《Outside The Lines [boyxboy]》Outside The Lines {4}
“Another wonderful day we of classes with Dimitri!” Thalia said as we stepped into the school.
“Thalia, let it drop,” I warned. She had been taunting me about that all morning.
“Lighten up,” Oliver said. He paused and began laughing. “Lighten up! Get it? Because your last name is Light? Lighten up!”
“You’re an idiot,” I said with a hopeless sigh.
“We need new friends,” Thalia said with a similar sigh.
I looked over. “Unf. I’d like to be friends with the lips between her hips. Do you see those shorts? Done. Wear shorts that short, and I’m done.”
Thalia and Oliver glanced over, following my gaze until their eyes landed on Alek. She had just walked in with some friends.
She had a bright smile on her face as she tucked a lock of light brown hair behind her ear. She was wearing incredibly short white shorts and a light blue shirt. Her skin was a richly tanned color, and her legs were long and smooth looking.
“God, she is beautiful,” I said, my eyes following her as she moved down the hallway.
“If you’re going to bang her, do it at her house. Your bedroom is across from mine, and I don’t want to hear that,” Thalia said, rolling her eyes.
“Well, Theo can’t bang her if he can’t even get the balls to talk to her!” Oliver said.
“This is true,” Thalia said with a nod.
“Guys! I can talk to her. I talked to her yesterday,” I reminded.
“Only because you ran into her like an idiot,” Thalia said, Oliver snickering.
“Maybe I did it on purpose,” I said defensively.
“Yea, and maybe we’re not actually related. But the crushing truth is that we’re related, and you embarrassed yourself.” Thalia shrugged.
I stuck my tongue out at her. “Jerk!”
“I’ll be your new sister Theo,” Oliver said, slinging his arm around my shoulders.
“Now that’s just not right,” I said, ducking away from Oliver.
The bell exploded and the three of us made our way to class. The day crawled by until it was time for our study hall.
“Finally,” I said in relief as we stepped into the chilly cafeteria. “The rest of this building is too damn hot.”
“Sorry, I’ll leave,” Oliver said with a frown.
“Please do,” Thalia said, pretending to fan herself. “The heat is just radiating off of your sexy self, Oliver.”
We sat down at our usual table. The late bell rang as Mrs. Clark was entering the cafeteria. She sat down, looking around to take attendance.
I watched as the doors were pushed open. Dimitri strut in, late as always. He was texting on his phone as he walked towards the table he had sat at yesterday.
Today, he looked even more ridiculous, if that was even possible. He was wearing dark purple skinny jeans, which matched the color of his fohawk. He had on a mustard yellow sweater, and bright red Converse.
There was a neon pink shoelace strung through his belt loop and tied in a bow at the front of his jeans. He had a rich purple scarf wrapped around his neck, gold colored letters on the end of it. I couldn’t make out the letters, though. But the purple of the scarf didn’t match the purple of his jeans.
His fingers held their usual rings. His hair was glittery, and that blue mascara and black eyeliner was reapplied.
Dimitri shoved his phone back in his pocket. He looked up and his gaze drifted around the room, coming to land on our table.
A smirk spread on his face as he changed the direction he was walking in, coming over to us. I cursed under my breath as he stepped up to our table.
“Little Theodore. I didn’t realize I had study hall with you,” he said.
“DMI. Are those your initials?” Thalia asked, staring at Dimitri’s scarf.
“Dimitri Mikhail Ivanov. That’s my fabulous self,” he said, brushing a lose strand of dark purple hair away from his forehead. He twirled it around his finger and pushed it up back into his fohawk.
“Cool scarf,” Thalia said with a nod. “I like it.”
“My mother made it. She’s like Mrs. Weasley from Harry Potter. Only instead of making me a sweater with the first letter of my first name, she just made me a scarf with my initials,” he said with a shrug.
Now that Thalia had mentioned the idea of Dimitri being Russian, I realized that he did have a slight accent. It was what made his voice so musical. It had me wondering if he was actually from Russia.
