《The Mysterious Hunter (Bleach x RWBY)》II. The Implications of His Situation
Ichigo: "Alright, let's see if there's a town nearby." He jumps up high in the air to try to get some indication of civilization. "Hmm... Can't see anything. It doesn't really matter anyway since I'm in Soul Reaper form and people can't see me. Not like I can ask for directions or where I am. Damn it, might as well start heading off in a random direction and hope for the best. At least I've got sunlight now." He says as starts flying off in a random direction.
A couple of minutes later
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Shit! Still nothing! Where the hell am I!? Seri- '
He's cut off when he hears something growling below him. Ichigo stops flying and looks below him.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Great, more Hollows. Let's get this over- 'Ichigo stops mid-sentence when he notices something. '...What the hell!? These freaking Hollows don't have any spirit energy. That's... weird. Maybe these are some new type of Hollows Aizen made. Either that or they're ridiculously strong, so strong that the Hollows are able to prevent me from sensing them. Hopefully, it's the first one or else I might be in big trouble.' He descends and grabs Zangetsu for the upcoming fight. 'Well, I didn't think Hollow had red eyes like these do. Let's see how they fight.'
Ichigo lands on the ground and lets the group of three bear-like 'Hollows' approach him. One of the 'Hollows' tries to thrust its claws in his chest, but Ichigo easily side stepped. When he does, he grabs its arm and rips it off.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Holy. Shit. My physical strength is way higher... Hmm... Let's see if my spirit energy changed.'
He Flash Steps away from the pack of 'Hollows' a little way and prepares to fire a nameless Getsuga Tenshou. He swings his sword horizontally and fire his attack. Ichigo's easily shocked from the results. He hears an explosion and the Getsuga devoured everything in its path, creating a humongous mushroom cloud, leaving nothing left in its wake.
Ichigo: "That attack wasn't even a fully charged Getsuga! But it destroyed everything in its path! It left damage comparable to a fully charged and called Getsuga Tenshou with my Hollow Mask! There aren't even trees left, just scorch marks. Those weird Hollows aren't there anymore either. Must've gotten destroyed along with a portion of the forest it seems. Sorry environments." Ichigo holsters Zangetsu on his back and rewraps in the cloth. "Well, more wood walking I guess."
A Couple of Hours Later
Ichigo: "Ugh! There's nothing! Why!?"
He feels a weird type of spiritual pressure near him, to his left. He puts his hand on his sword in preparation.
Ichigo: "I know you're there. Come on out." He says to his surroundings.
A tall black-haired woman with red eyes comes out of the trees with her hand on her sword. She actually somewhat looks like how Ichigo does now. Must be a coincidence.
Black-Haired Woman: "My, what do we have here? A lone wanderer walking through the woods?"
Ichigo: "Who are you?"
Black-Haired: "I should be asking you that, but I'll give you the courtesy. My name is Raven. Might I know your name?"
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Hmm... I should keep on my guard. It might be due to her weird spirit energy, but she can see me. Maybe she could give me directions.'
Ichigo: "I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." He takes his hand off his sword and she does the same.
Raven's POV
Raven (thoughts): 'What. The. FUCK!? Did I have a... WAIT, DID QROW!?"
Ichigo: "Umm... hello?"
Raven (thoughts): '...he did sleep around a lot... and I mean A LOT! Shit, I should ask some of the girls in camp if this kid's any of theirs that I just didn't know about. My brother is such a man-whore. Then again, this kid could just look like us. It's not like we're the only people with red eyes and black hair in the world.'
Ichigo: "Umm... why are you looking at me like that."
Raven: "Oh, nothing, I was just..." she trails off.
Ichigo: "I'm sorry?"
Raven: "You should be."
Ichigo: "Wait what!?" he says surprised.
Raven: "Well, not you specifically. Mostly Qrow, that man-whore."
Ichigo: "A bird is a man-whore?"
Raven (thoughts): '*sigh* I'm so done with you, little brother.'
Ichigo's POV
Ichigo's confused at this woman and the angry expression on her face. He hadn't done anything... right?
Ichigo: "Look lady, if you can point me to the nearest town, I would appreciate it."
Raven: "The nearest town is that way, but it's about three days from here." She points to the west. "Alternatively, you can come with me and stay with me for a while."
