《The Boy》Chapter 27: A Father


"Why is their hair red?!" Minochi was the first to speak up on the trait his siblings had. He remembered Naruto telling him that he got his raven hair from his father but then where did the red hair come from? Frowning a little jealous he crossed his arms again and sat back on his knees.

Naruto was just as lost as his child was. He was terrified to look at Sasuke and half expected to be called all kinds of names any moment now. The only thing he could think of was that Tsunade did something to his babies' hair.

"Grandma what did you do?!"

Itachi was skeptical too and immediately looked at his brother to see him the calmest out of the three.

Sasuke cradled his son proudly grinning as the baby classically laced its fingers around one of his and tugged blindly.

"What do you mean what did I do? They are fine aren't they?" Tsunade hadn't heard Minochi's outburst since she was lost in her clipboard world. She made her way over anyway to make sure the nurses hadn't hurt the duo and they hadn't. The twins looked perfectly content.

"See, they are fi-"

"No they aren't!"

Sasuke glanced over at the blonde guessing something must have been wrong with the other twin but there wasn't. Then all eyes were on him and he waited at least a minute for someone to reveal what the hell was going on.

"What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?!"

"Sasuke you're awfully calm about this..." Itachi pointed out as he tried to see through his brother but there was nothing hidden.

"I'm not? I'm excited and happy and all these other things at once...It's allot to take in."

"Happy that you were right?! But you aren't right! I never che-"

"Wait, right about what Naruto?" Sasuke quirked his head to the right in a mirror image of Minochi when he did it earlier.

"See even he's confused." Tsunade pushed back a strand of platinum blonde before placing her free hand on her hip.

The navy soldier coughed awkwardly and gestured at the twin's hair. His little brother arched a brow up at him, not understanding still but also getting the wrong idea.

"What you don't like their hair?"

"Their hair is fine! The color though..."


Naruto awaited the verbal abuse with a weak stomach.

"You mean the red?"


"Naruto's mother had red hair? It skipped a generation calm down." Sasuke rolled his eyes and went back to wiggling his finger for his sleeping little spawn to pull again. To him his brother didn't have to like their hair. He loved it and he knew that the strange spikes meant they would have his hairstyle when they were older.

Itachi stared flabbergasted as Naruto joined in, beating himself up for not remembering his own mother's flawless shade.

"Wow Sasuke got that before all of you...shame." Tsunade clicked her pen, shaking her head and returning to her clipboard.

"You're improving!" The blonde chuckled and leaned over giving a rewarding kiss on the cheek to the clever man next to him.

Sasuke accepted the light peck and compliment as Minochi popped back up to look at his siblings again. The bundles started to awake miraculously at the same time fluttering their delicate eyelashes till distinctive coal met their awaiting audience.

"Oh no they have your soulless eyes." Naruto smirked, teasing his partner.

The astonished father bit back a tear jerk, staring back into tiny charcoal orbs that were practically his own. When the infant blinked and sort of quirked its head at his father then pulled his finger he lost it.

"Itachi can you hold him right quick." It was more of an order than a question. He handed his son over and prepared to bawl in the corner.

"Whoa where do you think you're going?" Naruto pulled the raven back down and hugged him close with his available arm.

Sasuke clung onto his partner's shoulder and let out his rushing overwhelming feelings.

"You think you're crying now? Wait till you change your first diaper." The blonde placed an encouraging kiss on his partner's forehead and ruffled his hair. He was use to the deceiving adorable stage by now so he wasn't falling for their cunning cuteness.

That only made the raven cry harder and laugh in the moment.

Minochi smiled at his parents then to his siblings. The one his 'mom' was holding was somewhat looking at him blankly. That's when he noticed that his eyes were a faint darkish gray rather than black.

"His eyes are lighter, why?" the boy asked as he turned around to the woman that seemed to have all the answers.


"That's what I wanted to tell you two. They are both healthy boys but that one is blind. We aren't sure why he's blind and the other one isn't since we didn't start shooting more anesthetics till after they were out. A guess would be because of the excessive drug you took which we removed from your body by the way! But luckily there aren't any traces of it in the twins or Minochi so that doesn't explain much of anything. He can hear, smell and everything else just fine though." Tsunade smiled half abashed to the parents.

Sasuke cleaned himself up to look at said child. His eyes were slightly paler than the other twins set but he still looked aware in a sense. He waved a hand in front of the infants face and to their surprise he followed it.

"Like I said they are smart babies, very bright. All his senses have increased tenfold. So you moved your hand to the right and he followed the wind and scent."

Naruto kissed the blind youngling on the nose and his other father gave him one over his eyes.

"He's still perfect like his brothers."

Itachi agreed while playing with the one he was holding. It seemed to want his finger so he allowed it to pull the appendage to its little hearts content. After a few seconds the newborn realized that the finger wasn't the same as before. With a few hiccups filled with gasps the baby started to voice its displeasure with the lie he was presented with. His identical brother could feel his discomfort and started to holler out with him.

"What did you do?!" Sasuke asked, getting off the bed with overprotective fatherly intent kicking in.

"Nothing?! He just started crying."

"Give him here."

"Okay..." It's not like Itachi had a choice since his brother basically took his nephew from him without waiting.

He cradled his son on his left and returned his finger to the child. It tugged and pulled calming down slowly when familiarity settled in. Both babies silenced in unison and went back to ogling their holders.

"Looks like they're going to be daddy boys. Good luck with that lost Naruto."

The blonde shrugged knowing that after a while he'd win them over.

"What are we going to name them?" Minochi asked, eager to give them ideas.

"What about Boruto?"

"Are you hungry?" Naruto hadn't heard that correctly and figured the man must be starving.

"I can run to taco bell and ge-"

"No Itachi I meant burit-I mean Boruto not the food!" Sasuke stressed now seeing the tongue twist with the name.

"No Sasuke no...we aren't setting our child up to be a Mexican dish! Even if the name means something else that's not how most people will see it."

Minochi nodded knowing how kids nowadays were like.

"Well what would you like to call them?"

"I don't know! Something that doesn't sound like fast food would be nice. Half of Minochi's name means life so maybe we can work around that trend." Naruto explained while splaying his fingers through his baby's red velvet hair.

"Since they're both bright what about Akizeto and Akimeto?"

Both parents looked to their oldest son and smiled at his suggestion.

"Wouldn't that be kind of ironic for the blind one?" Tsunade wondered aloud.

"He isn't blind to us, and we won't treat him as such. He's practically his brothers' equal anyway." Sasuke said. looking down at his silently babbling son in his arms relentlessly tugging his finger.

"Well you're going to have to acknowledge it! He won't be able to do certain things the others can and he'll end up hurting himself trying if you aren't careful."

"We will be careful! We'll be there every step of the way if we have too. Right Sasuke?" Naruto looked towards his partner and received a nod of approval.

"I'll help too!" Minochi waved his hand in the air excited he'd be somewhat of a teacher.

"I don't think I have to say anything." The solider shoved his hands in his back pockets.

"Alright but he'll have to come back for checkups along with his twin." Tsunade figured that they'd need to be monitored during the future, but actually she wanted an excuse to see them knowing Naruto and Sasuke had a bad habit of not socializing enough lately.

"Okay so when can we take Akimeto and Akizeto home?" The raven was already ready to make up for the time he lost with his first son with half their future planned out.

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