《The Boy》Chapter 26: The Twins


"Um Sasuke...."

"Yeah?" He opened one eye to the curious comprehension in his voice.

"I can't feel my legs..." Naruto said in a baffled like state as he sat up fully and touched from his thighs on down.

"...." Sasuke scratched the back of his head with a sheepish grin on his thin lips.

"I was numb a little the last time after I had Minochi but I really can't feel anything now." Naruto continued to poke and pinch himself completely lost.

Their son stirred when he felt a hand ghost over his face.

"Sttoopp." He whined again and tapped the hand playfully.

"Minochi can you do something for me?"

"Hm?" the child sat up instantly ready to be of assistance.

"Sit on my leg for me."


"Wait Minochi don-" Sasuke was of course too late. His son had shuffled onto the blonde's leg and straddled it.

"I can't feel anything! It's amazing. How longs is this going to last?"

"You can't feel anything?!" Minochi quirked his head to the right confused.

"Not a thing, see?" Naruto pushed up the covers to bring the bare tanned left leg over the sheet and out the world. The medical like dress he was wearing rose a bit and revealed the side of his upper left thigh.

Sasuke lost his words and wasn't even sure he could form a sentence after what happened next.

The blonde slipped his hands under his knee and brought it up to his lips. He then bit down on the joint as if it was an everyday thing.

"Yup I can't feel a single thing. Sasuke you try?" Naruto shifted and waved the limp limb over in the raven's face with well-known flexibility.

"I want to try!"

"What?! No Minochi, no one's trying anythi-....Naruto stop waving your leg like that!"

"Awe come on you know you want too."

"....I'm not going to bite you so put it down."

"Awe... but it's really fun!"

"Will you stop it?!" He had to basically take the blonde's leg away from him and lay it back down on the bed since he tried to bite himself again.

Naruto shook his head at the flustered man before turning to Minochi still sitting on his right.

"Any other time he would bite me."

Sasuke faltered and hung his head in shame for it was true. He half considered telling his easily amused love the truth when said leg was brought up to his face again but slowly.

"Hey check this out Sasuke...wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Just like that rap song right? Doodee doop doo da doooo Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!"

Minochi giggled and clapped his hands giving away that the easily amused trait had definitely been passed down.


"Please...please stop..." He counted the seconds as the finely tanned leg continued to wave or quote unquote wiggle in his face. Knowing he was an inch away from blurting out the truth he grabbed the panic button and pressed it repeatedly while he was starred at as if he'd lost his mind.

"What's wrong with Dad?"

"He's having a moment I guess." Naruto let his leg rest and pulled Minochi onto his numb lap.

"I'm not having a moment I'm just...you'll see." He dropped the control and leaned back on the pillows.

"Okay?" His love shrugged and continued to play with their child till Tsunade eventually showed up with clear evidence that she'd been drinking.

Her walk was wonky and she had the biggest smile on her face as she clasped a clipboard in her hands, but there were no babies' insight yet.

"I see you've become accommodated with your legs."

"What do you mean?" Naruto looked up from goofing around with his son at how she said it.

"Oh you didn't tell him?" Tsunade said as she gestured to Sasuke with her clipboard.

"No...you told me not to?"

"Oh yeah I did. My bad *brief audible burp*...I've been celebration drinking! Woohoo right? So right away to business." She said while moving the clipboard away from her grand bust to read over it.

"So, Naruto you are permanently paralyzed from the waist down."

"I'm what?!..."

"What's paralyzed mean?" Minochi craned his neck to see his 'mom's' dazed features.

"Basically it's when someone loses feeling in parts of their body so badly that they can't move them anymore." Tsunade explained as she flipped a paper.

Sasuke rubbed the blonde's tensed shoulders to assure him he was there with him.

"Why can't I walk anymore?!"

"Well as you know you shouldn't have had them in the first place because your body wouldn't have been able to survive to procedure due to bleeding and all that jazz. But lord behold your little on and off boyfriend suggested that we paralyze you for the surgery. Of course we couldn't do that because when you are paralyzed your body doesn't function right at all but he was on the right track. To spare all the excess stuff are you familiar with how medically induced commas work?"

"You tried to paralyze me?!" Naruto turned to Sasuke with an incredulous look.

"It was an idea! I thought that if your body wasn't aware of what's going on it could have bought them some time to stop the bleeding!"

