《Stranded》Chapter 13: My very first birthday on a island in the middle of nowhere


Becca's P.O.V

I open my eyes and hear a enthusiastic voice say "Happy Birthday!" Wait what? I immediately sit up. I see Noah holding a banana with a candle stuck on it. I couldn't help but be thrilled. I make a wish and blow on the candle.

"I am sorry it's not a cake." Noah apologizes as I split the banana in half and offer him half. He hesitates and pulls out a coconut. "Here it's for you. I know it's not the best, but you know birthdays have to celebrated even when you are in the middle of nowhere." He says smiling.

I take the coconut from him and open it. The coconut is like a box and inside there was a pearl bracelet. The pearls are shiny and they are so smooth. The bracelet looks very real. I love it, the shine, the colour. Everything! I feel Noah's nervous eyes on me as I cradle the bracelet. "Do you like it?" He asks nervously. I pick it up and put in on my wrist. "I love it! Noah, thank you!" I exclaimed, flinging myself into his arms. His arms curls around me and holds me closer.

I look up at his eyes. Noah wasn't anything like the rumours I heard about. He was sweet, caring, fun and hot. For once, I actually make my brain shut up and follow my heart.

I decide to take a risk, at least if I get hurt, I'll know better next time. I lean in closer. I kiss him. He holds me tightly as if he thinks I was going run away. I run my fingers through his hair. My arms snake around his neck. I pull away and stay in his arms.

"Thank you." I said, blushing, suddenly realizing what I had just done. I look down, embarrassed.


"Your welcome." He says. I will not look up. I will not- Dammit!

His hair is slightly tousled. His eyes are twinkling with amusement and I look at him. His eyes soften as I look at him.

"Noah?" I whisper.

"Yeah, babe?" He replies. He smirks, probably thinking I was going smack him or yell.

Instead I whispered, "I like you, too" I hated the way he made me feel. I felt girly, weak and vulnerable. I buried my face in his chest. Oh my god! Did I really just say that?

"I knew it! " He says to himself, almost smugly. That breaks me out of this stupid trance. I huff and walk towards the water.

"Hey, where are you going? We aren't finished yet, babe." he calls out, suddenly I hear splashes coming from behind me.

I start running in the water. The water is so heavy, I start swimming.

I look behind me, he's gone. Yes! I won. Before I can turn around and do a victory dance. I crash into something solid. I yelp and sink. As I rise to the surface I look up to see Noah's smirk.

I splash his face. He splutters. I laugh at his expression. He lifts me up and throws me back into the water. I squeal.

I pull him in with me.

Noah wasn't just somebody who I liked, he was somebody who was comfortable with who I was. This might be the start of something new. I thought as I leaned in for a kiss.

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