Ichigo: "Thanks, but no thanks." He Flash Steps away from her to get to the town as soon as possible.
Raven's POV
The woman sees what might be her brother's child disappear right before her very eyes.
Raven: "What the- Where- I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!"
Ichigo's POV
A Couple of Hours Later
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Huh? Is that... an abandoned town?' He thinks as he heads towards where he sees destroyed buildings. 'Well at least I found somewhere to rest for a while at least. It's already dark so I should probably- '
Ichigo stares at the moon in the sky. The shattered moon.
Ichigo: "What. The Actual Fuck. Happened. To. The Moon. It's fucking broken! How in the hell did that happen!?" He takes a breath. "Great, either Kenpachi broke the moon while I was fighting Aizen or I'm going crazy. There's probably a reason for this, so just calm down. I've done some weird shit so this shouldn't really affect me so much. Just ignore the moon issue and investigate the town."
After a few minutes of searching around, he comes to a conclusion. The town is definitely abandoned, but he's perplexed as to why some of the buildings have parts of them broken off. There are also scratch marks all over the buildings, like creatures attacked, but Hollows don't usually attack towns. After a few more minutes, he finds a hole in the floor and goes inside it.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'So this was an underground city, huh? I've never heard of something like this, either in the Soul Society or the World of the Living. Like ever. You would think something like that would be on the internet, but I've never heard of an underground city.'
Ichigo continues investigating the area and finds an abandoned train.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Hmm... now trains as well? Whatever. Maybe if I follow the tracks, they can lead me to somewhere.' He thinks as he starts flying through the train tunnels, only stopping when he sees two heavy metal doors in his way. 'Why are there these two huge ass doors? Let's see...'
He starts flying towards the ceiling of the train tunnels. Ichigo grabs Zangetsu and proceeds to cut a hole through the ceiling, making a circle shaped cut. The piece of circle shaped metal fall to the floor and Ichigo goes through the hole, finding himself in an alleyway. He looks around and sees people walking outside. He quickly puts a trash can on top of the hole just in case, walking out of the alley afterwards.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Whoa... Yeah, I have no idea where I am. And I can't ask people where I am so what am I...' That train of thought is interrupted by something he sees. 'What the hell?' He sees a woman with what looks like dog ears on her head. 'Why does that lady have freaking dog ears on her head!? Is it cosplay? It would have to be, but it looks very real... What the... that dude has a freaking tail! What the hell!? Is it cosplay day or something? Ok, just think this through. Whatever is- '
This train of thought is interrupted by a woman running into his.
Lady in a Hurry: "Sorry! In a hurry!" she says as she runs past.
Ichigo was stunned. Not because he was bumped into, but because that lady could see him.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'She could see me? What? She has regular spirit levels... Wait, her spirit energy, it feels... strange, but also very similar to regular spirit energy. That woman in the woods felt much different, but then again... Wait! Everyone has that weird spirit energy! Does that mean they can see me!? But everyone's walking by without second glances, like it's normal for someone to wear a huge ass sword on his back.'
Random Lady: "Oh, is that a Huntsman? He's really hot."
Random Lady 2: "Yeah, look at those red eyes. Rawr, very hot." She replies to her friend.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Okay... so people can see me? And why are they calling me a Huntsman? Just... I need to get out of here. A guy with a huge sword on his back is not looking very normal.' thinks Ichigo as he puts his hood on and walks away.
Random Lady 3: "Oh, look at that guy! He has such a big sword! Damn Huntsman are crazy."
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Let's see if she can answer some of my questions.'
Ichigo: "Excuse me, but can I ask you something?"
Random Lady 3: "Huh? Me? Oh yes! What question do you have?" she replies with a slightly flustered expression.
Ichigo: "Well, I kind of got lost while traveling outside in the forests and I was wondering where I am." He half-lied.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Please buy it.'
RL3: "Oh! You're in the City of Vale. Any other questions?"
Ichigo (thoughts): 'City of Vale? Where the hell is that? Probably somewhere in the US since everyone so far speaks English. Thank god I paid attention in class.'
Ichigo: "Yes actually. Do you know where a bookstore is?"
Ichigo (thoughts): 'I can't ask which country I'm in. That would be too suspicious. I'll look for answers in a bookstore or library. Libraries usually have computers. I'll just look up some stuff.'