"He's right the only problem was he had the wrong word for it. A medically induced coma works like a temporary shield with a decelerating effect. It slows down brain activity and shields it in a covering long enough for them to relieve any swelling or fix any other problems going on up there. Now we did that to you but to the lower part of your body, not your brain because your brain was perfectly fine." The Doctor beamed as she explained, happy that she'd caught Minochi's devoted attention in the process.


"Okay but sometimes people wake up perfectly fine after a coma so why am I paralyzed?!"

"Honestly it's a miracle you didn't die, but like you said 'sometimes' they come out fine. We used allot of anesthetics after we got the babies out safely. That's when we had to rush and literally numb you down enough to where your body sort of slowed but your lower half remained affected the most. We stopped pumping you after that because that harsh numbing effect was that covering, shield and decelerating effect we needed for that time being. The only problem was it might have been too much which is why you're paralyzed. We aren't really sure since you're lower spinal cords were already seriously bruised from the twins and you're heart stopped beating twice... So it could have been anything..." Tsunade recalled as she thought off the wall.

"So yeah you can't walk anymore, but hey you're alive!"

"You can't walk anymore at all?" The child frowned up at his saddened parent that was starting to unknowingly cry still dazed.

"He can't walk but he can do other things. On the downside still the doctor you got the pills from was found murdered in his apartment. There guessing it was done by one of the boyfriends of his patients that didn't make it."

Sasuke didn't really count that as a downside...

"I can't walk anymore..." Naruto blinked away the tears while trying to adjust to the sudden news. He didn't know how to feel about that. Angry? Happy? Hopeless? A light squeeze of his shoulders from the man next to him brought him out of his racing thoughts.

"It's okay. I'm going to be there for you always." He kissed the blonde on the forehead again to seal his promise.

"Yeah...he kind of has no choice now since you can't care for three kids while in a wheelchair. OH! On the bright side the babies are perfectly healthy! I did some tests because the pregnancy was early. That doctor did give you the wrong pills. Well technically there were no other pills which is why allot of his patients died. Anyway your pregnancy accelerated as a result and so did the babies, but they are slowing down. In other words they are pretty big now but not as big as they will be in a couple of weeks. Unlike Minochi they will look 15 when they're 12 and it should decrease back to normal from there. So, sorry Minochi but you won't be the big brother in height. You might be mentally older but these babies are pretty smart...."

The boy pouted and crossed his arms. He was looking forward to being the tallest for once and now that dream was shot down.

"C-can I see them?" Naruto asked as he held Sasuke's hand in his own shaking ones.

"Of course!" Tsunade blew into a silver whistle around her neck before returning back to her clipboard to make sure she didn't miss anything. The air ripping sound caused the solider to wake up at the ready.

"Really Tsunade?!" Itachi complained and rubbed his right ear that had taken the hardest hit.

"Oh hush you of all people should be use to a damn whistle!"

Naruto looked up at the man next to him as the drunk doctor argued with the restless solider.

"I'm useless..."

"You say that again and I'll call you babe."

"I'm serious...I can't do anything..."

"That's not true! You still got your arms!" Minochi butted in and grabbed his parent's wrists and pulled them around against his little body.

"He's right plus you are still you no matter what happens. You remember how you were a few minutes ago? All awkward, giggling and loving regardless of the situation." Sasuke motivated with a peck on the nose of his sniffling love interest.

"Fine... as long as you won't be an as- a donkey..." Naruto corrected himself in time when their son looked up eager to learn a new word to add to his vocabulary if he didn't already know it.

The chart holding door creaked open to get all of their undivided attention. Two nurses in their alabaster uniforms filed in the room each caring a bundle in their arms.

"Both are handsome little boys by the way!" Tsunade whispered all excited, not sure if it was because of the alcohol or the situation.

"Oh and there's also one more thing I need to tell you two but I'll tell you in a bit!"

The nurses split paths and handed each parent a desired baby blue blanketed package before leaving the room to cater the other infants.

Itachi then got up to take a gander at his new nephews.

Tsunade was right they were pretty big babies just to have been born yesterday. They looked 1 months old already with their small fragile hands and closed eyes protected within plush blankets. Each had porcelain skin and not a single whisker mark. Just perfect flawless doll like skin with strangely spiked cherry red blazing hair.......

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