《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 5



"Good Morning Everyone!!" Ryujin is so hyper this morning that even her friends are irritated by her loud voice.

"You are hyper for someone who's drunk last night." Yeji said while eating the toast that Lia made for them all.

"Well, she slept well because.." Ningning can't finish her sentence when Ryujin covers her mouth with her hand.

"Wait. Where's Winter and Karina?" She counted the people in the kitchen and there's two people missing.

"Well, Karina cooked some soup for Winter who's having such a bad hangover from last night." Yeji explained then Ryujin sat next to her to hear more.

"Are they a thing now?" Ryujin sounded like a girl who loves to gossip.

"Nope." Lia answered.

"Karina looks intimidating but she's so sweet towards Winter." Yeji said.

"I can be sweet for you too." Ryujin winked at her and Yeji just rolled her eyes.

"Ouch for that." They all laugh.

On the other side

"Winter? Here, eat this." Yeji slowly walk to Winter since she's holding a tray with hot soup and water on it.

"Ah." Winter tried to atleast sit so she can eat but she's still dizzy and her head hurts like hell. Which leaves Karina no choice.

"I'll feed you." Winter's face heated up again. Then Karina sat beside her and feed her slowly.

"Do you really blush everytime?" Karina asked while watching Winter eat the soup she made. She knew it tastes good that's why she's not worried about Winter's reaction.

"Only to you." Winter winked at Karina who just smiled sweetly. She's kind of used to it.

Meanwhile, the others are peeking at the door, watching Karina feed Winter.

"Is she pretending to be sick so Karina can feed her?" Ryujin asked silently, they all needed to shut up since they dont want to ruin their moment.

"It's a smart move." Yeji answered and they just kept silent and watch the two girl's sweet moment.

"Guys! What are you peeking at?!" Ningning came and spoke loudly that made Karina and Winter look at the door seeing everyone peeking at them.

"I hate you, Ningning." Lia said while smiling awkwardly at them.


"Likewise, babe." Ningning is laughing so hard for what she did. While the others are glaring at her. Karina and Winter didn't seem to be bothered by that since they knew they didnt do something wrong.


So many unexpected things happened this weekend. Whenever I'm with Karina, there's this feeling that I can't understand nor explain.

But it feels like home.

"You ready?" I went inside the guest room to see if Karina's ready to go home. They were all packing their things up.

"Yep, one sec." She put the one last piece of clothing inside her bag then walk to me. We are with Ningning and Lia, trying to find Yeji who's just watching Ryujin cook for her. I swear something's up between these two.

"Yeji, thank you for inviting us over. Happy birthday again!" Karina said and we three just greeted her a happy birthday again.

"You stayin?" I asked Ryujin who's busy flippin eggs.

"Yeah, We're gonna watch movie later." She winked at me. I knew Ryujin's moving so fast, she always does. I admire her about that. She always knew who she likes or what she's feeling.

"Let me." I took Karina's bag and place it at the back of my car as I opened the passenger seat door for her.

"Thank you." She said before I ran back to the driver's seat and starts the engine of my car.

"Do you want to go home now?" I asked her because I don't want to. I want to be by her side for as long as I can. There is this magnet feeling that I have for her.

I hate attachments.

But Karina is special. I know it myself, she is special for me. I hope she can feel it with how I care for her.

"Can I spend time with you more?" Since when did she became this bold to me? Because I love it.

"Of course. I'll bring you somewhere I always wanted to go with." She smiled like she's so excited about the place.

"Do you like heights?" I suddenly asked to know if she would like where I'm taking her.

"Yes, and if you're going to bring me to Amusement park, I'm so down for it!" I look at her with a shookt face. Why did she knew about it?


"What? Heights means Amusement Park or other things. But i'd go with the park." She said excitingly. It makes me happy to see her like that.

I hope you always show this side to others.

But at the same time, I want to be selfish and just see it only for myself.

"Yey, we're here!" She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and went outside inhaling the fresh air as screams surrounds us.

"Let's go inside! Waaah, there's so many beautiful flowers!" She pulled my hand like a child who will grab the opportunity to try every single ride the park has.

( Play Dandelions by Ruth B. while reading the next part. )

We tried every ride she wants and her smile and scream explains everything she's feeling right now. I don't see any sadness between those brown eyes and her excited voice.

Next ride she chose is the Flying Fiesta or Flying Chair. Where your chair will be flying while the ride is going circle. The moment we fly, she kicks her feet like a kid who just got her candies. The whole ride I was just looking at her. Her smile, her eye smile, her laugh and giggle. It's everything to me.

I would take you here everyday just to see those happiness you're hiding.

"Aren't you enjoying?" She noticed I was just looking at her. She's the only one I can see. Nobody else.

She held my hand and continue having fun. She's swaying both of our hands. Laughing while looking at me.

Now this is everything.

"Whoo, I'm hungry." She pats her tummy and I saw that it's already 4pm. I look around to find some snacks, then I found some table and chairs infront of the food stalls.

"Take a picture of me hereee." She said while sitting down infront of those beautiful flowers.

You're the most beautiful flower I've ever seen.

"Let's goooo!!" She pulled me again to the stalls as we both sat down next to each other.

"Wait here, I'll buy some snacks." She nodded aggressively. Then I went to the stalls to buy some Nachos, Hotdogs and Drinks.

The guy who's with the lady selling some snacks helped me bring the food to our table.

"Thank you!" She thanked him and received a smile from him.

"Okay eat now, little girl." I teased her a bit then she glared at me. I want to pinch her cheeks so much but she might get scared or uncomfortable. So I gave up on that thought.


"Let's go? We still have class tomorrow." The sun is already setting and she agreed so we went to our car. I can feel her tiredness but she's still hyper asf. Like she ate 10 chocolates for today.

"Sunset drives are my favorite now." She said while looking infront, focused while the air from the aircon is hitting her hair. I know I should be focusing on the road but who can't focus at this beautiful girl beside me?

She noticed the book infront of her. She looked at me before taking it for consent if she can look at it. I just nodded since it's nothing private.

"Wow, so they really are your parents." Is she serious? Hahahaha.

"Yep, why would I lie about my parents?" We both laugh then she just look at them. It's my notebook with a family picture.

"You look like them, Winter." She's engrossed with my notebook. She seems pretty excited about it tho?

"You know, I like your moms. I look up to them ever since I started to know about social medias." Woah? I didnt know she knew my parents. I will definitely take her to my house next time.


"Karina, we're here." I wake her up from her deep slumber since we're infront of her house now.

"Oh, thank you winter." She unbuckled her seatbelt then grab her things at the back before she waves her goodbye at me. She looks half asleep. So cute.


I greeted my parents when I entered the house. They know I'm tired so they let me go upstairs to rest and not ask questions about what happened. But I know they will ask a lot, tomorrow.

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