see people kissing later?" I asked Winter innocently that made her laugh. Am I that innocent at this age or is she just laughing cuz she dont know the answer?

"We'll see." She smiled at me. I never left Winter's side because she's the only one I'm super close to. I'm kind of introvert especially I don't know these people even tho they're my classmates.


We changed clothes because earlier we had fun and Yeji splashed the liquors to us that made us wet.

"Karina! I'll show you something." Winter grab my hands and we ran outside the balcony. Then I saw the beautiful sunset. I went closer until I reach the perfect view that my eyes wants.


I turned to Winter and she scratched her nape feeling embarrassed about the picture she just snatched.

"Do you like taking picture of someone?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Nope, just you." She said that calmly while looking at my picture. She mean it.

(This is sunrise but its fine, i guess)

"Send it to meee! That's gorgeous, Winter." I held her hand in excitement and I saw her face getting red.


"Sorry." I chuckled nervously. So I just went back to my place earlier and stare at the sunset. I heard something strange behind me and was shocked when I was pushed forward. Winter's position now is back hugging me.

Stop it, heart.

My strange heart kept on beating fast and I actually felt comfortable and safe around her arms. We look at each others eyes, her eyes, is beautiful. It's sparkling.

"Oh I'm sorry I tripped." She removed her arms around me, I feel sad and wanting more of her warmth.

I hope we stayed like that longer.

"Ouch." She groaned in pain when she tried to walk. I think her ankle hurts so much.

"Here, sit first." I let her sit and kneel down infront of her to massage her foot gently. My mom taught me how to massage so I kinda know what to do with her foot.

"Oof, I guess we went here the wrong timing." I can hear Winter's friends behind who's giggling. Do they ship us or something?

"I just tripped, she's massaging my foot." Winter just rolled her eyes. She's cute whenever she give them attitude. Like a baby tiger.


"As you say, Boss Winter." Ryujin said. They all look at the sunset, sad it'll be gone sooner.

"20 minutes left before the real party starts." Giselle whispered at Winter who's circling her foot to stretch it. She looks like a kid.


They're all drinking and some of them are already drunk like Ryujin, Lia and of course Winter.

"Guys lets play truth or dare!" Ningning suggested and all agreed. This is my first time playing truth or dare. I don't even know the mechanics of this game, but it sounds fun.

"So the rule is when the bottle points at you, you will be asked Truth or dare. If you choose truth, you will answer the question you are given of course witht he truth. If you dont, you get to drink 2 shots of tequila. And dare, of course you have to do what they say. Game!"

Yeji spun the bottle and it pointed at Ryujin.

"Lets start the game with the Truth then." Ryujin sounded confident when she said that.

"Have you ever had an embarrassing moment during a date? And how was it?" Lia asked her.

"Well, we were in a restaurant and I'm showing off to my date when I tripped over the tablecloth and fell into the woman who's drinking her wine. She slapped me and threw the water in my face!" Everyone laughed at her like there's no tomorrow.

"That was epic!!" Winter is the most hyper right now with many liquors she drank.

Ryujin spun the bottle next and it landed on Karina who's busy looking at Winter.

"Karina, your turn." Yeji smiled and Karina thinks about what she'll choose.

"I'll do dare." Everyone cheered for Karina who picked the dare first. Now they are thinking the best dare for the first timer.

"Do you know how to dance?" Ryujin asked. Karina nodded shyly.

"Well, I dare you to do a lap dance on winter for 2 minutes." Everyone screamed while cheering for Karina. While the latter looks so nervous because Winter is looking at her like she's seducing Karina.

Winter sat down properly when Ningning play a song.

( Earned it by The Weeknd )

Karina started by pushing her hair to the back and started with the lap dance on Winter. Winter didn't expect she would be so good with it that she's blushing, her face looks like a tomato right now. Ningning is recording everything to make sure Winter will see it the moment she went sober. Winter held Karina's waist who's moving with the beat of the song.

"That was hot!!" Lia exclaimed that hyped the people inside the room.

"Karina will kill me." Winter's face is still red and looks like she'll pass out soon. Then they all moved on as Karina spun the bottle then pointed at Winter who almost fell on her chair because of sleepiness.

"Dare." She said lifelessly.

"I dare you to kiss me." Karina suddenly spoke unconsciously that made everyone look at her with a shock face. Karina noticed what she said and covered her mouth.

"Well, Winter. You heard the lady." Yeji winked at Winter who's slowly walking to Karina.

"Can I?" The hot breath of Winter brushed into Karina's lips that made her look like a stone sitting on the chair. Karina can't even move a muscle with Winter so close to her. She can't do anything but to nod. Winter brushed her lips to Karina and kept the kiss for 5 seconds because she doesn't want Karina to get mad for taking it for granted.

"Already done?! Come on dude." Ryujin sounded disappointed. And when Winter looks at Karina, she got worried about Karina's expression that she can't read at all.

Later on, everyone decided to just rest and call it a day since they're all tired. Yeji and Ryujin are in Yeji's room. While Lia, Ningning, Winter and Karina are all in the guest room. Winter and Karina is sleeping in one bed.


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