《Stranded》Chapter 11: The stupid helicopter who passed right by us.


Becca's P.O.V

"Get up! Becca!!!" I hear. I reluctantly open my eyes.

Noah's hair is disheveled and his eyes hold excitement. "There is a helicopter! Wave! We can go home!" He said, his eyes twinkling.

I immediately sit up and scan the sky. We run to the shore, yelling and screaming like before.

"Look! They are heading towards us!!! HEY! WE ARE HERE!!! HELP US!" I shriek, like a madwomen. They are heading towards us, wait what they passed us!

"NO, WE ARE FRICKING HERE!!! HEY !!!!! WE ARE HERE!" Noah bellows, I sink to my knees and let all of my disappointment washes over me. Noah yells and kicks the tree beside him. Suddenly he bursts laughter. He starts to laugh, hysterically.

He rolls on the ground, laughing. "This is the most impossible, ridiculous situation!" He gasped. He's right, it is.

I burst into laughter at the absurdity of this situation. Two teens, stuck on a island. Waving to a helicopter that passed right by them and one of them, kneeling on the ground. While the other kicking a tree, barefoot.

We laugh manically. We eventually sober up. I wipe tears from my eyes and sigh.

If I am accurate, my birthday is the day after tomorrow.

It's my fifteenth birthday. I wonder what mom and dad are doing. I look at the endless ocean in front of us.

"Holy Shit! I have my phone! I thought I lost it on the plane!" I hear, I run towards Noah. He is holding a iphone. Luckily it seems to be unharmed and I watch him try to get signal. No signal. Our one last hope, poof. . . gone.

"Of course, this wouldn't work!" He curses. He buries his head in his hands. 2 letdowns is a lot for a day. I wrap my arms around him. This embrace isn't flirting or intimate, it's comforting. He sighs and his arms pull me closer. We stay like that for a long time.



I unwrap his wound and look at it. It is much better than yesterday. He winces as I lightly brush my fingers on the wound. I slowly clean it and bandage it.

Suddenly I become aware of his eyes staring at me.

It's not like he hasn't done this before. He's probably just curious. I can' t help, but blush under his steady gaze.

He smirks as he sees me flush. "Stop staring at me. Staring is rude." I grumbled. His grin widens.

"Even if my doctor is super hot?" He jokes. He laughs as I blush harder.

"Look, it's a sunset!" He said, pointing at the shore. I roll my eyes at him.

"We see it everyday!" I point out.

"When we are rescued, we wouldn't be able to get a view as gorgeous as this. Besides it's not everyday a guy gets to watch the sunset with a gorgeous girl." He replies, winking.

He was right. I feel myself swooning at his romantic side.

There were so many sides of Noah, I didn't know about. Could I be falling under his spell?

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