《Stranded》Chapter 12: My genius plan


Noah P.O.V

I watch Becca sleep. She looks so vulnerable and beautiful. I used be disgusted at the idea of a guy watching a girl sleep. Technically, I was glancing at her for few seconds, right?

I try to get up, but her arms suddenly wrap around my neck, pulling me closer to her. She sighs in her sleep. I quietly lay down and wait until she wakes up.

After few minutes, she opens her eyes and blushes bright red as she notices her arms around my neck. I am so confused. Does she like me? Or not? Girls always pounce onto me, she was different. I sigh and watch her squeal as her feet touch the water. She was so beautiful.

I liked the way she scrunched up her face, when bandaging me. The way she rolled her eyes, the way she didn't freak out when I suddenly felt homesick. The way she gently touched my wounds, with a tender, gentle expression.

The best part of her was that she didn't care about how others thought of her. She probably was disgusted that she kissed a man-whore like me.

Maybe I can prove that I really care about her. I heard her birthday was next week or something. Right! It was tomorrow.

She walks out of the water, she walks up onto the shore. As she walks towards me, she dries her hair.

I stare at her like a nerd watching a cheerleader.

She was so gorgeous and the fact that she didn't know that made her, even more irresistible.

She sat down beside me. I get up and lightly jog towards the water. The water is so cold. I yelp and hear Becca laugh. I turn around and give her a wink. She rolls her eyes at me. I roll my eyes back. She does it back and finally I do it back.


She tries to stifle her smile, but suddenly she smiling at me. I smile back. This is an improvement! She usually just turns away or sighs.

I enter the water and soon I am no longer cold. I dive inside and see a clam, I grab it. There is something shining in it. There is a pearl in it!

I grin, this is what I was looking for!

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