《Outside The Lines [boyxboy]》Outside The Lines {3}





We laughed as I pulled into my driveway and put the car in park. We got out of the car and made our way into the house.

We kicked our shoes off and went into the living room. We stretched ourselves out on the couches in the living room.

“I’m hungry,” Oliver announced.

“Let’s make some pizza rolls,” I offered.

“We also have chips and cookies!” Thalia reminded me.

“Theo! Thalia! I hope that you two are not planning on pigging out on junk food,” our mom said sternly, stepping into the living room.

Thalia and I, for being fraternal twins, looked a lot alike. We got most of our looks from our mother. We had the same rounded features as her, the same strong jaw, the same eye shape and wet-green eye color.

We got our chestnut colored hair from our father, but our mom’s physical traits seemed determined to show up however they could. We had natural blond steaks through our hair.

Our mom currently looked like she always did- stunningly beautiful. Her golden blond hair was down in ringlets, just past her shoulders. She wore a black dress that hugged her body, and a light coat of make-up to bring out her features.

“Never mother,” I said, flashing her an innocent smile.

“Well, your father and I have to go out for a dinner meeting with his boss tonight. Here, take some money and go buy yourselves a healthy dinner. And pay for Oliver too,” she said, handing us $50.

Oliver was always around our house. We had grown up with him, and our parents looked at him like their third child.

“Mama Light, we’d rather just snack,” Oliver said, shooting her a charming smile.

“Oliver, you and Theo and Thalia are going to go eat a real dinner!” she said, using her firm mother-said-so voice.

“Can’t argue with that. I’m starving,” Thalia said, jumping up and pulling me with her.

“Make sure it’s something healthy Thalia,” mom said, watching as Thalia began to drag me out of the room.

“Potatoes are healthy, right?” I asked.

Mom nodded, smiling. “Yes! Potatoes are very healthy.”

“Good, because French fries are made out of potatoes. Therefore, French fries are healthy,” I said, nodding to myself.

“Theodore!” she said in annoyance.

I snickered and let Thalia pull me out of the living room, Oliver following us. We went outside and got in the car, pulling out of the driveway.

“So, where do you guys want to go?” I asked them as I drove around aimlessly.

“Let’s go to Papa Louie’s!” Thalia said eagerly. “Cheap food that’s actually good. We can use the rest of the money to go to the movies or something.”

“This is why we keep her around,” Oliver said.

Thalia thumped him in the back of the head, rolling her eyes. I drove us to the local eatery, Papa Louie’s, and parked the car.

The three of us got out and went into the building. We ordered our food and went to the mostly empty back room to sit and wait.

“I love it here. It’s so relaxing,” Oliver said, folding his hands behind his head.

“And it’s cheap,” I said, eyeing our bill. “$17 for three full meals. We have $33 left to spend now.”


“You’re welcome,” Thalia said smugly.

“So, do you guys want to catch a movie after we eat?” I asked, ignoring Thalia.

“I’m not really feeling a movie tonight. I say we pocket the money and save it for a rainy day,” Oliver suggested.

“I like your line of thinking,” I said, pointing at Oliver and nodding.

“We should go back to the house after we eat and play pool,” Thalia said.

“Yea! I can hustle Oliver for more money,” I said, smirking.

“You’d think that after eight years of you hustling me, I’d finally stop falling for it,” Oliver said with a hopeless sigh.

Thalia suddenly started laughing. She slapped her hand over her mouth to try to control it, and Oliver and I both shot her confused looks.

“It really isn’t that funny, Thalia,” I said.

She shook her head. “Just…watch who comes in here.”

I turned to look at the door that led back here. I groaned out loud as Dimitri and Kim appeared, opening the door and letting themselves in.

Dimitri’s appearance caught the attention of the elderly couple sitting together in the corner and a young couple with a little daughter. They stared at him, clearly startled by his flamboyant appearance.

I ducked my head, hoping to god that they wouldn’t notice us. They sat at a table together, thankfully away from us.

“What the hell?” I hissed.

“I admit it; I totally invited Dimitri,” Oliver said, raising his hand.

I pulled his hand down. “Why is he here?”

“Because it’s a public restaurant,” Thalia pointed out. “And he has every right to come here, just like we do.”

“I think he gave that old lady a heart attack. The sight of him turned her hair white with shock,” I said, nodding at the old lady that was still staring at him.

“Theo, her hair was white before Dimitri got here,” Thalia said with a sigh.

“No, it was black. Get your eyes checked,” I said.

“Shut up Theo,” she said, rolling her eyes.