“Little Theodore, you’re staring at me. Would you like a picture?” Dimitri asked, raising an eyebrow at me.
“It’s hard not to stare at a guy who’s sparkling,” I said. He was standing right under the light, and his hair was shimmering.
“I radiate perfection,” he said, flipping his scarf over his shoulder.
“No. You’re just weird enough to put glitter in your hair.”
Thalia elbowed me and I grunted at her, rubbing my side. She shot me a warning look, her expression telling me to shut up and leave Dimitri alone. But, hey, the guy had come over here of his own free will. That wasn’t my fault.
“When I step out of the shower each morning, I like to think of myself as a blank canvas in desperate need of sprucing up,” he said.
“And you do that with glitter and shoelaces?” I asked.
“Of course,” he said, patting his shoelace belt.
“Can we graduate already and get the hell away from people like him?” I asked, turning to Oliver and jerking my thumb at Dimitri as I spoke.
“Theo!” Thalia whacked me in the back of my head and I winced, pouting at her.
Dimitri chuckled as he watched us. “I find you very interesting, little Theodore.”
I stared at him, my jaw unhinging. “You find me interesting? Dude, do you own a freaking mirror?”
“Dimitri! Come here!” one of the guys at another table called before Dimitri got the chance to reply to me. The guy who had called his name motioned him over.
Dimitri sighed. “Tragically, I have been summoned away from you, little Theodore. I know the thought of us being parted drives you insane with sadness, but we will be reunited eighth period!”
“Stop calling me little Theodore! My name is Theo!” I said in annoyance.
“But your name really is Theodore,” Oliver said with a frown.
“There, the awkward background character has spoken words of wisdom. See you in a few periods, little Theodore.” Dimitri winked before moving over to the boy who had called his name.
“Oliver!” I snapped.
“Awkward background character?” Oliver asked, pouting. “I resent that description of me.”
“Stop being so mean to him, Theo. He’s just joking around with you,” Thalia said, narrowing her eyes at me.
“Well I don’t like him talking to me at all!” I said, narrowing my eyes right back at her.
“I’m not liking this guy, either. He’s making me seem like some unimportant story character!” Oliver said, crossing his arms.
Thalia rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Just quit picking on him.”
“Picking on him?” I asked in shocked. “Thalia, he came over to us!”
“But you’re mean to him when he’s just trying to mess around a little,” she said, pulling a book out of her backpack and reading, announcing that she was done with this conversation.
“Ugh. Sisters,” I grumbled, wincing when she kicked me under the table.
I pulled out my iPod and popped in an earphone, handing the other one to Oliver. He and I listened to music together and played game on my iPod until the bell rang.
I stood up, slinging my bag over my shoulder and waiting for Thalia and Oliver. I watched as Dimitri left the cafeteria with his friends, not bothering a glance back in our direction as he went.
We left, making our way to our next period. I basically napped through my next two classes, perking up when the bell rang to release us for lunch.
Oliver and I sat at our usual table together. Oliver looked around for any sign of Thalia and his eyes widened.
I started to turn my head to see what had shocked him so much, but he forced me to keep looking straight. He shook his head at me wildly.
“I wouldn’t look if I were you. I think you might have a heart attack,” he said.
I slapped his hand off and turned. And, boy, when Oliver said I might have a heart attack, he wasn’t kidding.
Thalia was standing with Dimitri, Kim, and some other guy I faintly recognized. They were all talking, Dimitri with his rapid, animated hand movements.
Thalia was laughing and nodding at Dimitri. Dimitri slowly dropped his hands back to his sides and his usual smirk appeared on his face as he shook his head.
Dimitri, Kim, and the other guy waved at Thalia before walking away. Thalia turned and made her way over to us.
“What the hell was that?” I demanded, gesturing to the spot they had just been standing in.
“Human interaction,” Thalia said.
“Thalia! Why were you acting all buddy-buddy with him?” I asked.