RL3: "Yes, just down this street, take a right, and there should be a bookstore called 'Tucson's Book Trade'." She replies.
Ichigo: "Thank you and have a nice day." He says as he walks away.
RL3: "No problem, handsome. Have a nice day as well."
Ichigo makes it to the bookstore and enters it. He notices nobody at the counter, but hears stuff in the backroom, whom he assumes is the store owner. Ichigo looks around and notices no computers. He feels disappointed, but still decides to check the books under the 'Non-Fiction' area.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Well, might as well wait for the store clerk to ask some questions. I'll just read some books. Is there an atlas somewhere?' He starts browsing through the books and finds something historical. 'Let's see... History of Remnant. Okay, never heard of Remnant. Let's see here...' he thinks as he grabs the book and starts reading the prologue.
"Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting that we are remnants of a forgotten past. Man born from Dust was strong, wise, and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving world. And in darkness, the Creatures of Grimm, beings of pure destruction, set their sights on Man and on all his creations. These forces clashed and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning Man's brief existence to the void. However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change and in time, Man's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity lend themselves to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named Dust. Nature's wrath in hand, Man lit their way through the darkness and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life."
Ichigo: "This has got to be fake... Right?"
Chapter 1: Dust
Chapter 2: Grimm
Chapter 3: Huntsmen
Chapter 4: Kingdoms
Chapter 5: Cross Continental Transmit System
Chapter 5: Vytal Festival Tournament
Ichigo: "Grimm? They make it sound like Humanity's sworn enemy. Let's check that one out first." He says to himself.
"The Creatures of Grimm. A ravenous destructive force that covers the majority of Remnant. While often referred to as simply Grimm, these beings serve as the greatest foe to mankind. For as long as Humanity can recall walking the surface of Remnant, so too do they remember this wicked force. Many ancient cultures believed the Creatures of Grimm to be animals possessed by evil spirits, or perhaps the spirits of tortured animals themselves. However, further study, as well as newer, more horrific forms of Grimm, does not support this hypothesis. With new creatures discovered every day, scientists find themselves with more questions than answers. While little is known about their origin, some key facts have been observed in the wild. First and foremost, the Grimm exclusively attack humans and their creations. While accidental skirmishes with wildlife and Grimm have occurred, these instances appear to be based on territorial provocation rather than a need for sustenance. In fact, the common belief is that Grimm are not obligated to feed, but they choose to. What is perhaps more unsettling is the basis of their attraction. The Creatures of Grimm are lured toward negative emotions. In the rare instances where villages are capable of defending against a wave of Grimm, their survival is not guaranteed, as widespread panic will only lead to more attacks. Little else is known about the Grimm. Although the creatures appear mindless, more delicate observation has proven contradictory. It has been noted that while young Grimm tend to be more reckless, older Grimm who have managed to survive their battles tend to learn from their experiences and will exercise caution in the future. This perverse form of self-preservation allows the Grimm to become more effective killers."
Ichigo then proceeds to read the rest of the chapters up through the Faunus Revolution.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Alright, there's only one way to prove if I'm in another world.'
The store owner comes out from the back and stands behind the counter.
Store Owner: "Sorry about that, had to organize some of the back. You need anything?"
Ichigo: "No, I'm good. Just browsing... Actually..."
Store Owner: "Yeah?"
Ichigo: "Do you even wonder how our planet's moon got cracked?" he asks.
Store Owner: "Hmm... Not really. I like to think Remnant is that more special with a cracked moon. It's just the way it is." replies the store owner.
Ichigo (thoughts): 'Yep. It's official. I'm in another goddamn world. He just called the planet Remnant, just like in the book.'
- In Serial153 Chapters
Magic. Math. Not a whole lot of context. Two months ago, I was a wormhole navigator, ripping open a hole in the universe to save a ship of people who only vaguely tolerated me. Two weeks ago, long story short, I threaded an impossible path through the void between dimensions to crash-land into a dungeon. You know the kind: monsters to defeat, corridors full of traps to avoid, and magical powers to earn. I'm not ashamed to admit that it's been two weeks of loneliness, fear, adrenaline, and constant injury. But I'll make it out of here by myself if I have to, or my name isn't Adam Leviathan James. ... too bad the Levi doesn't stand for Leviathan, huh. AN: Expectations should include in medias res, violence, smut, friendship, and powers/progression systems with absolutely an insufficiency of context and (at least at first) no definitions or explanations, and magic-as-programming/engineering (with something of an emphasis on "what if magical runework were an analogue to circuit diagrams"). This story used to be called "Yet Another Godsforsaken Isekai". Discord server: https://discord.gg/dHh3XMMB4T Cover by the amazing Daedalus of The Way Ahead.