I sighed in annoyance. “I really hope that Dimitri doesn’t notice us, or else I swear I’ll-”

“Well if it isn’t my wonderful little Theodore!”


Dimitri pranced over to our table, a smirk on his face. “Little Theodore, his sister with the pretty name, and the boy I really couldn’t care less about,” he said, bowing towards us. “How lovely to see you here.”

“Well fine Sparkles, I couldn’t care less about you either,” Oliver grumbled.

Dimitri ignored him, keeping his eyes on me and Thalia. “Hello there, beautifully named Thalia. I believe we have math together,” he said, sticking his hand out to her. The rings on his fingers shined as they caught the light above us.

“Yes, we do. You sit in front of me,” Thalia said, taking his hand in hers.

Instead of shaking her hand like a normal person, Dimitri gave another little bow and kissed the back of her hand. He released her hand and straightened up, placing his hands on his hips.

“Charming to meet you. You have such a pretty name. Unlike Theodore. That just makes me think of Teddy Roosevelt,” he said with a dramatic sigh.

“Well I wasn’t named to please you. Dimitri is a lame name,” I said, glaring at him.

“Tell me how many Dimitri’s you know. I’m the only Dimitri in our entire school. Dear, I am one of a kind,” he said, gesturing to himself.


“That’s for sure,” I grumbled. I glanced at Kim, who was watching us in amusement. “Are you two dating?”

“Why, she’s my sister. Don’t you have any siblings? Can’t you tell when two people look alike?” he asked, his tone mocking.

“Kim is your sister?” I asked, my mouth nearly dropping open in shock.

“My soul sista,” he said, giving a wide snap. “Isn’t that right, Kimberly darling?”

“Soul sista for life,” she said with a nod.

“But no, to answer your question, Kimberly darling and I are not dating. She wishes we were, but I just couldn’t make her my girlfriend. There’s only so much perfection I can handle in my life,” he said with another dramatic sigh, slapping his hand over his heart.

“Can you go away now?” I asked.

He drummed his fingers against our table. I realized that he had long, delicate fingers. The fingers of an artist, perhaps.

“No, little Theodore, I can’t go away now,” he said. God, I just wanted to smack the stupid smirk off of his face.

“Why not?” I demanded.

“Why, because I would hate to see you devastated!” he cried, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I know you’re infatuated with me. You don’t have to hide it anymore, you poor thing.”

Thalia and Oliver began a fit of coughing to disguise their laughter. I stared at Dimitri, my mouth hanging open.

“I’m infatuated with the idea of you shoving your ego up your ass,” I snapped, getting the attention of the elderly couple and the young family.

Dimitri let out rich laughter. He leaned close to me, his smirk getting wider. “I have something I can shove up your ass, little Theodore,” he whispered, gripping his belt.

I shoved him away from me, shooting him a disgusted look. “I want to have sex with you about as much as I want to swallow razor blades.”

“Come on Dimmy,” Kim said, coming over and taking his hand in hers. “Let’s go before poor Theo kills you.”

“Kimberly darling, we’ve talked about this. I go by nothing but Dimitri,” he said, raising a thin eyebrow at her.

“Your family gets to call you nicknames!” she argued.

Dimitri sighed. “This is true, dear, however…I would prefer that you call me Dimitri, and nothing else,” he said, placing a hand on his hip in a very girlish gesture. “Personally, I find my name to be quite fabulous.”

“It is, and so are you. Now let’s go before Theo kills you. He has every right to, but I’d be lonely if he did,” she said, giving me an apologetic smile as she tugged on Dimitri’s hand.

“Well, I must return to my table now. Try not to miss me too much darling little Theodore,” he said, wiggling his fingers at me as he let Kim drag him back over to their table.

“Seriously? Just this morning, I had never spoken a word to the guy before. And now he’s obsessed with me,” I said miserably.

Thalia giggled. “He’s funny.”

“He hurts my eyes,” Oliver said, rubbing his eyes. “He’s way too bright and sparkly.”

Our food number was called, and Oliver went out to retrieve. He came back, balancing two trays in his arms.

He set the trays down and we all started eating hungrily. I wanted to finish eating and get out of here. I just wanted to get the hell away from Dimitri.

“Jeez Theo, could you eat any faster?” Oliver asked, watching me inhale my food.

“I’m pregnant. I’m eating for two,” I said, patting my stomach.

“Man, I just realized how fat mom must have been. She was eating for three,” Thalia said, letting out a little whistle.

“I probably hogged all of the food,” I said with a shrug.