Thalia said. “Because our math teacher asked the four of us to help her tutor students who struggle with Trigonometry. So we’re going to stay after school every once in a while to help other students,” she said.
“Dimitri? A tutor?” I asked, unable to believe that.
“He’s really smart,” she insisted. “You’d be surprised. He doesn’t really take anything seriously, but he is a freaking genius.”
“So everyone you were just standing with is a math geek?” Oliver asked.
“No, we’re not math geeks. We’re just smart. But yes, Kim, Dimitri, Jordan, and I are intelligent math students.”
“Jordan! I knew I recognized that guy,” I said, nodding to myself. “I don’t see him enjoying Dimitri’s company.”
“Theo, not everyone hates Dimitri. Jordan thinks Dimitri is hilarious,” Thalia said, pulling out her lunch and taking a sip of Arnold Palmer.
“Just don’t tell him that I’m in his lunch,” I grumbled, tossing a chip in my mouth.
“I don’t think he cares as much as you want to believe. I’m pretty sure he just finds your overreactions amusing,” Thalia said.
“Well if you’re going to be all buddy-buddy with him, then you can tell him to leave me the hell alone,” I said.
“Nah. I think it’s funny to watch you two,” she said, grinning.
“You’re a bitch,” I said, pouting.
“Just play along with the guy, Theo. He’ll stop bothering you so much if you do,” she said.
“No thanks,” I said and went back to eating. I was done talking about Dimitri. I’d rather just forget that the guy even existed.
We ate and talked until the bell rang. The three of us made our way to English class and took our seats. I mentally sighed, not wanting to deal with Dimitri.
The bell exploded and, as usual, Dimitri came in a minute later. Mrs. Slate shot him a dirty look, but didn’t say anything to him as he took his seat next to me.
He had an earphone in, and I could faintly hear the music coming out of it. I tried to ignore him, wishing he would turn his iPod off.
“Take a look at my girlfriend; she’s the only one I got. Not much of a girlfriend, I never seem to get a lot.”
The music continued to drift out of his earphone. He pulled an iPod out of his pocket and paused his music, pulling his earphone out and stuffing it into his pocket.
“Hello little Theodore,” he greeted brightly, waving at me. “We have been reunited at long last!”
“Dimitri! Be quiet before I have to kick you out of class!” Mrs. Slate said sternly.
“Please do,” I begged.
“Sorry Theo. Someone has to sit next to him,” Mrs. Slate said with a shrug.
“Little Theodore loves sitting next to me,” Dimitri said, smiling at me. His teeth were perfectly straight and almost blindingly white. Well, someone sure took their dental care seriously.
“I think we have different definitions of the word love,” I said, glaring at him.
“Love as a noun means an intense feeling of deep affection. As a verb, it means the feeling of a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone,” he said, his lips curling into his usual smirk. “So you have a feeling of deep affection for sitting next to me. As for a deep romantic or sexual attachment to me…well, I wouldn’t be surprised. Most people do.”
“Who? Your dog?” I asked.
“Actually, I’m more of a cat person,” he said. “And yes, my cat, Hugo, loves me. You and Hugo have that in common!”
“I don’t have anything in common with your damn cat!” I said, irritated with him.
“Well, you’re both cute,” he said, winking at me.
Oh dear lord, Dimitri Ivanov was hitting on me. I’m done. I’m so done with life.
“Dimitri, do you know how to be quiet?” Mrs. Slate asked in annoyance.
“He’s never quiet Mrs. Slate,” Kim said, rolling her eyes.
“Well either be quiet, or get out and go to the principal’s office,” Mrs. Slate said and picked up her copy of Hamlet.
“Hm, I’d rather stay here with my little Theodore,” Dimitri said, his smirk getting wider.
“Can you stop freaking calling me that? My name is Theo!” I said in frustration.
“Everyone open up to where we left off,” Mrs. Slate commanded, ignoring me and Dimitri.
