《My Alpha (My Alpha Series Book 1 boyxboy)(under revision)》Chapter Sixteen- Bad Things Only Happen to Us


The last thing I remember was a tree and then.. darkness.

The next morning, I woke up pain-free and refreshed. I couldn't remember my dream, which kind of bugged me since I always had the best dreams. I shifted in the bed but instantly froze when I felt some one's breath on the back of my neck. I jumped out of the bed quickly and threw my hands over my head, out of reflex.

Every since I got home and away from Chris, I hadn't been able to relax. I had been on edge and every time someone touched me, I flinched. Except for Ryder, when he touched me, it was different. His touch just relaxed me in a way I couldn't explain.

"Noah?" I heard Ryder say. I slowly let my arms fall down to my side, while my body tried to relax itself. I took in Ryder's appearance, trying to convince myself I was okay. His hair was a mess on his head but it looked nice at the same time. His voice was husky and heavy with sleep. He was shirtless and in the position he was sitting in, his muscles were not being shy.

"I'm sorry. I'm just still a little on edge." I stuttered as I rubbed my arm, nervously. He nodded his head before starting to get out of the bed.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as he stood up, the blankets, slowly, sliding off of him, revealing his defined abs. I sucked in my bottom lip, biting into it as I tried not to stare.

"Actually, I kind of want to go home." Realization showed on his face as he took in what I was saying.

"Oh yeah, sure. I totally forgot. You can take a shower and I'll be right back." I nodded my head and waited, patiently, for him to leave the room. "I'll be back." He lightly kissed my forehead before disappearing out the door.



"What are you going to tell your parents?" Ryder asked as he turned into my driveway. I felt like I hadn't been home in forever.

"Bye!" I said, ignoring his question, as I hopped out of the car and ran towards the house. I didn't waste any time. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Coming!" I heard my mother say from inside. Just the sound of her voice, made my heart leap with excitement. The door opened and revealed a woman, whose face I was ecstatic to see.

"Mom!" I exclaimed as I ran into her arms and held her close. A couple tears slid down my face but I didn't pay them any attention. I was just happy to be home and away from danger, now in the arms of someone I trusted the most.

"I missed you too?" she said, a little surprised. I pulled back and wiped away my tears, a huge grin plastered onto my face. "Next time, call before you spend a night over at someone's house." In a sense, I actually did spend a night at someone's house. Just not the someone I wished it was.

I nodded my head and grinned from ear to ear. "I love you." I gave her one more hug before taking a step into the house. I glanced over my shoulder but only to find that Ryder was gone. I frowned but went inside anyways. I would call him later.

I would never forget what I did. It was because of me that Noah ran to his mom and cried on her shoulder. It was because of me that Noah flinches everytime someone raises or even moves their hand. If I didn't ignore him, none of this would be happening. We could be somewhere having a good time instead of Noah walking around his house and crying because he missed it so much.


To say I felt weak, was an understatement. This "weak" feeling was some what new to me. I never felt this way before and I didn't like it. I didn't feel physically weak. I felt mentally weak. I couldn't even protect my own mate. I was pathetic excuse for a mate and an Alpha.

The pitter patter of rain drops on the windshield brought me back to reality. How did I forget that I was driving? I must have zoned out, my mind preoccupied. The sky was turning grey as rain fell to the ground, making the roads slippery. Luckily, there weren't any other cars. The streets were empty.

Out of no where, a deer ran into the road, causing me to swerve to the left. I lost control of the wheel and the car went off the road, entering a forest. The vehicle jumped and rocked as we went through a forest.

The last thing I remember was a tree and then.. darkness.

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