“Most likely. I think whales get jealous of your appetite,” Thalia said with a sigh.

“I’m a growing boy,” I said, popping the last fry into my mouth.

An order number was called, and Dimitri got up, disappearing from the room. He returned a minute later, effortlessly balancing two trays as he moved back towards his table.

I had to admit, the guy had grace. He had the delicate balance of a dancer. With his careful artist’s fingers and his long, balanced legs, he really should’ve been an artistically creative individual. But instead, he was just a flamboyant nuisance.

“Theo, take a picture. It’ll last longer,” Thalia whispered.

“I’d rather not break the camera,” I said, dropping my gaze to my soda and taking a sip of it.

“He’s really not ugly,” Thalia said with a sigh. “If he wore normal clothes and ditched the glitter, he’d be pretty hot. He’s just got those Russian good looks.”

“How do you know he’s Russian?” Oliver asked in confusion.

“Yea, maybe he’s taking his time,” I said.

“Haha, very funny,” Thalia said, rolling her eyes. “And Oliver, Dimitri Ivanov is obviously a Russian name.”

“If my first name was Night, my full name would be Night Light,” I announced.

“You’re an idiot,” Thalia said hopelessly.

“I’m done eating. Let’s go play pool!” Oliver said, jumping up and grabbing our trays. He dumped our trash and set our trays down, bounding back over to the table.

We got up and I drank the last of my soda. I tossed it in the trash can, checking to make sure I still had the money my mom had given me.

“Little Theodore, are you leaving?” Dimitri called over, watching us.

“No Dimitri. We heard that standing up after you eat helps you digest easier,” I said, glaring at him. “Obviously we’re leaving.”

“I hope you have wonderful dreams of me tonight,” he said, blowing me a kiss.

“I hope you spontaneously combust,” I said, flipping him off.

“Theo,” Thalia said, rolling her eyes. “The old couple and the young couple are staring at you and Dimitri.”

“Let them stare,” I said, holding up my middle finger higher to give them a better view.

“You are such a child!” she said, pulling my hand down and holding it firmly. She dragged me out of the room before I got the chance to say anything else to Dimitri.

We got in the car and blasted Breathe Carolina the whole way back to my house. When we got home, we went inside and down to the basement, where the pool table was.

“You break,” I said, handing Oliver a pool stick.

Thalia sat on the edge of the pool table, watching as Oliver broke. He shifted around, shooting low.

“Damn,” he said with a sigh as the 2 rolled to the edge of the top right pocket.

“I’m up!” I said, aiming at the 15 and effortlessly sinking it.

“You know, I can’t stop thinking about Dimitri. He’s so flamboyant. I wonder why,” Thalia said thoughtfully. “He really could be a sexy guy if he stopped dressing so crazy all the time. Surely he has to know that.”

“Who cares?” I asked in annoyance, watching Oliver take an epic fail of a shot. “The guy annoys the hell out of me.”

“I wonder why he chose you as a target,” Thalia said, glancing at me.

“Because every religious figure known to man hates me,” I said bitterly.

“Maybe he likes you. I mean, I don’t think Dimitri’s straight,” Oliver said.

“I think he’s bisexual. I’ve heard stories about him getting with girls and getting with guys. I don’t know if any of it is true, but it seems possible,” Thalia said.

“How can he get anything?” I asked. “I bet sex blow up dolls cower in fear of his appearance.”

“You’re just jealous because you want to sleep with Alek,” Oliver said, laughing at me.

“No!” I said, shaking my head. “That is not true! I just want to finagle with her in my bed.”

“What does finagle even mean? I don’t think it means what you think it means,” Oliver said, moving around the pool table, trying to find a good shot for the 6.

“I don’t actually know what it means. But it sounds dirty, so that’s how I’m going to use it,” I said with a shrug.

“Get a dictionary,” Thalia said, flicking me in the forehead.

“Get friends,” I said, ducking away from her fingers and playfully punching her shoulder.

“Well, I know one thing for sure,” she said, giving me a smirk that I didn’t quite like. It was an amused, evil smirk. One that said Thalia was enjoying someone else’s pain.

“Yea? And what’s that?” I asked cautiously as Oliver made another horrible shot.

“School is going to be a lot more interesting now that Dimitri is interested in you,” she said, her evil smirk getting wider.

My twin sister was a bitch, my best friend sucked at pool, and the definition of flamboyant had made me his new victim. My life officially sucked.


A.N.- Mwahaha, do you guys think things are going to get more interesting between Dimitri and Theo? ;3

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