We all opened our books and began to read. Surprisingly, Dimitri didn’t say much. He would just occasionally snicker at what was being said in the book.
The bell rang and I jumped up, basically sprinting over to Thalia. She and Oliver laughed at me, and Thalia slung an arm around my shoulders.
“Ready for study hall, little Theodore?” she asked, grinning. Oliver snickered.
“Only if you’re ready to die, little bitch,” I said pleasantly.
“Lighten up Theo! The guy actually shut up for the period,” Oliver said as we left the classroom and started towards our study hall.
“Will one of you trade seats with me? Please?” I asked, begging with my eyes.
“Nope. I think sitting next to Dimitri will be good for you,” Thalia said, patting my head as we stepped into the classroom for study hall.
We sat down together in our usual seats in the back of the room. I turned puppy-dog eyes on Oliver, sticking my bottom lip out and letting it quiver.
“Hell no. Don’t even look at me. I’m not sitting next to him,” Oliver said, pushing my face away from himself.
“Just focus on Alek. That’ll put you in a better mood,” Thalia said, turning my head so that I could see Alek walk into the classroom.
“God. Those shorts,” I groaned.
“That’s my boy!” Oliver said, slapping me on the back.
The bell rang and I kept my eyes on Alek as she took her seat. She turned to talk to her friends, twirling a lock of hair around her finger as she giggled.
“Or keep your eyes on him,” Oliver said, turning me so that I could see Dimitri as he walked into the room with Kim.
“Gross. He called me cute last period,” I said, shaking my head in disgust.
“So…is Dimitri gay?” Oliver asked, glancing at Thalia.
Thalia shrugged. “No idea. He could’ve just been joking around, you know.”
“Yea, no. I wouldn’t count on that. The guy puts glitter in his fohawk, Thalia,” I said with a hopeless sigh.
“Aw little Theodore, you don’t like my glitter?”
I looked up at Dimitri. He was standing in front of my desk, his arms crossed over his chest, a smug look on his face.
“I like the glitter more than I like you,” I said.
“Understandable,” he said, grabbing a chair and sliding it up in front of us so that he could sit down. “Anyways, I must apologize. I’m not here for you, little Theodore.” His gaze slid over to Thalia. “Are we staying after to tutor tonight? Kimberly darling would like to know.”
“Sure, I don’t have anything to do after school,” Thalia said with a shrug. “Theo, can you come back and pick me up when I’m done tutoring?”
“No need,” Dimitri said, waving his hand at me dismissively. “I can give you a ride home after. I have to bring Kim home, anyways.”
“Yes, I totally want you to know where I live,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I’ll pick you up Thalia.”
“Oh little Theodore. I’m not going to sneak back to your house at night and caress you in ways you would find inappropriate and uncomfortable,” Dimitri said, a grin stretching over his face. “Don’t think so highly of yourself. That would be too much effort for an unenjoyable experience.”
“Theo, quit it,” Thalia said, whacking me in the arm. She offered a polite smile to Dimitri. “Thanks Dimitri. I’ll take you up on that offer, if it’s okay with you.”
“Having two beautiful ladies in my car is always okay with me,” he said, his grin getting wider.
“Ahem.” I narrowed my eyes at Dimitri.
But Dimitri ignored me, instead twisting in his chair. “Kimberly darling, we’ll be staying after school to tutor today. I’m going to bring you and Thalia home,” he said.
Kim flashed him thumbs up before turning back to whatever she was working on. Dimitri spun back around to face us.
“Okay, you can go away now,” I said impatiently.
“Oh little Theodore, you are always so grumpy,” he said. I could’ve just reached out and smacked the damn smirk off of his face.
“Stop calling me little Theodore! How many times do I have to tell you that my name is Theo?” I asked, clenching my fists under the desk.
“But your full name is Theodore, is it not?” he asked.
“Well, yea. But I don’t ever go by Theodore. Just Theo,” I said.
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Next to me.
Sequel to lifestyle. Just read.
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