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The Gamer Is Japanese
Izumi Kyoku, a young teenager who enjoyed stargazing, found himself thinking that his life was boring and repetitive. He didn't lack anything, and he certainly didn't suffer from any particular problems, but he felt suffocated by society. Expectations, results, disappointment. He had to fight day and night to stop those words from affecting his life. One night, while stargazing as he usually did before sleeping, he saw a shooting star fly away in the sky. Knowing how childish it was, he made a wish. A wish for a freer life with his family. One in which dreaming was more than just dreaming. One where every day felt like an adventure of it's own. Be it because of a cosmic accident, a random God's will or simple coincidence, his dream was heard. How will Kyoku react when he suddenly wakes up to a world hidden in plain sight?--------------------------------------------- This is a spin-off of the Korean Manhwa series called "The Gamer". Please support the Original if you still don't know it.
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Steelhaven: The Rising Darkness
War rages on in the 10th millennium. Two interplanetary alliances, the Kyklos United World Alliance and the New Era Powers, are engaged in an intergalactic war that spans across the galaxy, with the latter slowly but surely achieving victory over the former. In a move of desperation, the Crown Prince of one of KUWA's allied nations, the Kingdom of Icaria, Verigan Aekarios XIII, assembles a team of specialists from across the galaxy to aid the war effort and put a stop to the NEP's progress. As our heroes begin their journey to win the Second Icarian-Orion War, they will go through many trials and tribulations. From the more obvious and direct, such as the thousands of enemy soldiers aiming for their heads, to the more inconspicuous and insidious, such as the prejudices of governors less than enthused by Verigan's course of action, as well as some... darker forces at play. Will our heroes prevail in their quest to end this war? What do these dark forces hold in store for the people of Kyklos? And is there any way to stop them? Find out in Steelhaven: The Rising Darkness! A sci-fantasy novel, collaboratively written by Denver Solace, J.P. Stefanno, Derrik S., Kezo D. Source, and a few other friends. Also available on Wattpad under the name Denver Solace.
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Resistance is Futile 2336 G-L32 is my title. I go G’ell though, pronounce it how you like, it doesn’t matter. I was born, like the rest of the human race this era, with my abilities. I can manipulate the world around me, using the Strand to do it, looks like the old telekinesis “superpowers” the old humans used to entertain themselves with. As of only recently, within the last 20 years, the Ul’Katoin ripped open space to take our planets. However, they didn’t expect our resistance. They are stronger than us, faster, and far, far more adaptable and enduring. Humanity however, can use technology. Wherever they lay their roots, we burn them away with plasma and radiation. But where we lay down our foundations in their world, they snuff out our light with their vines and tendrils. And with The Jhar Empyrean and other space-faring empires keeping their borders tight, we have nowhere else to expand to. Humanity finds a way, and our soldiers will bring the fury of a Nebulean storm upon the Hellscape the Ul’Katoin call home. And I am one of those soldiers.
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The Nonpareil of Resh
Gwyn Black finds himself in an alien world unlike his own after a portal transports him to a planet on the edge of the cosmos. Strange denizens inhabit the world: a people that resemble a treasury of gemstones, a group who all have bony crowns adorning their heads, a tribe ruled by beastly giantesses, and an advanced nation of reptilian folk. The strange world, known as Resh, is full of advanced science and groundbreaking technology. Magic of the past has become rare and the practitioner’s taboo. Towering cities fill the skies, and impressive machines help terraform barren land. Armed with a mechanical creature that can graft to his arm to grant powers, Gwyn must navigate the world as conspiracies, and long-awaited plots begin to unfold and reveal themselves. Whether he will be consumed by a dark curse or embrace the path of a hero is something only time will tell. Notes:The release schedule is three chapters per week minimum. Occasionally “legends” or “excerpts” are released that are considered a bonus and skippable if desired. Typically chapter releases fall on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, with the bonus chapters falling on days in between.
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